Chapter 13

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He felt cold...

His vision slowly returned to him and he took in his surroundings. The forest around him was dark with tall, twisted trees that covered the sky. What little bit of the sky that he could see was completely black. The coldness crept into his bones as he stood there shaking.

Where was Sweetkit? Why was he dreaming of such a cold place?

"Hello again, Rowanpaw." A voice spoke from behind.

Spinning on his haunches, Rowanpaw came face to face with Poisonblood. The powerful russet tabby tom stalked towards him and the shadows receded across his shoulders. His green eyes changed into a deep crimson color to match the blood flowing through his veins.

Rowanpaw remained frozen in Poisonblood's gaze, equal to a mouse in the path of a predator. After a few long heartbeats, he somehow found the courage to speak. "Poisonblood, what am I doing here?"

The crimson in Poisonblood's eyes darkened to black, startling Rowanpaw. "You are here on my account, Rowanpaw. Did I not promise you that we would meet again?" His claws unsheathed to dig into the dirt. "You and I are more alike than you think, dear Rowanpaw."

"I-I don't even know you!" Rowanpaw stammered as he tried to hide the quickening of his heart or the flash of fear in his emerald eyes.

Poisonblood paused his advances and stood taller, making Rowanpaw seem small. "In due time, Rowanpaw, I will tell you. But you must first prove yourself worthy. Have patience and keep your mind open to me. I will return soon."

With that said, the russet tom started to disappear, fading like mist in sunshine. Rowanpaw was left in the dark forest with nothing but the shadows for company. How did he find his way out of here?

"Rowanpaw?" A small voice whispered from the shadows. He turned his gaze in time to witness Sweetkit emerging from the undergrowth. Her blue eyes were wide and fearful. "What are you doing here?"

"I woke up here," Rowanpaw answered bluntly. Why should he need to explain his every action to her?

"You need to go and never come back here," Sweetkit hissed. She spoke strongly, but Rowanpaw could see the fear in her eyes.

Rowanpaw felt perplexed. The scariest aspect of Poisonblood was his name and his changing eye color. Other than that, he's kept his word. "Why? I can return if I want!"

Sweetkit flattened her ears and a scowl found her pretty little face. "You don't belong here, Rowanpaw."

Rage took hold of his heart, a tiny spark became a flame. "That's all that anyone's ever told me! The names I've been called, the things they say to me...'you don't belong here, Deathpaw', 'cat killer', 'why's your pelt so red, Deathpaw?'!"

Sweetkit opened her mouth to speak, but Rowanpaw cut her off before she could. "I'm so sick and tired of everyone telling me who I am and who I will never be! For once, I'd like to make my own choice and no one's going to stop me!"

That's when his vision started to fade. He was waking up. The last thing he saw was the sorrow and disappointment in Sweetkit's eyes.


"All cats who can hunt, join me beneath the Tallrock for a clan meeting!" Skystar yowled.

Rowanpaw opened his eyes and saw that he was the last of the apprentices in the den. He quickly stood up and stretched before joining the clan. At the mouth of the nursery, Rowanpaw noticed Pineclaw and Starlingwing sitting with Hazelkit and Lilackit.

Of course! How could he have forgotten? Today was their apprentice ceremony! Hazelkit could hardly sit still and Starlingwing kept shushing her. Rowanpaw felt amused at her excitement. At least she was fully recovered.

Skystar leaped down from the Tallrock to stand at the center of the clearing. Everyone circled around as Hazlekit and Lilackit came to stand in front of Skystar. Rowanpaw settled down a little ways from Hollowpaw and Sablepaw. They still weren't on the best terms since he attacked their brother.

"Cats of HiddenClan, today is the day that two young kits begin on the path to becoming respectable cats within the clan. Hazelkit," Skystar motioned for the young tortoiseshell and white she-cat to come forward, which she did so willingly. "Hazelkit, until you earn your warrior name in the eyes of StarClan, you will be known as Hazelpaw." The blue-gray tom's gaze surveyed the gathering of cats for one in particular. "Raccoontail, you are a dignified and loyal warrior of HiddenClan. I know that you can teach Hazelpaw the ways of the clan."

Then Skystar nodded to Mistypool. The gray and white she-cat came to stand beside the clan leader and faced the clan. "My dear clanmates, as you know I will not be around forever. I have chosen Lilackit, if she accepts, to become your next medicine cat."

The eyes of the clan turned on the timid, young she-cat. Hazelpaw's sister lifted her chin proudly. "I accept."

"Then, in the eyes of StarClan, I name you Lilacpaw," Skystar announced.

The clan's voices rose together in a chorus. "Hazelpaw! Lilacpaw!"

Rowanpaw didn't cheer. The memory of his Dreamscape was still fresh in his mind. Sweetkit's warning seemed all the more real as soon as he opened his eyes. Why had her words stung so bad? He's heard the same demeaning words all of his life.

He turned to walk away from the clan. When he glanced over his shoulder, he saw Hazelpaw talking excitedly with her new mentor, Raccoontail. With the excitement of being an apprentice, maybe she would finally forget about him.

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