Chapter 7

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A few days passed, and Rowanpaw spent those days training harder than any of the other apprentices. He had nothing to loose and everything to gain. In the mornings, he either went on the dawn patrol or hunting. No apprentice worked harder than him.

His kit-fluff was gone now and the sleek coat of a grown cat replaced it. Rowanpaw's muscles became stronger and his body broadened and lengthened. He was taller now, even taller than Crowpaw. His foster brother tried to deny that Rowanpaw was stronger, but it was hard to do so.

Rowanpaw managed to hold his head a little higher. It felt great to feel proud. The clan was still weary of him, but at least now they acted like he existed. He actually grew quite fond of Sablepaw and Hollowpaw, they were nothing like their brother, Wolfpaw. Sablepaw could be snappish, but once in a while her eyes were alight with kindness. As for Hollowpaw, he was quiet and content listening.

Starlingwing's kits, Hazelkit and Lilackit, were becoming more adventurous every day, especially little Hazelkit. She was small but quick-witted and focused. Lilackit spent most of her spare time in the medicine cat den with Mistypool, and it was clear who she would be apprenticed to.

For some odd reason, Hazelkit liked to follow him around, much to Wrenpaw's disapproval. The tortoiseshell and white she-kit always sought him out whenever he wasn't training. It confused him immensely, but he didn't oppose to it. Soon enough, she would learn of what he did and become indifferent to him like the rest of the clan.

Rowanpaw woke early that morning and padded for the fresh-kill pile. He was supposed to go hunting with Ravenwing, Ashcloud, and Pineclaw. The pile was diminished to only two mice and a squirrel. Rowanpaw picked the squirrel and settled at the edge of camp to eat.

"Rowanpaw!" A small voice squealed with excitement. He looked up to see Hazelkit barreling towards him. Without warning, she launched herself at him and landed squarely on his shoulders.

"Oof!" Rowanpaw gasped for air. "You're getting big, Hazelkit!"

She giggled and Rowanpaw compared it to the musical sound of wind weaving through grass. Her hazel eyes shone bright and she settled beside him. In certain light, her eyes looked more green than hazel, but most of the time it was obvious.

"What are you doing today?" Hazelkit asked him in a small voice. She looked up at him in anticipation as if she expected him to stay back in camp with her.

"I'm going hunting and then later I'll probably practice my battle moves." Rowanpaw let her down gently.

Crestfallen, Hazelkit lowered her head and sighed. "Oh, okay. Why can't you stay here with me? You could teach me battle moves!"

Rowanpaw huffed at her innocence. "I would love to, Hazelkit, but I can't."

Hazelkit pouted, "Pleas-" She was cut off when Starlingwing emerged from the nursery calling her name. Hazelkit winced and stood up. "I gotta go!" Then she bounded off to her mother.

He watched the tortoiseshell queen say something to Hazelkit in a secretive manner. Rowanpaw could only imagine the horrible things she was saying about him. Letting out a long sigh, he finished his squirrel in silence.

"Rowanpaw!" Ravenwing called from the other side of camp. "We're leaving, hurry up and finish that squirrel!"

He gulped down the last morsel and ran to catch up with Ravenwing, Ashcloud, and Pineclaw. His claws itched to hunt but his mind kept wandering back to little, Hazelkit, his only light in these dark days.


The day was a busy one. On hunting patrol, Rowanpaw caught a rabbit, two squirrels, a thrush, and three mice. Ravenwing seemed very impressed which made Rowanpaw feel proud. He napped most of midday and then went out for more battle training with Ravenwing, Briarfrost, and Sablepaw.

When he returned to camp, he avoided Wolfpaw, Crowpaw, and Wrenpaw whom all seemed preoccupied. Rowanpaw slipped to the shadows to watch the clan in quiet tranquility. A flicker of motion at the mouth of the nursery warned Rowanpaw that he might get company.

He watched in amusement as Hazelkit attempted to sneak up on him. Rowanpaw pretended not to see her. She leaped and aimed for his shoulders. The tortoiseshell kit fell into him instead, knocking the breath from his lungs.

"Oops, sorry Rowanpaw," Hazelkit giggled. She slid off of his back and sat beside him. "Today was so boring without you! All Lilackit wanted to do was visit the medicine cat den, but that's sooo boring!" She drawled with a whine.

Rowanpaw did feel a bit sorry for her. Hazelkit and Lilackit were the only kits in the nursery at the moment and if Lilackit didn't want to play, Hazelkit was out of luck. "You could always visit Fernshade. She tells good stories and might share a mouse if you bring her one." What he didn't tell the little she-kit was that Fernshade was his mother's mother, making them kin.

Hazelkit was about to reply when Skystar appeared at the top of Tallrock. The clan leader yowled, calling a clan meeting. Rowanpaw stood up and started to walk over with Hazelkit on his heels.

"Can I sit with you, Rowanpaw?" Hazelkit wondered, eyes wide.

He couldn't turn her away, so he nodded. Together they sat near the back with a clear view of the Tallrock. Skystar sat up there proudly, the sun gleaming off of his blue-gray pelt. His amber eyes reflected the sunlight which made them appear fire-filled.

"Cats of HiddenClan, Ashcloud will be staying in the nursery, expecting Thrushfeather's kits." Skystar announced which was followed by many murmurs of congratulations. "Also, the Gathering is tomorrow night. With me, I would like to bring Ravenwing, Mistypool, Raccoontail, Darknight, Birchleap, Flameheart, Nightfang, Briarfrost, Wolfpaw, Sablepaw, Hollowpaw, Crowpaw, Wrenpaw, and Rowanpaw."

Rowanpaw sat up straighter upon hearing his name. He would be going to the Gathering?! Excitement bubbled in his chest and Hazelkit squealed. "I wish I were going!" She said wistfully.

"You'll get your turn," Rowanpaw promised her. But for now, he would be going. He wondered momentarily if he would see Eclipsepaw, but then shook away those thoughts. She could never been anything more than an acquaintance.

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