Chapter 20

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"Are you sure these cuts came from brambles?" Mistypool grumbled as she watched Lilacpaw cleanse the cuts Ravenwing made.

Rowanpaw flinched from the herb poultice Lilacpaw spread over the wound. "That stings!"

"Well, hold still and it won't hurt so much," Lilacpaw mumbled. She was much quieter than Hazelpaw.

Mistypool cleared her throat obnoxiously, narrowing her eyes at him. "You haven't answered my question, Rowanpaw. These cuts are too clean and deep to have been from brambles."

Rowanpaw clenched his jaw with frustration. Why couldn't she just leave him be? If he wanted her to know, he would say something! "Yes, I was chasing a rabbit and I wasn't paying attention. It went into the brambles, so I followed it."

The gray and white medicine cat narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Are you sure that no one did this to you?"

"They're bramble cuts, alright?!" Rowanpaw shouted, causing Lilacpaw to jump. The fur along his spine stood on end and his tail lashed with anger. After all he's been through, couldn't he enjoy some peace and quiet?

"Lilacpaw," Misypool meted softly. "Why don't you go eat something off of the fresh-kill pile? I can finish up here."

The skittish apprentice nodded gratefully and slipped out of the den. Rowanpaw clamped his mouth shut since he knew that Mistypool would prod him for answers. She circled him, studying his wounds, and heaved a sigh.

"Why aren't you honest with me?" Mistypool wondered. "I look out for you, always have."

"Maybe you shouldn't." Ravenwing's harsh words echoed in his mind. Rowanpaw snapped, "StarClan doesn't care about low-born rogues like me!"

Mistypool blinked in surprise. "Where is this coming from? You don't know if you were rogue-born."

"And I don't know that I wasn't!" He pointed out sharply. "I wish that I was never born!"

"Don't say that, Rowanpaw," Mistypool's voice was hard and even. "Don't you ever say that."

Rowanpaw turned his angry green eyes on Mistypool. "Why am I even talking to you?! You're just a medicine cat!" He turned and fled Mistypool's den.

Pineclaw and Darknight had to dodge him as he blindly raced towards the camp entrance. His paws found the worn-down trail and he allowed it to take him into the forest. He left the camp behind him.

The trees and undergrowth blurred together. Rowanpaw darted down one path and then another. He didn't stop, he didn't think. He just ran. All his life he's been standing still, struggling to fade into the background. Life would be easier if he were invisible.

Rowanpaw ignored his tired paws. He didn't ever want to stop running. He wanted to put as much space in between him and HiddenClan. Poisonblood was right, he was right all along.

HiddenClan would never truly accept him. He would always remain an outsider, never really belonging. Rowanpaw would spend the rest of his days avoiding torment and protecting a clan that wouldn't do the same for him.

Blind with rage, it was easy for him to trip over a protruding tree root. Hissing, Rowanpaw tumbled into the dirt. At first, Rowanpaw didn't want to get up. He wanted to lie there until leaf-bare came and the snow chilled him to the bone. He wanted the snow to make him numb to the pain. Rowanpaw wondered if it could ever be cold enough to numb his heart.

What was wrong with him?! After everything that's happened, he still cared! He still cared what the clan thought, what Skystar thought. Heck, he still cared what Ravenwing thought! But most of all, he cared what Hazelpaw thought about him. Even though he shouldn't.

Then two paws appeared right in front of his vision. Rowanpaw lifted his gaze to see Poisonblood standing over him. The powerful russet tabby narrowed his eyes at him.

"Well? Are you going to get up?"

Rowanpaw signed and closed his eyes. "Just let me die here."

"No, I'm not going to let you throw your life away." Poisonblood growled, "I'm not going to do that." He jabbed Rowanpaw in the ribs with his paw. "Get up. Now."

For some reason, Rowanpaw felt compelled to obey. He stood up on wobbly legs in front of Poisonblood. "Are you happy now?"

"I will be when you learn how to defend yourself." Poisonblood's voice rumbled. "You're stronger than you know, Rowanpaw. You could rule this forest one day."

"I don't want to rule anything!" Rowanpaw snapped. "I just want to be accepted!"

In the blink of an eye, Rowanpaw was pinned beneath Poisonblood's razor sharp claws. "If you spend the rest of your life trying to please others, you'll only look like a fool." Poisonblood raised his paw with claws outstretched and, by instinct, Rowanpaw slipped out of his grasp and dodged the blow.

He stood up and faced Poisonblood with wide eyes. Poisonblood flew at him and Rowanpaw dived underneath him. Twisting, Rowanpaw kicked up and sent Poisonblood flying into a tree trunk. Back on his paws, Rowanpaw stood ready for the counterattack.

Poisonblood shook the dust and twigs from his pelt. Then he squared up with Rowanpaw. "That's more like it. I can teach you how to fight, Rowanpaw, really fight. Your clanmates won't dare to mess with you."

"And what if they do anyways?" Rowanpaw wondered.

Red took over Poisonblood's irises. "Then you take vengeance."

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