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Chapter fourteen (Edited September 2021)



"Daddy!" Michael sang loudly with a small giggle. He rolled onto his stomach, the skirt part of his overalls riding up and showing off his diaper. The boy sucked on his pacifier, waiting for Ashton to come and get him from his nap.

"Daddy!" Michael yelled over his pacifier, drawing out the 'a' with a giggle. A few moments later, the man was walking into the room.

"G'morning baby doll," Ashton smiled as he walked up to Michaels crib. The boy giggled as he raised his arms for Ashton to pick him up. Ashton set the boy on his hip, softly kissing his cheek.

"Mornin' daddy," Michael smiled sweetly. Ashton chuckled, walking the boy down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What does my baby want for lunch? Oh, Allison and Lydia are coming over in a few minutes, do you want to make them some pizza? We can add all the toppings we want, how does that sound, baby boy?" Ashton asked, setting Michael down on the counter. The boy nodded excitedly.

"Yes! Can we put pineapple?" Michael asked. Ashton chuckled as he turned to gather all of the ingredients, placing it all on the counter.

"Of course we can. How about, you put the sauce on the dough while I go and get my phone so I can call Aly and Lydia?" Ashton suggested.

"Okay," Michael nodded excitedly. Ashton pushed a stool in front of the counter and placed Michael on it.

"I'll be right back, baby doll," Ashton kissed Michaels cheek before leaving the room. Michael's tongue poked out between his lips as he grabbed the pizza sauce and started pouring it on the dough. His eyebrows furrowed when he didn't see anything to spread the sauce with. Shrugging it off, the boy dipped his fingers in the sauce and started spreading it all around, giggling at the cold, squishy feeling. The boy scratched his cheek, not smearing sauce on it in the process. He finished spreading the sauce and lazily wiped his hands on his apron. A few seconds later, Ashton walked into the kitchen, taking one look at Michael before
bursting into laughter.

"Daddy, look, I did it!" Michael cheered. Ashton smiled as he walked over, assessing the mess.

"Good job, baby boy. Let's put cheese on," Ashton said, grabbing the bag of pre-shredded cheese. He opened the bag and held it open for Michael. The little boy dipped his hand in and grabbed a fistful of cheese, dumping it over the pizza.

"Daddy, peponi!" Michael demanded. Ashton chuckled, setting the bag of cheese away from Michael's curious hands.

"What's the magic word?" Ashton asked.

"Pretty peas," Michael sang, smiling wide. Ashton chuckled as he grabbed the pepperoni from the fridge and handed it to Michael. This went on for another ten minutes, five of them spent getting ingredients and watching Michael dump them on, and the other five spent on watching Michael 'perfect his masterpiece'.

"I think someone needs a bath," Ashton chuckled once the pizza was in the oven. Michael pouted, shaking his head as Ashton picked him up.

"No daddy! I has to wait for Lydia and Aly and the pizzas!" Michael whined, trying to wiggle away down from Ashton's arms. The man, however, was much stronger as he carried Michael to the bathroom.

"You don't want to look messy when Lydia and Aly get here, do you? You want to be nice and clean for them, right baby?" Ashton reasoned as he set Michael down and started the bath. Michael perked up, smiling as he nodded.

"Okay, but I be really quick!" Michael insisted. Ashton helped Michael undress, taking the boys dirty clothes and putting them in the laundry hamper. When the tub was full, he turned off the water and helped Michael in, sitting the boy down.

"Hurry, daddy!" Michael insisted, pushing the soap towards Ashton. The man rolled his eyes playfully as he dragged a washcloth over the boy's body. Michael giggled and squirmed when he claimed that it tickled, not even bothering to play with his toys because of how much of a rush he was in.

After about ten minutes, Ashton helped his boy out of the bath and wrapped a towel around him. As they were leaving the bathroom, the doorbell rang, making Michael gasp.

"You have to get dressed first," Ashton said, ushering Michael towards the nursery.

"No Daddy! I wan' say hi first," Michael pouted, fighting against Ashton.

"I'll let you say hi but you need to get dressed right after, do you understand princess," Ashton said strictly.

"I understand daddy," Michael giggled as he raced to the door. Once he made sure that none of Michaels little, bare body was showing under the towel wrapped around him, Ashton unlocked and opened the door.

"Hi Aly! Hi Lyds!" Michael cheered, giggling as the two walked inside.

"Hi cupcake! Why're you naked?" Allison asked with a chuckle.

"Daddy mades me take a bath" Michael said, pouting up at the woman. Allison and Lydia cooed down at the boy. His hair was matted down to his forehead from the water, his little feet leaving a small puddle by the door.

"Well, now you're all nice and clean," Lydia pointed out, booping Michaels nose. The little boy giggled, swiping at his nose with his cloth covered hand. Ashton chuckled, sweeping the boy up and holding him bridal style.

"Let's get some clothes on you."

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