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Chapter Ten (Edited July, 2021)

Michael rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he sat up, whining softly. His diaper was dry but his binkie was nowhere in sight. Only seconds later, a familiar curly haired boy was strolling into the room.

"Good morning love," Ashton smiled.

"Morning, daddy," Michael flushed when the name
slipped again. He looked down at his fingers with a blush. "Sorry," he mumbled. Ashton gently picked Michael up and held a binkie to his lips. Michael happily accepted, suckling on the rubber as Ashton kissed his cheek.

"It's okay, baby. Like I said, I don't think Derek would like that," he whispered softly. Michael blushed with a nod.

"I have a surprise for you, downstairs" Ashton said with a smile, swiftly changing the topic. Michaels head popped up with curiosity, his lips curving in a smile around his binkie.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Let's go see," Ashton smiled as he carried Michael out of the room. Michael wrapped his legs around Ashton's waist, his arms loosely hanging around the mans neck. When Ashton walked into the kitchen, Michael gasped, his binkie falling from his lips. The table was covered with a large pink cloth, little plates and tea cups set up in front of each chair. Mini sandwiches and stacks of desserts filled the table, tea pots that Ashton filled with chocolate milk set in the center. Some of Michaels big stuffed animals sat at some of the chairs, four still unoccupied.

"Tea party?" Michael asked with a wide smile. Ashton chuckled with a nod.

"Yeah, tea party. But we have two guests. Girls, come say hello," Ashton called. Michael shyly tucked his head into Ashton's neck when two girls came out from the living room. Michael started instinctively sucking his thumb as the girls walked up to him.

"Michael, these are my friends Allison and Lydia, can you say hi?" Ashton asked.

"Hello," Michael bashfully said, his voice slurred behind his thumb. Alison and Lydia both cooed.

"Oh my god, he's so cute!" They both gushed at the same time. Michael giggled, hugging Ashton tighter as he blushed a light shade of pink. Ashton chuckled as he set Michael on his feet.

"Wait! I has to change," Michael exclaimed before scurrying off. Ashton watched fondly as Michael ran up the stairs, his little feet padding against the hardwood staircase.

"I can see why you're so obsessed with him," Allison said with a light as she took a seat at the table, barely stopping herself from grabbing a cupcake that Ashton forced Lydia to bake for Michaels tea party.

"I'm not obsessed with him," Ashton argued. .

"Hun, you spent two hours last night with Lydia making cupcakes, then two more hours because you burned the first ones to a crisp. Plus, you spent forty-five minutes at Target roaming around the aisles trying to find sweets that you think Michael would like. So Ashton, to conclude, yes, I would say you are a little bit obsessed," Allison said, smiling teasingly. Ashton rolled his eyes, ready to go off on a tangent about how it's not an obsession but an adoration, but he was interrupted by a little pitter patter of feet.

"Okay I ready!" Michael yelled as he ran into the kitchen, smiling wide as he stared up at Ashton. Ashton's stomach twisted with warmth as he looked down at Michael, the little boy dressed up in a pink princess dress that poofed out around the knees, and a tiara. Ashton smiled warmly as he pulled a chair out for the boy.

"You look beautiful, baby," Ashton said softly, kissing Michaels forehead. The little boy blushed a deep pink, smiling wide at Ashton.

"Thank you, daddy," Michael whispered quietly close to Ashton's ear as he hugged the man. Ashton's stomach fills with that familiar warmth and love that always appears when he's around Michael. Adoration and love filled his head, all he wanted was to keep that pretty smile on the boy's face.

Ashton kissed Michaels forehead before sitting down beside the boy. Michael gasped before jumping out of his seat again.

"Wait! I gotta get dress ups for Aly, Lyds, and Ashy, I be back!" Michael exclaimed before he was running out of the kitchen and up the stairs again. Ashton turned to Alison and Lydia, who were staring at the stairs with wide eyes.

"We have nicknames."

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