Chapter 18

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"Rowanpaw! Rowanpaw!" Someone jabbed him with their claws and pounced on him. He gasped and his green eyes flashed open. Hazelpaw stood over him with excitement in her hazel eyes. "Get up!"

When Rowanpaw raised his head, he realized that it couldn't even be dawn. The camp was still cloaked in darkness and the other apprentices slept soundly. How could they still sleep with the racket Hazelpaw was making?

"What is it?" Rowanpaw asked her, slightly annoyed.

Hazelpaw got off of him but still seemed unable to contain her excitement. "Wrenpaw's kitting! She's asking for you."

In less than a heartbeat, Rowanpaw was on his paws and racing across camp to the nursery. Through the gloom, he could make out Mistypool, Lilacpaw, Starlingwing, and Ashcloud at Wrenpaw's side. Starlingwing had decided to stay in the nursery to help Wrenpaw with her kits which set Wrenpaw's mind at ease. Especially since Olivenose disowned her.

"Rowanpaw?" Wrenpaw gasped for breath and laid her head back down. Her breathing was labored and her fur was slick with sweat.

He didn't waste another moment and settled at her side. "I'm here, Wrenpaw," Rowanpaw murmured. He licked her forehead in an attempt to comfort her. Since he wasn't her mate or full-blooded brother, the clan might look at him strange for being at the kitting, but he didn't care.

Ashcloud seemed a little aloof with him being there, but Starlingwing didn't bat an eye. She's mostly accepted him after he saved Hazelpaw. Lilacpaw offered Wrenpaw a stick to bite down on when the pain came. "You're doing great, Wrenpaw."

Wrenpaw screamed when the contractions started to become more prominent. Rowanpaw did his best to comfort her but he felt utterly useless. He's never watched kits being born and didn't have any idea what to do.

"I can see the first kit's head!" Mistypool exclaimed. "You're almost there, Wrenpaw."

The brown and white tabby she-cat bit down on the stick. Rowanpaw's eyes widened when he saw the first kit enter the world. It was so tiny, so fragile. He's never seen anything more beautiful. Mistypool passed the kit to Starlingwing who began to clean it gently. It had a dark gray tabby pelt.

"The next one's on its way," Mistypool announced.

Another kit entered into the world and this one had a pale brown tabby and white pelt. She was almost an exact image of Wrenpaw. This one was passed to Ashcloud. All the while Rowanpaw kept comforting his dear sister.

The third kit came and Rowanpaw was speechless. This kit had a dark ginger tabby pelt. He looked like a little fox. "Here Rowanpaw," Mistypool passed the ginger kit to him and he stared at it for a moment. "Go on, clean him up. He won't bite."

Rowanpaw moved his rough tongue over the kit's face then moved onto his pelt. He was so strong, so handsome. But Rowanpaw found it strange that he didn't look anything like Wrenpaw or Wolfpaw. In fact, he looked a little like Rowanpaw.

Wrenpaw screeched and the stick splintered in her jaws. The last kit had entered the world. It was a she-kit, and she had a golden tabby pelt. Lilacpaw cleaned the last kit. Starlingwing and Ashcloud placed two of the kits in the curve of Wrenpaw's belly while Mistypool cleaned the last kit. When Rowanpaw finished cleaning the last kit, he placed him beside his three brothers and sisters.

Rowanpaw looked upon them with deep admiration. They were so small and helpless. By nature they stuck close to Wrenpaw and began to suckle. His green eyes were locked on them in amazement.

Ashcloud and Starlingwing left to get something from the fresh-kill pile, leaving them with Mistypooland Lilacpaw. The medicine cat pushed some bitter smelling herbs towards Wrenpaw. "Eat these, they'll help your milk come. I'll come check on you in a little bit." Then she left with Lilacpaw at her side.

"They're beautiful, Wrenpaw," Rowanpaw murmured. Wrenpaw was watching her kits with deep love, but Rowanpaw noticed that she was crying. "What's wrong?"

"I love them," Wrenpaw sniffed, "But while you and the others are becoming warriors, I'll still be stuck in here."

Rowanpaw became silent and unsure of what to say. Instead, he stuck close to her for support. It was past dawn now and pale sunlight streamed into the nursery. The air outside smelled fresh and warm. What a beautiful day to be born.

Suddenly, a shadow became outlined against the nursery entrance. Rowanpaw jumped to his paws and stepped protectively in front of Wrenpaw. Standing there with rage in his amber eyes was Wolfpaw. He barged into the nursery and Rowanpaw cut him off.

"Get out of my way, Deathpaw!" Wolfpaw slashed at him, but Rowanpaw dodged just in time. Rowanpaw didn't budge. He wouldn't let Wolfpaw anywhere near Wrenpaw or the kits.

"Leave us, Wolfpaw!" Wrenpaw ordered, but her voice was shaking.

"I'm their father!" Wolfpaw snarled, baring his fangs. "I have a right to see my own kits!"

"You're no more a father than me!" Rowanpaw growled, narrowing his eyes. "Up until now, you wouldn't even admit that they were yours!"

Wolfpaw slashed his claws right across Rowanpaw's face. He yowled and clutched the side of his face which was now bleeding. "How was I supposed to know that she wasn't running around with other toms?!"

"They've always been yours!" Wrenpaw screeched angrily. "But you don't deserve to be their father!"

Wolfpaw's gaze fell upon the kits and for a moment, he froze. "Two of them look like me..."

"Get out, Wolfpaw," Rowanpaw growled as he lashed his tail. The hair on his pelt stood on end. He wasn't messing around. "Wrenpaw doesn't want you here."

Wolfpaw narrowed his eyes at them. "I'm not going to let this go." Then he turned and rushed out of the nursery.

Rowanpaw kept his stance until he was sure that Wolfpaw was gone. Then he returned to Wrenpaw's side, still fuming. Wrenpaw laid the tip of her tail on his shoulder and he lifted his eyes to hers. "Thank you."

They didn't say another word, just sat together in the dimness of the nursery. Rowanpaw made a silent promise to protect these kits. They weren't his, they weren't even related by blood, but someone had to look out for them. He would look out for them like he wished someone had done for him.

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