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Michael rubbed his eyes softly as he let out a small whine. The little boy cried out, wigggling his little, footsie pajama clad legs. A few moments later, Ashton came waking into the room with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Ashton cooed as he picked Michael up off of his bed. Michael sniffled, latching himself tightly against Ashton and nuzzling into his neck.

"You've got daycare today, baby. We gotta get you dressed"
Ashton said softly as he laid Michael on the changing table.

"I not go" Michael whined, wiggling as Ashton tried to change his diaper. Ashton gave Michael a strict look as he held him still to slip a diaper on him.

"It's only for a bit, baby. Daddy has to work so he can buy you lots of new toys. Don't you want toys? And happy meals?" Ashton asked in a persuasive tone.

"Miss daddy," Michael pouted. Ashton slipped Michael into a Minnie Mouse tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"I'll be there right after work, honey" Ashton assured as he guided Michaels feet into white socks and red high top converse.

"Promise?" Michael asked, his lip jutted out. Ashton gently kissed the boy's forehead and picked him up from the changing table.

"I promise, little one," Ashton smiled as he placed a pacifier in Michaels mouth. Michael leaned his head against Ashton's chest as the man grabbed his diaper bag and walked him out of his nursery.

"Bye Mikey," Alison and Lydia said in unison. Michael waved sweetly to the girls before Ashton was walking outside. Ashton placed Michael in his car seat and buckled the boy up, kissing his nose just to hear him giggle.

After a few minutes of listening to the radio and hearing Michael point out every puppy he saw and giggling, Ashton pulled up into the parking lot of the daycare. The man got out of the car and gently pulled Michael out. The little boy suckled on his binkie as Ashton signed him in and led him to his classroom.

"Be good, okay baby? I'll see you soon," Ashton said as he stood Michael up and kissing his cheek.

"I love you, daddy," Michael smiled as he waved Ashton off. The little boy curiously looked around, running to the glowing ball that was in the corner of the room. The boy giggled, hitting the ball against the ground to get it to glow.

"Hey little man, you must be Michael," An unfamiliar voice said. Michael looked up and settled his eyes upon a blonde woman who was holding lollipops. Michael eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw a cherry flavored one.

"Can I has that one?" Michael asked as he pointed to the red lolly. The woman chuckled as he unwrapped the candy and handed it to the boy.

"Thank you," Michael smiled as he looked back down at the toy in his hand. The woman walked away as a loud crying filled the room. Michael looked up again with furrowed eyebrows. A tall tan man was carrying a little blonde boy who was latching tightly onto the man and screaming. Michael stood up and curiously cocked his head to the side as he watched the seen unfold. The little blonde boy was set down, tears running down his face as the tan man left. Michael walked over to the boy who was clutching a little bunny plushy to his chest and sucking on a pink binkie.

"Hi," Michael smiled as he clumsily sat with his legs crossed. The little blonde sniffled as he looked up, little sobs leaving his lips.

"Why are you crying?" Michael asked, cocking his head to the side.

"I... want... dadda," The blonde said between sobs. Michael scooted closer to the boy as he offered a warm smile.

"I want my daddy too, but daddy said he be here very very soon, you're daddy will too," Michael assured. The little blue eyed boy looked up, his chest sputtering.

"Pwomise?" The boy asked, holding his pinkie up. Michael smiled as he wrapped his pinkie around the boy's.

"I promise," Michael said.

"I Luke," the boy said, sniffling as he wiped his tears.

"I'm Michael. But you can call me Mikey," Michael smiled.

"Do you want to share my lolly?" Michael asked, smiling sweetly. Luke peeked up, nodded his head as he placed his binkie in his pocket and put Michaels lollipop in his mouth. Michael and Luke giggled as they played together for a few hours until the door opened and closed and Luke was gasping and smiling brighter than Michael had seen in the hours that they were playing.

"Dadda!" Luke squealed, throwing his hands up. The tall tan man that Michael had seen earlier walked up and picked Luke up.

"I missed you so much, baby boy," the man said as he kissed all over Luke's face, making him giggle. Luke looked down at Michael and pointed at the boy with a wide smile.

"Dadda, that Mikey," Luke said sweetly. Calum looked down at Michael and smiled at the boy. Michael waved sweetly, smiling over his binkie.

"Michael?" A worried sounding voice called out. Michael poked out from around the tall man and waved to get Ashton's attention.

"I over here, daddy," Michael said, slurring slightly over his binkie. Ashton looked over and sighed as he walked over.

"You scared me, princess," Ashton said as he picked Michael up and settled the boy on his hip.

"Daddy, this is Luke," Michael introduced, gently poking Luke's cheek and making the boy giggle. Ashton looked over at the two boy's and gave a friendly smile.

"Hello Luke, I'm Ashton," He smiled. The man stuck his hand out and the two shook hands.

"I'm Calum," He said.

"Bu bye Mikey," Luke waved sweetly. Michael smiled and waved as the little blonde was carried away. Michael gave Ashton a sloppy kiss to the cheek as the man walked them out.

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