For the fate of the world Pt. 3

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Ego slammed his fist against Dragonite's face and let out a roar. He tackled the dragon to the ground and continued punching it with one hand. Deep slashes riddled his body and his left shoulder was fractured.

"Dragon Pulse!" Ripley screamed furiously.

Dragonite opened its mouth and blasted Ego off with a beam of energy.

Ripley laughed. "Ego fights incredibly well."

Dragonite blasted another Dragon Pulse at Ego. Ego barely dodged out of the way.

"I know," Hilbert said.

Ego launched himself at Dragonite. He slammed a concentrated ball of Focus Blast at Dragonite. The attack drove Dragonite backwards, but it did little damage. Dragonite fired a Dragon Pulse again. Ego dodged out of the way, but this time, the attack grazed his right arm. Now both arms were wounded.

"Flare Blitz!"

Ego's body burst in flames and he slammed himself against Dragonite. Dragonite quickly whacked him to the ground with its tail. Ego lay in a crater, his bones broken and his wounds bleeding. Ripley's unassuming Dragonite was too powerful for him.

"Finish him!" Ripley hissed. Dragonite lifted its tail.

A dark figure flashed before them. Hilbert's eyes widened in shock. Zekrom appeared beside him with a snarl on his face.

Dragonite looked down and saw three deep gashes running across its body. The dragon collapsed forward in defeat. Ego propped himself up on his elbow and spat out blood. He let out a startled grunt when he realised Zekrom had come to his rescue. Zekrom glanced at him and Ego nodded.

"Return," Ripley murmured, eyes fixated on Hilbert. Genesect descended from the air and took its place beside her.

"Return," Hilbert said as well, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Zekrom let out a growl.

They were both down to their final Pokemon.

Zekrom had scorch marks all over his body, while Genesect only had a few scratches on its metallic body.

"This isn't a battle you can win," Ripley murmured. "Genesect is a new breed of fighter. Zekrom is outclassed."

"Bolt Strike!" Hilbert commanded.

Zekrom and Genesect charged at each other and collided in the middle in an explosion of electricity. Genesect was driven back but it quickly anchored itself to the ground with its claws. The air around the cyborg sparked with electricity. It was unscathed. Genesect blasted a beam of energy at Zekrom. Zekrom dodged to the side, but the attack managed to scrape his chest.

"Genesect is faster."

Genesect slashed Zekrom's face with its talons. Zekrom roared and slashed at his enemy, but Genesect fired its cannon once more- blasting Zekrom into the air.


Genesect chased after Zekrom and tackled him in the gut. Zekrom roared in agony.

"I sense the weakness in your heart!"

Zekrom slashed at Genesect again, but Genesect easily parried the blow with a deafening boom.


Genesect blasted Zekrom with its cannon again. The beam sent Zekrom flying and caused the dragon to crash into and obliterate a nearby mountain. A great dust cloud whipped into the air, followed by an earthquake. Both Hilbert and Ripley shielded their face from the dust as they tried to keep their footing.

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