Chapter 7: Persuasion & Calls

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(Next Day-Monday Morning)

Jiyah returned to the precinct and went straight to Ron’s office. He walked in Ron’s office and saw him on the computer.

    “Captain Swenmore can I speak to you ? ” Jiyah asked.

    “No one calls me that especially a detective of mine, now what do you want ? ” Ron while he turned his attention to Jiyah.

    “I wanted to know if  I could get back to work ? ” Jiyah asked as he licked his lips.

    “Yeah you're back on this case, you’ll be working with Geyia. ” Ron told him.

    “Can I work with Donn this time I’ve worked with Geyia too much. ” Jiyah pleaded.

    “Donn is serving a suspension right now. ” Ron while he eyed Jiyah.

    “For what ? ” Jiyah asked curiously.

    “Why don’t you ask him because I’m done with the situation. ” Ron suggested.

    “To be honest I just want to work with Donn on this case ...why don’t you give Geyia a break she’s been working, so hard I mean you gave me a break for a few days I think Geyia needs it. ” Jiyah persuaded.

    “I don’t know.” Ron said while he looked around.

    “Ron I’m going to call Donn, so you could make your decision easier.” Jiyah said as he took out his phone, and called Donn.

    “Hello ? ” Donn asked.

    “Hey it’s Jiyah could you come by the station right now ? ” Jiyah asked.

    “I  rather not. ” Donn said quickly dismissing it.

    “This is our chance to talk to Ron about Geyia. ” Jiyah explained.

    “Okay fine I’ll be there. ” Donn concluded.

    “Alright.” Jiyah said while he ended the call, and put his phone in his coat pocket.


Donn walked in the precinct and opened the door to Ron’s office slightly.

    “Oh my gosh thanks for coming.” Jiyah laughed.

Donn just stood inbetween the door since he didn’t want to come all the way inside mainly because of his argument with Ron yesterday.

    “What do you two need ? ” Ron asked.

    “So Donn, I was just talking to Ron before you came about giving Geyia a little break from working.” Jiyah told Donn.

    “Before I go on that topic, Ron I just want to apologize about yesterday if you could give me another chance I would deeply appreciate it. ” Donn expressed.

    “You know you were wrong Donn, but I can’t say no to one of my best detectives.” Ron said as he looked at him.

    “Thank you, so much I didn’t mean to go off like that, but you really know to push my buttons sometimes.” Donn admitted.

    “So back to what I was saying me and Donn think Geyia is very weird.” Jiyah spoke for both of them.

    “I agree.” Donn mentioned.

    “Weird how ? “ Ron asked curiously.

    “The first case I worked on with her she was acting weird I remember we were supposed to examine the body for prints the crazy part is that when we're making our way to the morgue I guess she made a private call to Melinday, and told Melinday to wipe the body clean knowing we were supposed to examine it. ” Jiyah explained.

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