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Michael pulled his legs further to his chest as he stared out of Ashton's living room window, watching droplets of rain race down the glass. His eyes were heavy but he couldn't will himself to go back to sleep. It's irritating the boy that he's not in control of his headspace anymore, he can't even anticipate when he'll come out or when he'll slip back under.

"Mikey, baby what're you doing out here?" Ashton asked as he walked into the living room with Michaels little pink blanket in his hand. His eyes were squinted with sleep and the exertion of trying to see in the dark.

"I woke up out of headspace and I couldn't go back to sleep," Michael explained, pulling the sleeves of his footie pajamas over his hands. Ashton smiled softly, crossing the living room so he could sit in front of Michael and pull the boy's legs over his lap. Michael scooted closer, laying his head on Ashton's shoulder. Ashton covered the boy with the blanket and placed a kiss to his forehead.

"I don't know why I keep coming out," Michael whispered.

"You wanna tell me a bit about yourself?" He suggested. "I know little Mikey like the back of my hand but I'd love to get to know this side of you." Ashton brought his hand up and brushed a few stray strands away from Michaels forehead.

"I don't know," Michael shrugged. "I used to like music a lot but my dad never let me listen to the songs I liked. He was never very supportive of the things Derek and I did. He especially didn't take it well when I came out. After I told him I was gay, he would yell at me for the dumbest of things, but when he started hitting me, that's when Derek took me in," Michael explained in a hushed, hesitant voice.

"Well that's certainly no way for a man to treat his child. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. But look at what you have now; You're with me, you're with Derek, you're with stiles and you're with Lydia and Allison. All of us would die before letting you get hurt, okay? I love you Mikey, in or out of headspace, I love you," Ashton assured, voice soft, tone passionate. Michaels eyes filled with tears that rolled down his red dusted cheeks.

"I love you too," he whispered. Ashton takes a second to realize how this boy has changed his life, how he flipped it completely upside down in the best way possible. Ashton leaned in a bit further, his breath getting heavy as his lips ghosted over Michaels. Michael made no move to pull back, hands fisted Ashton's tee shirt, face flushing with heat. With just a simple inch of movement, Ashton's lips were pressing against Michaels, chaste and warm.

Michael pulled away from the kiss first, his breathing shaky.

"I've never been kissed before," he admitted, cheeks completely red.

"Was it okay?" Ashton asked, the feeling of Michael's lips on his making him tingle. He wasn't sure his head was fully wrapped around the situation.

"I-it was perfect. At least for me it was," Michael confessed, pulling his gaze away from Ashton's. Ashton gently gripped Michaels chin and tilted the boy's head up so their eyes met again.

"You're so beautiful Michael, I don't want to do anything to jeopardize what we already have; with me taking care of you and everything... but that kiss was perfect for me too and I'd like to do it again sometime when you're out of headspace and feel comfortable wi-" Michael cut Ashton off with a soft, lingering peck to the lips, pulling away with a shy smile. Ashton let out a soft, small chuckle as he kissed Michael one more time before standing up from the couch.

"Let's go back to bed, yeah?" Ashton reached his hands out for him. Michael nodded, allowing Ashton to pull him up from the couch and guide him back to the bedroom. "I love you, baby," Ashton whispered as he pulled the blankets up to cover their bodies. Michael cuddled into Ashton's warmth, curling into the man's chest.

"I love you too."

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