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Five months removed from Geyia’s trial.

Jiyah got out of his bed to get the day started. As soon as he stood up to enter his bathroom his phone rang.

He turned around, and grabbed his phone off his dresser and answered it.

    “Hello ? ” Jiyah asked.

    “This is Capt. Ron, you don’t have to come in today I’m giving you and Donn the day off I think you two need it.” Ron explained.

    “Thanks Ron I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Jiyah said as he walked in the bathroom.

    “Yes, you will.” Ron assured.

Jiyah ended the call and set his phone on his bathroom counter.

He picked up his toothbrush as soon as he did his phone rang again. Jiyah sighed and answered it.

    “Hello ? ” Jiyah said.

    “Surprised I could reach you.” Connie expressed.

    “I’ve been busy. ” Jiyah simply said.

    “That’s not anything new. ” Connie said in a unhappy tone.

    “Is this what you called me for ? ” Jiyah asked.   

    “I called you to ask a question.” Connie said.

    “What is it ? ” Jiyah asked.

“Could you come see grandpa today at the hospital ? ” Connie asked.

“Yeah, I’ll go since I haven’t gotten a chance to see him at all.” Jiyah mentioned.

“We both know the reason why that is. Cause you’re a workaholic.” Connie said putting it out there.

“Just text me the address.” Jiyah said not trying to argue with her, as he ended the call.

Meanwhile, Donn was at his house.

Donn didn’t know what to do after he got the phone call from Ron about taking today off. He hasn’t had a day(s) off since he got suspended a few months ago.   

He didn’t like sitting around the house for hours it brought back too many memories of his former family he once had. That has been gone for six years now, when he came home from work he could take it because he would walk inside, go to his bedroom, and go to sleep.

As he was watching T.V. he would find himself looking at old pictures of his son and wife and end up crying.

Donn didn’t know what to do, if he stayed home he’ll end up crying all day and if he left he didn’t know where to go.

Until, the doorbell rang. He opened the door to see his mom.

    “What are you doing here ? ” Donn asked.

    “I’m surprised you’re here ! I took a guess and just hoped you’d be here.” Cheyenne, Donn’s Mom expressed.

    “Yeah I’m off duty today. ” Donn admitted.

    “ Great, you should visit your brothers today! ” Cheyenne suggested.

    “ You know I’m not going to do that.” Donn ignored her.

    “You haven’t spoken to them in a year or two. They’re worried about you.” Cheyenne said.

    “Great ! ” Donn said sarcastically.

    “They love you. ” Cheyenne expressed.

    “Oh really ? When my family, my family got murdered did they call me to see if I was okay ? Not at all ! All they care about is their families every time I come around they rub their wives and their children in my face. Basically saying I got a family and you don’t anymore, do you know how much that hurts me ? ” Donn explained as he shedded a tear.

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