Chapter 3

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A half moon passed and Rowankit never told anyone about Wolfpaw. He kept to himself more than ever and relied on his nightly dreams with Sweetkit. She quickly became his closest friend and sometimes he would see wisps of her in the waking world.

Starlingwing had her kits, two she-kits that she and her mate, Pineclaw, named Hazelkit and Lilackit. Wrenkit was obsessed with them and she'd spend time just sitting with Starlingwing while they watched the kits. As for Crowkit, without Wrenkit constantly at his side, he sought Wolfpaw out more.

Rowankit avoided them as best as he could, but every now and then they would call him out. He was forced to go to Mistypool once or twice because they'd claw or bruise him. It left Mistypool to become suspicious, but Rowankit refused to say anything.

Today was no different. The sun beat down on the forest and the heat of sunhigh left most of the clan to stay among the shade. Luckily, the HiddenClan camp was surrounded by tall trees that offered plenty of shade. Warriors slept in the warriors den or at the edge of camp, the apprentices crowded outside of their den, and most of the kits stayed in the nursery.

Rowankit stayed outside the nursery because that's where Crowkit and Wrenkit were. So instead, he laid in the shade just outside of the nursery. Olivenose didn't come to check on him or anything which was normal. Besides, he was just about six moons old. She was beginning to distance herself from him, actually, she's been doing that for moons now.

Suddenly, there was motion at the top of the Tallrock. Rowankit opened his eyes all the way and saw that Skystar was calling a meeting. Yawning, he stood up and stretched before making his way over there.

The clan gathered around and Rowankit found himself in between Goldenheart and Birchleap. He turned his eyes up to Skystar who sat patiently at the top of Tallrock. Gradually, the clan quieted down and Skystar began the meeting.

"Cats of HiddenClan, today we make three kits into apprentices," Skystar announced.

It took Rowankit a moment to realize that Skystar was talking about him, Crowkit, and Wrenkit. He stood up and walked to the base of Tallrock. His eyes found Crowkit and Wrenkit among the crowd. They were being fussed over by Olivenose and Rowankit felt a pang in his heart.

Skystar leaped down once Crowkit and Wrenkit joined him in front of the clan. "Crowkit, Wrenkit, and Rowankit, until you three become warriors, you'll be known as Crowpaw, Wrenpaw, and Rowanpaw."

"Darknight, you are a skilled warrior and incredibly loyal. You'll be mentor to Crowpaw." Skystar mewed, touching his nose to Crowpaw's forehead.

Then, the blue-gray leader turned to Wrenpaw. "Flameheart," an orange tabby she-cat stepped forth from the crowd, "You are determined, brave, and it's time you received your first apprentice. You will mentor Wrenpaw well."

Finally, Skystar turned to Rowanpaw. The clan became hushed and focused their eyes on him. Rowanpaw stood taller and lifted his head to show that he had nothing to be ashamed of. This was his clan, and he deserved to be here.

"Rowanpaw, your mentor will be Ravenwing." Skystar announced, causing a loud uproar from the clan. They shouted curses at him and claimed he shouldn't be apprenticed, among other things. Rowanpaw flinched under their harsh judgement that was finally silenced by Skystar. "My decision is final, Ravenwing will mentor Rowanpaw."

Skystar touched his nose to Rowanpaw's forehead. Rowanpaw felt excitement course through his veins. He was finally an apprentice! Now he could prove himself to the clan! Maybe, someday, they'd see him as their equal.

Rowanpaw approached Ravenwing, the HiddenClan deputy. He also happened to be the father of Crowpaw and Wrenpaw. Ravenwing was known for being hard to please and cold towards his apprentices. His last apprentice had been Nightfang, the tom now training Wolfpaw. Despite his coldness, he trained excellent warriors and it was an honor to be his apprentice.

Rowanpaw dipped his head to Ravenwing in a show of respect. The black tom looked him up and down. "We start now."

Ravenwing walked through the crowd and they moved out of his way, leaving Rowanpaw to follow meekly behind. They exited through the camp entrance and Rowanpaw immediately breathed in the forest. It had rained yesterday, so the ground was damp and the forest smelled like rain. Rowanpaw's paws found the worn down trail that generations of HiddenClan cats have walked. He felt a part of something bigger than himself.

The trees sighed and swayed in the wind. Sunlight trickled through the thick canopy and spotted the forest floor. Birds and squirrels ruled the trees, flying and leaping from tree to tree. The undergrowth rustled with mice, rabbits, and other small creatures.

Their scents wafted towards Rowanpaw, tempting him to hunt. He unsheathed his claws, wanting desperately to give chase. Then he realized he was falling behind and started running to catch up with his mentor. Even though he wanted to hunt, he could not end up on Ravenwing's bad side.

They traveled through the forest, taking lots of twists and turns. Rowanpaw took in all the forest, trying to commit every trail to memory. HiddenClan's territory was mostly forests with thick undergrowth and thickets, but there were parts that were thinner. He even noticed a few meadows and streams.

Rowanpaw's paws were getting tired. He gradually fell behind and had to run every so often to catch up. They had left camp at around sunhigh and they've been out so long that the sun was slowly descending in the sky. A quiet hush started to fall upon the forest and even the wind slowed down.

He pinned his ears nervously and focused on Ravenwing ahead of him. They just kept traveling farther and farther away from camp. At this pace, they probably wouldn't return until after sunset.

Suddenly, Ravenwing stopped in front of him. The muscular black tom spun around to face Rowanpaw. "This is your first test," Ravenwing meowed, and then he took off.

Rowanpaw attempted to follow his mentor, but with the growing darkness he had no hope of keeping up. Soon, Rowanpaw was forced to stop so he could catch his breath. The sky above the trees turned radiant orange with trails of pink and red. It was sunset and Rowanpaw was all alone in the forest.


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