Chapter 5: Time to Shine

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Next Day-Thursday Morning )

Geyia was at her house sleeping she figured she get more sleep this morning since her phone hasn’t rang.

Till her phone rang.

Geyia woke up straddling a picture of Cashten in her arms. Geyia then got out of bed, set the picture of Cashten that was in a red photo frame on her dresser and answered her phone.

    “Hello ?” Geyia asked as she yawned smelling her horrible breath.

    “Hey where are you ?” Jiyah asked.

    “I’m at my house.” Geyia said in an annoyed manner.

    “Well hurry up and get down here we’re waiting for you. ” Jiyah informed her.

    “Okay, Okay I’m coming bye. ” Geyia said while she ended the call, and got ready.

Geyia walked in the precinct to see everyone standing around.

    “Detective Loathly and Detective Thompson come see me in my office please. ” Ron instructed them.

Geyia and Jiyah sat across from Ron.

    “ I wanted to talk too you guys because there has been two unsolved murders in a row which is inexcusable, Detective Thompson I’m letting you sit out this case.” Ron explained.

    “ What ? this is unreal I’ve been your top detective for five years along with Donn and these are the only two cases that were left unsolved in my entire career. ” Jiyah argued.

    “ I don’t know who screwed up, but I’m telling you that Geyia and Donn will be on the case, Jiyah I need you to get home. ” Ron expressed.

    “Are you serious ? She’s barely been here more than two weeks! What does she know about taking charge of a case ! ” Jiyah shouted furiously and walked out Ron’s office.

    “ Don’t mind him he’s just upset, I know you’ll do great now you and Donn hurry up and get to the crime scene.” Ron encouraged her.

    “ Thanks Ron.” Geyia said while she hurried out the office.

    “ You ready to go ? ” Donn asked.

    “ Yeah, let’s go. ” Geyia said while she, and Donn went to the crime scene.

At the crime scene, there was a woman lying on a park bench dead with scissors punctured in her back.

    “ This park seems pretty secluded I guess the killer was trying to stage the perfect murder. ” Donn commented.

    “ Well the victim was Lea Droft she was a store manager at a retail store age twenty-six.” Melinday informed them.

    “ Alright first we have to consult with the victim’s family, second we have to run the prints on those scissors for DNA. ” Donn  ran down the to do list while he put his gloves on , took the scissors out the victim’s back, and dropped it in the evidence bag.

    “ Are we going back to the precinct ? ” Geyia asked.

    “ Yeah let’s go. ” Donn said while he and Geyia drove back to the precinct.

Geyia and Donn called in the family of the victim Lea Droft.

The Victim’ s family walked in the company room joined by Geyia and Donn.

    “ I’m Detective Anderson and this is my partner Detective Loathly we called you in today because we wanted to tell you that your daughter and companion (referring to Lea Droft’s significant other) is dead we found her stabbed to death this morning lying on a park bench. ” Donn explained.

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