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Chapter Five (Edited June 2021)

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout." Michael rocked his teddy bear side to side as he sang, blinking heavily. "Down came the rain and washed the spider out." He giggled as he drop the bear onto his belly.

The nursery door opened as Michael was rubbing at his eyes. He perked up a bit as Derek walked in, carrying a half full bottle of milk and Michael's favorite pink blanket.

"Hey bub, I have to go now but I wanted to put you down to nap first, okay?" Derek explained softly.

"I not sleepy," Michael protested despite his sleep heavy blinks. He knew that if he went to sleep now, Derek wouldn't be there when he woke up. A stranger would be there. A stranger that wasn't Derek.

Derek leaned over the crib and ran a hand through Michael's hair, scratching softly at his scalp. He pressed the nipple of the bottle to Michael's lips and hummed Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to soothe the boy.

"I'll miss you, Dee," Michael sniffled, tears pooling in his round green eyes.

"It's okay bub, I'll be back in a few hours. The babysitter is really nice, I promise. He even said that he'd play tea party with you. He'll take good care of you, bub, I promise," Derek said, smoothing his hand through the boys hair. Michael pouted, reluctantly relaxing into his bed.

"Okay, Dee," Michael relented softly.

"I'll be back soon, Mikey," Derek said, sliding his fingers through the boys hair and humming softly until the boy fell asleep and Derek could slip out.


Michael stirred as his eyes fluttered open, his body too hot beneath his blankets. He kicked them off as he sat up, his wet diaper squishing beneath him.

"Dee," he called out with a little sniffle, his tummy rumbling. He banged on the bars of the crib, calling Derek's name again. He grumbled as he searched for his paci, shifting uncomfortably in his full diaper. It was hidden in his blankets and when he put it in his mouth, he had to immediately take it out and rub it on his onesie to get the lint off.

He suckled on his binkie to try to soothe himself as he heard footsteps coming up to the hall. The door opened and Michael looked up with furrowed eyebrows as a stranger walked in.

"Um, hi Michael," the stranger said, waving slightly. Michael whimpered as he backed away to the corner of his crib, pulling his blankets up to protect himself.

"No, it's okay. I'm Ashton, I'm your new babysitter,"
The man said, stepping in front of Michaels crib. Michael shook his head, whining and kicking his legs.

"It's okay sweetheart. Can you come here so I can change your diaper?" Ashton asked, holding his arms out for Michael. The boy didn't want to go with a stranger but his diaper was completely full and it was starting to get really uncomfortable, so he reluctantly allowed Ashton to pick him up.

The man laid him down on the changing table and unsnapped the buttons of his onesie. Michael pouted as Ashton untapped the tabs of his diaper, removing it from under him. Ashton gently wiped him down, applying a bit of rash cream before tapping a new diaper on him.

"Alright, all clean," Ashton smiled as he buttoned up Michaels onesie again.

Michael smiled placatingly, but as soon as he was set on his feet, he was scurrying from the room. Ashton stared at the open door with round eyes, his hands hanging in the air with no idea what to do.

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