Chapter 16

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Dawn came all too soon and Rowanpaw rose out of his nest. His paws were heavy, his eyes struggled to stay open, and his mind felt slow. Wolfpaw and Sablepaw were already gone leaving Rowanpaw to conclude that they went on the dawn patrol.

Outside the apprentice den, the camp was quiet. Obviously most cats were still exhausted after last night's Gathering. Upon their return, they'd discovered that Ashcloud had kitted. She was now the mother of two kits which left everyone going to sleep happy. His mind wandered back to the Gathering and he remembered his promise to Eclipsepool. How could he possibly be of any help to her?

Rowanpaw was pulled from his thoughts when Ravenwing called his name from the other side of camp. The black tom flicked his tail impatiently as Rowanpaw sulked over. He looked expectantly at Ravenwing, waiting for instruction.

"We're going hunting with Thrushfeather and Flameheart," Ravenwing announced before walking to the camp entrance.

Thrushfeather and Flameheart appeared from the warriors den and came over to join them. Rowanpaw liked both Thrushfeather and Flameheart. They never treated him like dirt or even joined in the taunting. Thrushfeather was a golden-brown tom and one of the senior warriors. Flameheart was younger and had a pelt like fire.

Ravenwing led the way out of camp with Thrushfeather at his flank. Rowanpaw fell into step with Flameheart. The orange tabby she-cat walked with a spring in her step and kept her ears alert. Her energy inspired Rowanpaw to become more energetic as well.

The last few days, he and Ravenwing have been focusing on fighting and border patrols. Hunting would be a welcome break. Rowanpaw kept his senses alert as they made their way through the forest. They leaped over the small stream that ran through the heart of the territory. It felt like flying.

"Alright, split up." Ravenwing ordered, "We'll meet back here."

Rowanpaw wandered away from the group to search for prey. He headed towards the stream knowing that prey sometimes hung around there. A twig snapped somewhere ahead of him and he froze. Lifting his nose to the air, he sniffed to try and figure out what kind of animal it was. But there was no scent.

Strange... Rowanpaw thought to himself. He stalked forward, keeping close to the ground.

"Hello again, Rowanpaw."

He spun around, his heart racing against his chest. Sitting in the shadows was the figure of Poisonblood. Rowanpaw's fur stood on end. Why did this cat keep showing up out of nowhere? What does he want with me?

"An excellent question, my young pupil." Poisonblood emerged from the shadows to step into the light. For a cat he was quite tall and muscles rippled underneath his pelt. His claws glistened in the sunlight. Everything about this tom set Rowanpaw on edge.

"I-I'm not your pupil," Rowanpaw tried to sound strong, but his voice quivered.

Poisonblood laughed, causing Rowanpaw's fur to stand on end. "Oh, but you are. You've got no other choice."

Rowanpaw tried to stand taller and face Poisonblood head on. "There's always a choice." Sweetkit popped into his mind. Her fear of this tom had been evident."Who are you, really? Someone I trust warned me about you and I want to know why."

Anger flashed in Poisonblood's eyes, turning them red. "You cannot trust her! I am the only one who has ever been honest with you, Rowanpaw!" His eyes returned to green as he took a deep breath. "I know the true circumstances of your birth, Rowanpaw. There's a reason the clan doesn't trust you, but it's not your fault."

His heart skipped a beat at Poisonblood's words. "Do you know who my father is?"

Poisonblood's eyes turned the deepest shade of blue that Rowanpaw's ever seen. "Right now it doesn't matter who your father is. All that matters is that you understand one thing and one thing only: your clan don't love you. They will betray you the first chance they get. Nothing you do will make them accept you. I'm the only one that accepts you for up who you truly are, Rowanpaw."

Rowanpaw's throat tightened in distress. "You're lying. I'm one of them!"

Poisonblood's eyes returned to their natural green form. He met Rowanpaw's gaze with intensity. "Are you really? If you believe that, then you're a fool. When your precious clan let's you down, I'll be there to catch you. It's only a matter of time."

Rowanpaw watched as Poisonblood's shape shimmered until he disappeared completely. His heart sank with the weight of his emotions. How could he trust Poisonblood? His very name sounded evil! But he spoke the truth that Rowanpaw refused to admit.

He would never be a part of HiddenClan. Not really.

"Rowanpaw?" Ravenwing appeared from the undergrowth. "Have you caught anything?"

"No," Rowanpaw didn't look up or move a muscle. He was drowning in Poisonblood's words.

"Well, we're all heading back to camp." Ravenwing growled then turned on his heel and stalked off.

Rowanpaw just stood there. He imagined a battle. Claws flashed in his vision, blood splattered. Fear took hold of his heart and he closed his eyes, but the vision didn't fade. A cat stood over him with eyes as cold as ice. All around him are his clanmates, watching but not helping. His cries for help fill the air but no one makes a move to come to his rescue. Then death comes.

He gasped for breath, shaking. What if Poisonblood was right? What if a day came when his clanmates turned their backs on him? It didn't matter what he did, they would always see him as an outsider.

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