Chapter 3: Time for Destruction

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(Next Day-Saturday Morning)

At the Precinct, Jiyah and Geyia were sitting around.

    “ Are you ready or do you want to keep observing ? ” Jiyah  asked.

“ I’m ready let's go! ” Geyia exclaimed happily.

“Great! ” Jiyah  said while he smiled.

The phone of the precinct rang.

    “ We got to go there’s been a murder. ” Jiyah  said while he got up.

    “ We got to leave, Yah! ” Geyia said while she looked happy.

Jiyah and Geyia made it to the crime scene.

There was an woman wearing a zebra print dress and no shoes laying in a dumpster with blood all over her.

    “ What happened ? ” Jiyah asked.

    “ Looks like a blade to the chest and stomach I didn’t see any signs of struggle , but I did find wire marks on her arms , so I’m guessing her arms were tied together. ” Melinday explained.

    “ What’s the time of death ? ” Geyia asked while she felt proud of herself for asking a question knowing she was going to ruin the case.

    “ Great question newcomer I’d put the death between 11:00 pm- 12:00 am. ” Melinday said while she wrote it down.

    “ Okay we got to go. ” Jiyah  said while he, and Geyia left the crime scene and went back to the precinct.

Jiyah was standing by Geyia’s desk.

    “ So the victim’s name was Vicky Morks  she was an lawyer for the Rollx Law offices and succeeded on almost all the cases she had. ” Jiyah  said nicely.

    “ Jiyah, can I talk to her family. ” Geyia suggested.

    “ Uh…sure you want me to come with you ? ” Jiyah asked calmly.

    “ No, I can handle it. ” Geyia said while she nodded her head.

Then, Vicky Morks’s family members walked in the Precinct.

    “ Hello I’m Detective Loathly why don’t we go in the company room. ” Geyia said while she, and the victim’s family members went in the company room and sat down.

    “ What happened to my daughter ?” Shelly  asked while she looked concerned.

    “ I want to know too. What happened to my sister! ” Desiree said while she looked worried.

    “ Vicky is dead we found her in a dumpster this morning. ” Geyia explained while she thought about Cashten her dead boyfriend.

    “ Oh my! I can’t believe this she had, so much to do going forward. ” Shelly said while tears came down her cheeks.

    “ Who did this ? ” Desiree shouted while she started to cry.

    “ Let’s calm down um do you know anyone that would want to kill Vicky ?” Geyia asked attentively.

    “ I don’t know, she used to always talk about some guy stalking her it was really creepy. ” Desiree said while she continued to cry.

    “ Do you know his name ? ” Geyia asked nicely.

    “ Robb Shen.” Desiree said while wiped her tears away.

    “ Great, thank you two for coming in today. ” Geyia said while she walked out the hall.

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