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"I love daddy, daddy loves me," Michael sang on a loop as he colored on a blank sheet of paper. He was lying on the floor in the apartment, wearing a little stripped blue onesie and black socks with trimming at the top, his legs kicking back and forth in the air. A few moments later, Ashton came strolling into the room with a smile on his face.

"Hey baby, I have a surprise for you," Ashton sang. Michael perked up, sitting up as he looked up at Ashton.

"What is it, daddy?" Michael asked before popping his binkie into his mouth. Ashton opened the front door of the apartment and a little blonde boy and a tall tan man were revealed. Michael gasped as he scrambled to get himself into a standing position before running to the blonde and hugging him tightly.

"Lu lu!" Michael yelled with joy. Luke giggled as he wrapped his arms around Michaels shoulders.

"Mikey not wearing pants" Luke said with another giggle. Michael pulled away from Luke with a wide smile.

"Daddy, can I show Lu my new tea set? Please! Please! Please!" Michael yelled joyfully as he tugged on Ashton's shirt. Ashton chuckled, ruffling Michaels flat pink hair.

"Go ahead love, I'll bring you two some cookies and chocolate milk, yeah?" Ashton smiled. Luke gasped, his eyes widening slightly.

"I love chocolate milk," Luke slurred slightly over his binkie. Ashton smiled as he booped Luke's nose, causing him to giggle.

"Come on lu lu!" Michael urged, tugging on Luke's arm. Luke giggled as Michael dragged him down the hall of the apartment. Ashton turned to Calum and gave him a friendly smile.

"Would you like something to drink? I have water and grape juice," Ashton offered as he guided Calum to the kitchen. Calum chuckled as he leaned his elbows on the counter.

"Got any beer?" Calum chuckled. Ashton chuckled along, grabbing Calum a cool beer out of the fridge. He handed Calum a bottle opener after taking one out for himself.

"Did Luke bring a cup or can I give him one of Mikey's?"
Ashton asked.

"Uh- I- I didn't bring him a cup," Calum said sheepishly.

"It's no problem," Ashton assured as he grabbed two sippy cups out of the cabinet and filled them both with chocolate milk. He grabbed some cookies from the cabinet and laid them on a plate.

"Does Luke have any allergies?" Ashton asked as he pulled chocolate teddy grahams out of the cabinet.

"Not that I know of." Ashton nodded. He carried the plate of snacks and two cups into Michaels room where he saw the two littles giggling over invisible tea.

"Daddy, Lu Lu never had a tea party before," Michael said as he poured Luke some more invisible tea. The blonde blushed as he fixed the tiara on his head.

"Then we need to give him the good stuff," Ashton said as he went into Michaels closet. Luke watched curiously as Ashton took out a box. The man opened it and pulled out a dessert tier holder. Ashton set it on Michaels tea party table and placed the cookies and stuff on it. Ashton took out a boa and wrapped it around Luke's shoulders, making the blonde giggle. Ashton put another boa around Michael, kissing the boy's cheek.

"I'll bring you more chocolate milk when you're done," Ashton said.

"Thank you daddy," Michael smiled.

"Thank you Mr Ash," Luke said with a sweet smile.

"You're welcome, have fun," Ashton smiled as he left the room, leaving the door open. Ashton could hear Michael and Luke giggling as he walked back into the kitchen.

"You watch basketball?" Ashton asked. Calum sheepishly smiled as he turned his phone so Ashton could see that he was watching a game. Ashton chuckled as he pulled a bag of chips out of the cabinet.

"Come on, I'm missing it," Ashton gestured for Calum to follow him to the living room. Ashton put the game on the tv, opening the chips and offering them to Calum. The two men bonded over basketball, jeering at each other as they rooted for opposite teams.

However, after twenty minutes or so, wailing could be heard from Michaels room. The two men jumped up, running to Michaels room, where Luke was sobbing and Michael trying to console him. Calum ran over to Luke and picked him up.

"What happened, Mikey?" Calum asked calmly. Michael looked up at the man, a worried look on his face.

"We were drinking chocolate milk and- and Lukey spilled and he started to cry," Michael explained as he cuddled into Ashton's side.

"Did you get sad cause you spilled?" Calum asked close to Luke's ear. The small blonde nodded.

"I all icky," Luke said with a sniffle.

"He can borrows somethin'," Michael said as he padded to his dresser and pulled out two footsies, both looking exactly alike.

"Look Lukey, we can be twins," Michael said with a wide smile as he held to matching pajamas up. Luke giggled, looking at Calum to silently ask if it was okay. Calum then looked at Ashton, getting a smile and a nod.

"Twins," Luke giggled as he was set on the floor. Michael wrapped his arms around Luke as the two of them giggled before their respective daddy's changed them.

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