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Chapter Nine (Edited July, 2021)

Ashton carefully poured water into Michaels hair, rinsing out the conditioner. Once all of the soap was gone, Ashton stood up and grabbed a plush, pink towel and held it open.

"Step on out, Mikey baby," Ashton instructed. Michael stood up and carefully stepped out of the tub, sucking on his little pruned up thumb as Ashton wrapped a towel around him. Ashton picked the boy up bridal style and carried him to the nursery.

"I not sleepy," Michael whined as he rubbed at his eyes. Ashton chuckled as he set Michael on the changing bed with a shake of his head.

"It's okay to be sleepy, princess. You get to spend all day tomorrow with Derek, doesn't that sound like fun?" Ashton asked as he placed a diaper under Michaels bum, lifting it up and taping the tabs. Michael nodded his head slowly, sucking his thumb harder.

"But I'll miss you," Michael frowned, tears forming in his tired green eyes. Ashton smiled warmly as he helped Michael into My Little Pony footie pajamas. He picked the boy up and sat down in the rocking chair, holding Michael to his chest.

"I'll miss you too, love. But we'll see each other on Monday and I'll bring two friends and we'll have a big tea party. How does that sound?" Ashton asked, gently rubbing Michaels thigh. The boy nodded, releasing a small yawn, causing his thumb to slip out of his mouth. Ashton quickly reached over and plucked a binkie off of the dresser, placing the rubber end to Michaels lips. The boy accepted it with a small, pleased noise, suckling quietly as he cuddled further into Ashton's chest. Ashton wrapped both of his arms around the boy and held him close, rocking back and forth as he pressed multiple kisses to Mikey's pale cheeks and forehead. The boy giggled softly, rubbing his cheek against Ashton's tee shirt as his eyes fluttered shut.

After a few minutes, when it felt like Michael had fallen lax in his arms, Ashton carefully got up from the chair and walked over to Michaels crib. He gently set the boy down, pausing when Michael whined.

"Daddy, don't leave," Michael tiredly pleaded. Ashton froze, his stomach somewhere between sinking and fluttering.

"What'd you call me?" Ashton asked stupidly. Michaels cheeks flushed and he frowned as his knees curled up to his chest, half of his face hidden in his pink blanket.

"I sowwy," he whispered as his eyes began to water. Ashton smiled softly and reassuringly, reaching down to gently cup the back of the boys head.

"It's okay, love. I didn't mind, I just don't think Derek would like that, okay?" Ashton said softly. Michael nodded with a small pout.

"Okay. I love you, nigh night," Michael yawned as his eyes shut again. Ashton smiled adoringly.

"Nigh night, baby"

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