Chapter 8: Persuasion & Calls Pt. 2

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Donn and Jiyah were still looking at the tape for the eleventh time to see if their conclusions were correct.

    “Donn just face it they lied, and we need to talk to them again. ” Jiyah suggested.

    “Yeah they did, we need to get out of here. ” Donn said as he and Jiyah walked downstairs.

    “Hey guys you two done ? ” Ryderm asked.

    “Uh yeah thanks for the tour. ” Donn concluded while they both left the club.

Meanwhile, Geyia was in her bedroom listening to music thinking of ways she could possibly work on the case with Jiyah or whoever was working on the newest case. Geyia was extremely bored at home she wanted to be working on a case so bad it hurt.

Back at the precinct, Donn and Jiyah were in the morgue examining the victim’s body.

    “Do you know if there is anyone else’s prints or DNA on the body ? ” Donn asked.

    “I’m not sure. ” Jiyah said as he kept observing.

Melinday walked in the morgue to see Donn and Jiyah observing the body.

    “What are you two doing in here ? ” Melinday asked.

    “We wanted to ask a question, it’s important. ” Donn told her.

    “What is it ? ” Melinday  asked as put on her gloves.

    “Do you know if there is anyone else’s prints on the body ? ” Donn asked again.

    “I’m not really sure, but there is some fingerprints on the victim’s shoulders. ” Melinday said while she observed the body.

    “Whose prints are they ? ” Donn asked curiously.

    “I don’t know, I got to check I’ll be back when I find out who’s prints these are. ” Melinday assured while she moved the body to another room.

    “I think we need to speak with Cheryl Gronely and Marcey Loune again. ” Jiyah said.

    “Yeah we need to call them in. ” Donn said as they both walked out the morgue, and sat at their desks.

Jiyah was at his desk calling the suspects.

Cheryl Gronely and Marcey Loune walked in the interrogation room again sitting across from Donn and Jiyah.

    “I’m sure you two remember us Detective Anderson and me Detective Thompson we wanted to talk to you again because you two have been quite dishonest with me and my partner.” Jiyah explained.

    “What are you guys talking about ?” Cheryl Gronely asked while she looked worried.

    “You lied to us when you two said you were at the club the night John Wilk was murdered we asked club security he said you two were  not at the club at all. So where were you two ? ” Donn asked.

    “We weren’t at the club, we were at home. ” Marcey Loune said as she bit her lip.

    “You two live together ? ” Jiyah asked curiously.

    “Yes, we’re roommates.” Cheryl Gronely clarified as she rolled her eyes.

    “Can someone verify that you two were at home the night John Wilk was murdered? ” Donn questioned.

    “No, it was just us. ” Cheryl Gronely said.

    “So why did you guys lie to us the first time ? ” Jiyah asked.

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