Chapter 11: Trials and Tribulations

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Geyia was the only one in the station who was unhappy about the outcome of the case.

Geyia just packed her stuff up, walked out the police station, got in her car, and pulled out of the parking structure.

Until, her phone rang. She quickly answered her phone.

    “ Hello ? ” Geyia asked.

    “ Hi  it’s Nala I wanted to talk to you about Cashten’s trial. ” Nala said.

    “ Nala hi ! what happened with the trial ? ” Geyia asked as she pulled the car over.

    “ Yeah I wanted to tell you that the trial is tomorrow morning at 9:00 am in Weill Courthouse. ” Nala explained.

    “ Oh my gosh ! thank you for telling me this. ” Geyia expressed.

    “ You’re welcome. ” Nala told her.

    “ I’ll see you tomorrow morning bye. ” Geyia said while she ended the call, and continued to drive home.

(Next Day-Tuesday Morning)

Nala, Nathan, Branden Airlee, and Geyia were all outside the courthouse waiting to come in.

    “ When are they going to let us in ? ” Nala asked while she looked frustrated.

    “ It’s barely 8:30 am. ” Nathan commented.

(8:52 am)

They all walked in the courthouse, but they couldn’t walk in the courtroom until their names were called.

A security guard walked up to them he looked like he was in late forties, he was about six-foot tall, and he wore his security gear tight on him like he was going to put it in use any minute now.

    “ Mr. and Mrs.Walker you two may come in. ” Troy (Security guard) told them.

    “ What about my son’s friends and partner ? ” Nala asked.

    “ They will come in when the jury asks for them. ” Troy informed them.

Nala and Nathan just walked inside the courtroom and took their seats.

    “ Let’s begin, shall we ? ” Prosecutor #1 asked.

    “ Officer Jim Doel, make your way up to the stand. ” Prosecutor # 2 said.

Officer Jim Doel walked to the stand and sat down.

    “ Officer Jim Doel do you know the purpose of this inquiry ? ” Prosecutor # 1 asked.

    “ Yes, I do but should I be on trial for it ? absolutely not. ” Jim Doel assured.

    “ Do you think what you did to the young man was right, and can it be justified ? ” Prosecutor # 2 asked.

    “ I think I did the right thing because when we asked the young man to give us the money he told me and my partner to wait, and digged in his pocket. What I did can definitely be justified he digged in his pocket, and to a cop that means you’re about to take out a gun.” Jim Doel explained.

    “ Could you talk about how everything got started from your perspective ? ” Prosecutor # 1 asked.

    “ Well first we got a phone call from a woman who worked at the Maral bank saying a young man robbed the bank, so me and my partner asked the woman about the license template on the car she told me it, as soon as we got close to the bank man’s car speeding down the street, so we start chasing him. When we finally stopped him he was on the phone, so we told him to get out the car, put the phone down, asked him for the money, he digged in his pocket and like you all know to a cop that means you’re about to take out a gun, so I shot him.” Jim Doel explained.

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