Chapter 4

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Rowanpaw roamed the forest, searching for anything that looked familiar. He couldn't smell any trails or borders and the sunlight was fading fast. Panic started to set in as he scrambled around in the darkness. How was he supposed to find his way back?!

He tried to follow Ravenwing's scent, but the deputy's scent was already fading. The world around him grew darker, leaving him with his senses dulled. Through the dark canopy, Rowanpaw could see Silverpelt. His only guiding light came from the stars and the moon.

Rowanpaw tried to find a worn trail, but it seemed no cats came here often. He kept wandering, not sure of which way he should go. Why would Ravenwing leave him out here alone, and at night? Weren't there foxes or badgers or dogs that could attack him? Not to mention rogues or other clan cats. He had no idea how to defend himself!

Every little sound made him jump and the forest seemed to menace him with every turn. The undergrowth pulled and tripped him like hungry claws coming from the earth. Rowanpaw slipped in mud and his red-brown spotted pelt was now completely dark brown. An owl hooted in the distance, making him jump.

"I need to get back to camp, fast!" Rowanpaw muttered to himself.

He felt as if there were eyes watching him from the darkness. Had Ravenwing stayed behind to watch him progress? Rowanpaw wasn't sure that his mentor cared enough to stick around.

Rowanpaw saw a break in the trees up ahead. He slunk forward to get a better look and peered through the undergrowth. Past the tree line, the moors stretched as far as he could see. His fur stood on end from being so close. This must be SwiftClan's territory.

He was about to turn to head back into the forest, when something crashed into him. Rowanpaw was pinned by expert claws and he looked up into the blue eyes of a SwiftClan cat. The cat felt light, probably an apprentice. Her coat was black and white, making her look like a ghost.

"What are you doing on SwiftClan's border?!" The she-cat hissed. She had an intense look in her blue eyes, making them seem cold.

Rowanpaw kicked her off. She couldn't be much older than him, but she seemed to be experienced. "Get off of me! I didn't cross the border!" He growled.

The she-cat circled him, her fur standing on end. She narrowed her cold blue eyes at him. "Then why were you sneaking around?"

"Why were you sneaking around?!" Rowanpaw shot back at her. He tried to keep facing her head on, but she was making it a difficult task.

Their fight had taken them out of the forest so now they stood on the moors at the tree line. Nothing stood between them and Silverpelt. In the open, Rowanpaw could study her closer.

She was smaller than a grown cat, but a little bigger than him. That must be because she was older, but not more than two moons, if Rowanpaw had to guess. Most of her body was white with spots splashed across her back and stomach. The front part of her body was completely white, and only one of her legs had any black on it. Her muscles were taunt and rippled underneath her pelt. She still had her claws unsheathed as if she expected him to fight.

"I was only just made an apprentice," Rowanpaw hissed, "Do you really think I'll be able to fight back?" His green irises searched her blue ones for some hint of kindness. So far, she only seemed cold to him.

She cast him a glare with her glinting blue eyes. They were almost electric blue, like a lightning bolt. He became lost in the dark shades of her eyes, entranced by them. Then he realized that he was staring.

"Sorry, I've never met a cat from another clan before." Rowanpaw admitted, sitting down on his rump. He tried to seem calm and collected since she presented such a strong front. "What's your name?"

"Eclipsepaw," She answered cooly, still watching him as if she expected him to attack her.

"I'm Rowanpaw," He told her. Rowanpaw glanced over his shoulder at the dark forest. "I need to head back. Maybe I'll see you at a Gathering or something?"

Slowly, she nodded her head. "Maybe, goodbye Rowanpaw." She spun on her hind legs and took off further into the moors. He watched her go until she completely disappeared.

Rowanpaw turned and headed back into the forest. He felt lighter on his paws and raced through the shadows. By pure chance, he found a worn trail and followed it to what he assumed would be the camp. The trail took many twists and turns, but after a while, he could scent the camp.

He took off running and his heart soared when he recognized the camp. Rowanpaw burst into the camp, panting and weary. After a few deep breaths, Rowanpaw lifted his head to find Ravenwing sitting at the center of the clearing. The black warrior had his tail curled around his front paws and his head raised expectantly.

"You made it," Ravenwing said with no emotion. He stood up and approached Rowanpaw. His nose wrinkled as he surveyed the young apprentice. "Why do you smell of SwiftClan?"

Rowanpaw felt embarrassed that he'd forgotten to clean the scent off. "I accidentally crossed the SwiftClan border," Rowanpaw admitted then added quickly: "But it won't happen again!"

Ravenwing rolled his eyes and started walking towards the warriors den. "Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we start training. If you're late, there will be consequences." Then the black tom disappeared into the den, leaving Rowanpaw standing on his own.

He headed towards the apprentice den and saw that there wasn't a nest for him. Slightly disappointed, Rowanpaw decided to sleep under the stars that night. He half-hoped to visit Sweetkit, but instead, his mind wandered across the border. Rowanpaw envisioned a sleeping Eclipsepaw in her nest, those electric blue eyes of hers closed as she slept.

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