Chapter 10

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Rowanpaw walked through his Dreamscape, he quickly realized. The world around him was blurry except for the clearing in which he stood. A chill hung in the air and a swift breeze wove through the trees. His green eyes searched the clearing for Sweetkit. He needed to thank her for helping him find Hazelkit.

"Sweetkit?" He called as he wandered the clearing.

She appeared from the forest and seemed surprised to see him. "You came? I haven't seen you in days." The white she-cat walked towards him with a sad look. "You never come anymore..."

"I'm sorry, Sweetkit." He murmured. "I've been busy with training and I don't have very much extra time."

"But you have time to play around with that kit?" Sweetkit's normally gentle blue eyes filled with anger. "I stood by you when no one else did! And now you've got friends, alive friends, and suddenly you're too good for me?!"

"It's not like that at all!" Rowanpaw argued. He sighed and looked at her with worried green eyes. "Who are you, Sweetkit, really?"

Sweetkit didn't say anything for a few moments. She seemed caught up in some kind of trance. Then she snapped out of it and answered him. "Don't you know? Rowanpaw, I'm your sister. While you got to live, I never had the chance to be born. Our mother died first."

Rowanpaw stared at her in complete shock. "Sweetkit, why aren't you in StarClan? Instead, you're in this limbo world."

Suddenly, a smirk pulled at Sweetkit's lips. "But who would look out for you?"

Then the dream started to fade and Sweetkit was fading fast. He wanted to say thank you, but she was gone before he could.


Rowanpaw woke and realized that it must be at least sunhigh. Quickly, he scrambled out of his nest and slipped out of the den. The sun was too bright and he had to squint to see anything. Strangely, he saw Ravenwing sitting beside the Tallrock conversing with Skystar. Wasn't he upset that Rowanpaw slept in?

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Sablepaw meowed which caught him off guard. "Oh, jumpy are we?" Her whiskers twitched with amusement. She laid near the mouth of the apprentice den in the shade.

"It's sunhigh?" Rowanpaw asked her.

Sablepaw rolled her green eyes at him. "It sure is, look at the sun."

Rowanpaw felt pressed with anxiety. "Ravenwing is probably very angry since I slept in," He muttered to himself.

"Actually, Ravenwing told all us apprentices to let you sleep," Sablepaw told him with a purr. "Sounds like you had quite the adventure last night?"

Rowanpaw noticed Starlingwing emerge from the medicine cat den and he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. "Is Hazelkit okay?"

Sablepaw stretched out her front legs and let out a yawn. "As far as I know she just has a cough. After all, she was out in the rain."

"Thanks Sablepaw," Rowanpaw meowed before padding away. He crossed the clearing and ducked into the medicine cat den. It was dim in the den and he had to pause a moment to let his eyes adjust.

"Rowanpaw?" Mistypool purred, "What a pleasant surprise! Do you feel alright?"

He nodded as his eyes fell on Hazelkit's sleeping form. "I'm fine, I just had to come and check on her. Is she alright?"

"She'll be fine," Mistypool promised. Her gaze found the tortoiseshell she-kit. "She's lucky you found her, Rowanpaw, or we would be having a very different conversation."

Rowanpaw's gaze softened as he watched her flank rise and fall with breath. She looked so small and dainty, so breakable. He knew that he would always protect her, but he didn't know why. They weren't kin but she was his friend. He'd do anything for her.

"I'd better go find Ravenwing," Rowanpaw told Mistypool. "I'll come and check on her later."

"Maybe she'll be awake by then?" Mistypool teased.

Rowanpaw backed out of the den and his eyes immediately searched for Ravenwing. The black warrior was still talking with Skystar and he didn't want to interrupt. So instead he grabbed a mouse off of the fresh-kill pile. He started walking towards the apprentice den when Wolfpaw entered the camp.

The dark gray tom looked angry and naturally Rowanpaw shied away from him. He's experienced too many claw swipes at his paws. Wolfpaw glared at Rowanpaw as he passed and gave him a shove.

"Stop staring, Deathpaw!" Wolfpaw snarled before disappearing into the den.

Rowanpaw glanced at the camp entrance and saw Wrenpaw walk in. Something about her was different, but he couldn't say what. She looked deeply upset and despite all the times she bullied him, he wanted to comfort her. He dropped the mouse where he stood and approached her cautiously.

"Wrenpaw? Are you alright?" Rowanpaw murmured softly, still scared she might lash out at him.

The brown and white tabby she-cat was shaking. What did Wolfpaw do to her?! Crowpaw entered the camp with his mentor, Darknight. He saw how distraught Wrenpaw looked and set down his prey.

"What's wrong, Wrenpaw?" Crowpaw asked more urgently.

Wrenpaw sniffled and looked up at the both of them. "I-I'm expecting kits... They're Wolfpaw's but he doesn't want anything to do with them..." She whimpered and lowered her head.

Rage came over Rowanpaw like a storm. He was tired of the way Wolfpaw treated everyone. Without thinking, Rowanpaw charged across the clearing to the apprentice den. He found the dark gray tom lying inside the den and grabbed him by the scruff.

Snarling, Wolfpaw lashed out and got Rowanpaw in the cheek. He ignored the sting and dragged Wolfpaw from his nest and out into the open. Wrenpaw and Crowpaw watched in horror while Sablepaw looked surprised. The heads of the clan turned to watch in curiosity.

"Why'd you hurt her?!" Rowanpaw demanded, standing over Wolfpaw. "Why must you hurt everyone you touch?" The rage that Rowanpaw's been hiding from everyone, even himself, broke through and directed his actions.

Wolfpaw has been picking him since day one. The scratches, the bruises... He's never told anyone, never gone looking for revenge. Rowanpaw thought that staying quiet would make the clan like him, make them see him as cool and collected. But this has been going on long enough and now Wrenpaw was dragged into this.

Rowanpaw slashed his claws across Wolfpaw's face and the dark gray tom hissed with anger. Wolfpaw kicked out with his back legs and sent Rowanpaw flying into the dirt. He scrambled to find his paws and faced Wolfpaw. They circled each other, snarling.

"Stop them!" Wrenpaw screeched.

"Cut it out!" Crowpaw called. Ravenwing and Nightfang started towards them, but Rowanpaw was too quick.

He lunged at Wolfpaw and clawed him a few times. Blood oozed down Wolfpaw's gray pelt and stained Rowanpaw's claws. Anger blinded him and he had to be pulled off of Wolfpaw by Ravenwing. His mentor pinned him down while Nightfang pinned Wolfpaw.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Skystar demanded.

Rowanpaw didn't answer, he just shot Wolfpaw a look filled with hate. He finally fought back, and now he would pay the price.

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