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Chapter Eight (Edited July, 2021)

Michael slowly stirred awake, whining softly when he realized his binkie was no longer in his mouth and his diaper was wet. He let out a small cry as he turned onto his stomach, pushing himself up to his knees. He let out a louder cry, tears streaming down his pale cheeks. A moment later a familiar man came walking into the room with a warm smile.

"Aw, munchkin, it's okay, don't cry," Stiles picked Michael up out of his crib and gently patted the boy's bum, immediately realizing how wet he was. Stiles laid the boy down on the changing table,  lifting his shirt and peeling the tabs of his diaper.

"Did you have a good nap, princess?" Stiles asked as he wiped Michael down, replacing the dirty diaper with a clean one. Michael nodded tiredly as stiles picked out an oversized yellow sweater to change Michael into.

"Did you have a good day with Ashton?" Stiles asked as he guided his hands into the sweater. Michael grumbled when his head got stuck in the sweater, giggling when Stiles made a funny face upon fixing it.

"Yeah. Ashy played tea party wif me," Michael smiled as Stiles set him down on his feet.

"Oh did he?" Stiles asked with an overly excited tone. Michael giggled as he nodded his head as he followed Stiles out of the room.

"Look who decided to wake up," Stiles announced as they entered the living room. Michael smiled wide upon seeing Derek and Ashton sitting on the couch.

"Mornin'," Derek smiled.

"Morning Dee," Michael chirped, jumping onto his brother's lap and wrapping his arms around the man's shoulder.

"How was your day, love bug?" Derek asked, gently brushing his thumb over Michaels cheek.

"Good, how was your day, Dee?" Michael asked sweetly.

"Better now that I get to see you," Derek smiled, kissing Michaels cheek softly. The boy giggled, his nose scrunching up.

"Alright, bub, sit with Ashton while me and Stiles go make dinner," Derek said, tapping Michaels thigh softly. Michael nodded, crawling over to where Ashton was sitting. He crawled into the older mans lap and smiled brightly.

"You stay for nigh' night kisses!" Michael cheered, clapping his hands. Ashton smiled softly, his hands gently landing on Michaels hips.

"I am staying for nigh' night kisses," Ashton confirmed with a chuckle.

"Will you play lava wif me?" Lava is one of Michael's favorite games, the ever so popular indoor game where you jump around the room trying not to fall in the 'lava' which was really just the floor.

"Of course I will, baby, will you show me how?" Michael eagerly got up to start the game.


Ashton cooed as he watched Michael try to lick spaghetti sauce off of the side of his mouth. The boy grunted as he stuffed a forkful of spaghetti noodles into his mouth, most of them falling on to his baby pink bib.

"So how's everything going with all of the
new changes and such? Everything going
good with the little munchkin over there?" Stiles asked, nodding his head towards Michael who was sitting in his high chair, trying to lick spaghetti sauce off of his nose, completely oblivious to the men at the table. The three chuckled as Michael grunted and grumbled because he couldn't clean his nose with his tongue. Ashton reached over and gently wiped the sauce with a napkin, chuckling lightly.

"I haven't really heard any complaints.  Ashton, how's it going with Michael?" Derek asked. Ashton took a gulp of his beer before answering.

"Everything's going well. There was the first day when he hid in the dryer for a good twenty minutes but after that it was all pretty

"You'd be surprised where the little monster can fit. He's so tiny," Derek said, exaggerating an eye
roll. Ashton smiled, as he and stiles nodded in agreement.

"How old is his headspace?" Ashton asked, adding, "if you don't mind me asking."

"We've narrowed it down to 1 or 2," Derek said. "We've been doing this for almost four years and he's always stayed pretty young," he explained. Ashton nodded, smiling as he looked over at Michael. The boy's head was lolling slightly to the side, his eyes heavy as he sipped from his cup.

"I think it's someone's bedtime," Stiles said in a sing-song tone. Michaels head popped up, shaking vigorously.

"No. I not sleepy," Michael rushed out, opening his eyes wide to prove his point.

"Come on baby, let's get you cleaned up," Ashton cooed as he lifted Michael out of his high chair. Derek and stiles watched with small smiles as Michael latched himself on to Aston, giggling as Ashton carried him upstairs.

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