Chapter 5

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Halfway through the night, it started to rain big fat drops. He was so exhausted that he didn't notice until thunder rumbled overhead and lightning lit up the sky. Rowanpaw was forced to squish in the apprentice den without a nest. His denmates, still half-asleep, moved away from him subconsciously.

By the time morning came, Rowanpaw was still exhausted. He emerged from the den at dawn, his paws dragging as he let out a wide yawn. Last night, Sweetkit didn't visit him. It bothered him a little, but he had bigger things to worry about.

Ravenwing sat by the camp entrance, a look of annoyance on his face. Rowanpaw bounded over and stopped in front of his mentor. He wasn't able to say anything before Ravenwing silently rose to his paws and led Rowanpaw out of camp. The young apprentice tried his hardest to keep up with the swift black warrior.

He was out of breath by the time Ravenwing stopped. They stood before a sandy clearing encircled by bushes. Rowanpaw followed Ravenwing to the center of the clearing. He studied everything about the clearing and wondered if they would practice battle moves.

Suddenly, Ravenwing crashed into him and pinned him down beneath thorn-sharp claws. Thinking quickly, Rowanpaw slipped from his mentor's grasp and attempted to trip Ravenwing in the process. But the black warrior didn't lose his balance and instead spun around for another attack.

Ravenwing slashed Rowanpaw across the face, claws sheathed. The impact sent him feeling back and landing with a loud thud! in the dirt. He scrambled to his paws and faced Ravenwing, his sides heaving for breath. The two toms circled each other and Rowanpaw was very careful to not turn his back on Ravenwing.

"Watch me, Rowanpaw!" Ravenwing snarled. "Don't loose focus!" He lunged at Rowanpaw and he barely moved out of the way in time.

In one swift motion, Rowanpaw swung around and managed to land a blow to Ravenwing's shoulder. The black tom became slightly unbalanced and allowed Rowanpaw attempt to hold him down. His weight was nothing in comparison to the large tom, but still, Ravenwing seemed somewhat impressed.

"You fought hard for your first time," Ravenwing meowed, pushing the younger tom off of him. "You're quick-witted, I'll give you that. Go back to camp and have some fresh-kill. Tonight, we're going to play a game."

Rowanpaw dipped his head respectively to Ravenwing before heading back to camp. His pawsteps were silent on the grassy forest floor and his movements were like a shadow. He was used to fading into the background after moons of torment.

When he entered into camp, his clanmates completely ignored him. That wasn't out of the ordinary. Rowanpaw padded up to the fresh-kill pile and picked a juicy mouse. He settled down outside of the apprentice den to eat alone.

Across the camp in the shade, Rowanpaw noticed Wrenpaw sitting with Wolfpaw. At first glance, it seemed like they were two regular cats sharing tongues, but then Rowanpaw saw his foster sister pull away harshly. He saw Wolfpaw lash out at Wrenpaw, pushing her to the ground only to stand over her. They were in the shadows, hidden from the rest of the oblivious clan.

Rowanpaw leaped to his paws and dashed across camp to collide with the heavier, stronger apprentice. Despite the size difference, Rowanpaw successfully pinned Wolfpaw down beneath him. He bared his fangs at the older apprentice angrily.

"Leave Wrenpaw alone!" Rowanpaw snarled.

Wolfpaw kicked Rowanpaw off of him and slashed his claws across his face. Gasping, Rowanpaw doubled over in pain. That gave Wolfpaw the opportunity to pin him.

The dark gray tom stood over Rowanpaw, teeth bared and claws unsheathed. "Don't you dare tell me what to do Deathpaw!" Wolfpaw hissed. "You have no right to tell anyone what to do!"

"Leave him alone, Wolfpaw," Wrenpaw whined, pulling at Wolfpaw. "He's learnt his lesson."

Wolfpaw growled and slashed Rowanpaw across the face one more time. Then he bent down to whisper something into his ear. "My business with your foster sister is outside of your control. One day, she'll be my mate and bear my kits and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Wolfpaw spit on his face before getting up and sauntering to Wrenpaw. "Come on Wrenpaw." He called.

Wrenpaw met Rowanpaw's gaze sadly and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something. But then Wolfpaw called her again and she scampered away. Rowanpaw watched her go, laying in a pool of his own blood. Maybe he would never be big enough to defend himself.

Suddenly, Mistypool was at his side. She offered him her shoulder to lean on and together they made their way back to the medicine cat den. In the privacy of the den, Mistypool asked Rowanpaw the question she's been dying to ask him for moons.

"Was it Wolfpaw? All those times you came into my den bloodied and beaten, was it Wolfpaw?" Mistypool's tone left no room for lies. She was demanding an answer.

Slowly, Rowanpaw nodded. He had hoped to keep the secret even longer. Now he feared that Mistypool would tell Skystar. Somehow, the clan would pin this on him, making Wolfpaw look innocent. Would Wrenpaw tell the clan the truth? He doubted it, even after the way Wolfpaw treated her.

"Why wouldn't you tell anyone, Rowanpaw?" Mistypool demanded, anger in her eyes. But he saw that the anger guarded sympathy and disappointment. "I had hoped that you would trust me enough to tell me these things."

"I don't trust anyone!" Rowanpaw growled. "How can I when no one trusts me? The heartbeat that I place my trust in someone, they betray me! The clan hates me."

Mistypool stared at him with sad eyes and a heavy heart. "Rowanpaw...they just don't understand. They weren't there the day you were born. Do you know what your mother would say if she were here right now?" He shook his head. "She would say that it's not your fault. What happened was an accident. Kitting can be very dangerous and it happens sometimes."

"Well, how do I get others to trust me?" He wondered bitterly.

The gray and white she-cat lifted his chin with her tail. "You train harder than ever and learn the Warrior Code. In time, they'll see you for who you really are: an innocent, intelligent cat."

Then, the old medicine cat cleaned his wounds and applied a dock poultice to his wounds before wrapping them in cobwebs. She sent him on his way with a poppy seed for the pain. Before he left, Mistypool touched her paw to him and was instantly froze.

Rowanpaw watched in horror as a blank expression came over her and her eyes became blank. He was frozen in place, wondering what was happening to her. Was she having a vision?

Suddenly, Mistypool convulsed and then drew in a deep breath. She coughed and looked up at the scared tom. "Blood will rain from StarClan and darkness will rise. No one is safe."

"W-what do you mean, Mistypool?" His voice quivered.

Mistypool blinked and the trance was gone. She stared at Rowanpaw with fear, confusion, and sorrow. "Return to your nest, Rowanpaw. Ravenwing needs you well for training tonight." The feeble medicine cat turned and started to sort through a pile of herbs.

Rowanpaw backed out of the den and stumbled across camp. Cats stared, but he ignored them. He entered the apprentice den and curled up in his nest. What had happened to Mistypool? Had she seen something about him? He fell into an uneasy sleep.

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