Chapter 14

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The days following Hazelpaw's apprenticeship, Rowanpaw avoided her at all costs. He slept on the opposite side of the den from her which seemed to confuse her. Sometimes she would make an effort to speak to him, but he would make up some excuse: he had to clean the elders den, Ravenwing was taking him on patrol, he had to hunt for the elders... After a few days, Hazelpaw seemed defeated.

Rowanpaw hated seeing her so distressed, but he kept telling himself that it was for her own good. She was a beautiful, intelligent young she-cat. Her whole life lay ahead of her with endless possibilities. As far as the clan was concerned, he would always be a outcast. He couldn't let her throw away her potential by befriending him.

Although he kept his distance, Rowanpaw looked out for Hazelpaw from afar. He watched her befriend Sablepaw and Wrenpaw. She was a very likable cat. Rowanpaw even painfully watched her grow close with Crowpaw. She would eat beside him and Crowpaw even played with her.

Hazelpaw seemed to have forgotten him.

It's been half a moon since Hazelpaw and Lilacpaw became apprentices. The clan was excited because tonight was the Gathering. They couldn't stop talking about it and they chattered all day like birds. Rowanpaw ignored the idle chat and focused on his training. The sun was high in the sky and he's already gone hunting with Ravenwing, Thrushfeather, and Flameheart. Not to mention he had gone on the dawn patrol.

Needless to say, Rowanpaw was quite tired. While the clan gathered in the clearing to share-tongues and eat, Rowanpaw laid in the shade and watched silently. Thrushfeather groomed Ashcloud's pelt, Nightfang and Briarfrost sat so close that their pelts were brushing, and Crowpaw play-fought with Wolfpaw while Sablepaw, Hollowpaw, and Hazelpaw looked on.

For a moment, Hazelpaw's amber-green eyes met his and for a heartbeat, the world seemed to stop. But then her attention was pulled away by Sablepaw and the moment ended. Rowanpaw heaved a sigh and stood up. It's been a while since he's visited Wrenpaw in the nursery.

No one noticed as he passed by and slipped into the private den. Inside, Rowanpaw found Wrenpaw half-asleep in her nest. Her belly was round with her unborn kits-it wouldn't be long until they arrived.

Suddenly, Wrenpaw opened her eyes and gasped at the sudden sight of him. "Rowanpaw?!"

"Sorry!" Rowanpaw winced, "I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that."

His foster sister relaxed again and tucked her front paws underneath her chest. She looked discontent with a faraway look in her eyes. Rowanpaw felt bad for her. While the rest of them were nearing their warrior ceremony more every day, she was stuck in her expecting kits that Wolfpaw didn't even want. Rowanpaw still had a sneaky suspicion that Wolfpaw had forced her, but Wrenpaw never confirmed it.

She didn't deny it either.

"Mistypool says that the kits could come any day now..." Wrenpaw murmured, betraying the fright in her eyes. She lifted her eyes up to him and looked at him, really looked at him. "I'm so scared, Rowanpaw. I-I'm not sure that I'm ready to be a mother."

Rowanpaw moved closer to comfort his sister. "You'll be a great mother, Wrenpaw. It doesn't matter what Wolfpaw says or does. Olivenose said that she'll help you, right?"

Wrenpaw snorted and narrowed her eyes. "Olivenose won't even look at me. She says that I've 'disgraced' her legacy."

He couldn't believe his ears. Olivenose was disowning Wrenpaw? Rowanpaw had always thought Olivenose cruel, but that had been towards him. One thing that he had always respected her for was her devotion to her kits. Apparently she wasn't as devoted as she seemed.

"What about Crowpaw? He'll support you, won't he?" Rowanpaw wondered.

At this, Wrenpaw laughed, but it was forced and painful. "Crowpaw can't think for himself. He agrees with whatever Wolfpaw says."

For the first time ever, Rowanpaw realized how isolated and alone Wrenpaw felt. Him and her, they were a lot alike. Both outcasts, both burdens to the clan... He moved close enough that their fur brushed. "I'll support you, Wrenpaw. Whenever you need someone to lean on, I'm here."

Wrenpaw looked into his eyes and he could've sworn that he saw gratitude. "Thank you, Rowanpaw. I...I'm sorry for how mean Crowpaw and I were to you as kits."

Rowanpaw blinked in surprise. "That means a lot to hear...Wrenpa-" He wasn't able to finish because Skystar yowled, signaling a clan meeting. "Come on," Rowanpaw murmured, "I'll help you."

Together, the left the nursery and joined the clan to hear what Skystar had to say. The blue-gray tom looked powerful with his pelt rippling underneath the sunlight. Rowanpaw led Wrenpaw near Sablepaw, Hazelpaw, and Lilacpaw.

"Cats of HiddenClan, tonight is the Gathering at Moonhollow." Skystar's voice boomed across the clearing. "I've decided that I will bring Ravenwing, Thrushfeather, Raccoontail, Darknight, Olivenose, Nightfang, Briarfrost, Rowanpaw, Wolfpaw, Sablepaw, Hazelpaw, and Lilacpaw."

Rowanpaw tried to hide his surprise, but he failed. With how the clan has treated him lately, it surprised him how Skystar wanted him to come. He glanced at Wrenpaw just in time to glimpse the disappointment in her eyes.

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