Chapter 10: The Trio Pt. 2

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(Next Day-Saturday Morning)

Jiyah, and Geyia were in the morgue observing the bodies. Donn was not in the morgue observing the bodies with Jiyah and Geyia because he couldn’t handle it. Jiyah and Geyia were trying to figure out if the victims died instantly.

Melinday walked in the morgue.

    “What are you two doing in here ? ” Melinday asked.

    “We wanted to ask you about what can you infer about how the how the victims were murdered ? ” Jiyah asked.

    “Well as you know by looking at the wire marks around both of the victims necks I would say the wire cable were extremely thick, so they wouldn’t be headphone wires or phone chargers maybe a wire that look like or have the shape of a water hose. ” Melinday explained.

  “Thanks we’re going to go back to the hotel and see if we could find those wires. ” Jiyah said as he and Geyia exited the morgue and walked up to Donn’s desk.

Donn looked up as soon as he saw them by his desk.

    “Hey. ” Donn said.

    “ Hey we got to go back to the hotel. ” Geyia said as she looked annoyed.

Then Jiyah, Geyia, and Donn drove to the hotel.

When they got to the hotel they went straight to the hotel room where the victims were murdered.

Once they got to the room they all decided to look in different places.

    “Guys we need to find something that the killer might of used to murder the victims specifically a wire cable.” Jiyah directed them.

Then, Donn started to look in the bathroom, but he didn’t find anything.


Neither Jiyah or Donn found any piece of wire.

However, Geyia was looking through the master bedroom , and she found a shoebox that was open that consisted of a wire cable that looked like it was cut short.

As soon, as Geyia saw it she put the lid on the box, and walked out the room hoping to put the box in the dumpster. Until, she was stopped by Donn.

    “Hey what’s in the box ?” Donn asked curiously.

    “Nothing.” Geyia lied.

    “What’s in the box ? ” Donn asked.

    " I said nothing. ” Geyia said while she tripped on the floor dropping the box.

Donn bent down and grabbed the box quickly.

    “Give me the box back ! ” Geyia demanded.

    “No. ” Donn said as he walked up to Jiyah.

Jiyah was in the kitchen of the hotel room.

    “ What’s going on ? ” Jiyah asked as he saw Geyia on the floor.

    “I don’t know I just saw her carrying this box, and when I asked her what was in the box she kept saying nothing , so I want to see what's in the box.” Donn explained.

    “ Okay open it. ” Jiyah said anxiously.

Donn took the lid off the box, and gasped as he and Jiyah saw the wire cable that was cut.

    “This is  the murder weapon !” Donn said as he thought hard.

    “ She found the murder weapon and she wasn’t going to tell us. ” Jiyah inferred.

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