Chapter 1: Despair and Success

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Cashten Whittley walked out the Maral bank with packs of money hoping not to get caught by the police for a felony which is bank robbery. Cashten then got in his car, and called his girlfriend Geyia Loathly.

" Hello? " Geyia asked excitedly.

" Hey what are you doing? " Cashten asked in a sweet voice.

" Nothing, are you still coming over my parent's house for dinner? " Geyia asked.

" Yeah I'll be there in a few minutes. " Cashten explained.

All of a sudden he heard police sirens racing down the street.

" Crap! " Cashten exclaimed madly while he started the car, and sped down the street.

" Hello! Cashten! Hello! " Geyia yelled.

" Yeah, I'm here. " Cashten said quickly while he found himself in a high-speed chase with the police.

" Are you almost at the house ? " Geyia asked nervously.

"Yeah, I'm like twenty minutes away. " Cashten said while he was driving 70 mph.

" Are you sure ? " Geyia asked.

" Yeah what's up with all the questions ? " Cashten asked annoyed.

Before he knew it he was surrounded by police cars in the middle of a deserted street.

" GET OUT THE CAR !! " Bobby (Police Officer ) shouted with a gun in his hand.

" Is that the POLICE what's going on ? " Geyia yelled.

" Nothing, I'm at one of one those stupid checkpoints. " Cashten lied as he got out car and shut the door.

" Oh, well hurry up. " Geyia said.

" Put the PHONE DOWN!!" Jim (Police Officer) demanded.

" Geyia I'm going to have to let you go, I love you, I'll call you later." Cashten said while he ended the call, and set his phone on the ground.

" Where's the money ! " Bobby (Police Officer) shouted with the gun pointed at Cashten.

" I'll get it. " Cashten said while he digged in the pockets of his cargo shorts for his car keys.

But the police weren't wasting no time the moment they saw Cashten digging in his pocket they pulled the trigger, and shot Cashten in his chest. Then, the other police officer shot him in his head.

Cashten was lying on the ground lifeless with a bullet in his head and chest.

Then, the police officers broke open the car, and took the money out to give it back to the bank.

Meanwhile, at the Whittley Household

(The doorbell rang)

Nala Cashten's Mom walked up to the door and answered it.

" Hi! Can I help you?" Nala asked.

" What's going on? " Nathan ( Cashten's Dad) asked as he got up from his seat.

" Why don't we sit down. " Matt  said while he showed them his badge, he and Cashten's parents sat on the couch.

" What happened ? " Nala asked as she looked concerned.

" I'm Detective Reynolds and I'm here to tell you your son Cashten got shot tonight by the police. " Matt said in a calm voice.

"He's okay, right ? " Nathan asked hoping his son was fine.

" He's dead he got stopped by the police for robbing a bank the police asked him to get the money he stole out the car, but your son reached in his pockets, to a cop that automatically means you're about to pull out a gun, so the police reacted and killed your son. " Matt explained.

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