Prologue II

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It was night. Four teenagers- two boys and two girls, were moving as fast as they could through a forest. Behind them, armed soldiers were firing at their direction. The sound of branches snapping, barks breaking and soil bursting up into the air from the impact of bullets, surrounded them. One of them was bleeding non-stop from a gunshot wound in her leg. Not being able to walk properly, she was supported by the two boys.

One of the boys briefly let go of the girl to face the armed men. He was the leader of the group.

"Titan, use Earthquake!"

An already weak and battered Golurk emerged from the boy's pokeball in a flash of red light. The automaton smashed its fist into the earth and immediately the ground before it shook so violently that trees began crashing down. Among the wrecked earth and trees that the earthquake left behind, none of their armed pursuers were in sight. The boy let out a sigh of relief and returned his Pokemon back into its pokeball. But his moment of joy was cut short. The sight of the city burning far in the distance reminded him that all was not well. In such a short time he had seen so much carnage. Even from here, he could hear the faint sounds of machine guns firing and people screaming. This was all his fault. But his friends did not know it yet.

Up ahead, they were waiting for him. His injured friend needed medical help as soon as possible. She has already lost so much blood.

"Are they gone?" The other boy asked worriedly.

"Let's get moving!" The leader immediately said, ignoring his friend's question. After taking two steps, the sound of a single gunshot rang in the air, followed by a sharp pain in his back. Overwhelmed by the sudden pain, he doubled over onto the ground. The armed men had not yet given up chasing them. In fact, they never will. Not after what they have done.

"Stop running, and we may still consider giving the four of you a painless death," the leader of the soldiers said. "Hehe... a bullet to the head for each of you," he chuckled. Facing the four teenagers were 15 armed soldiers, all aiming at them, ready to fire at the slightest movement.

This was it. This was the end. They had committed an unspeakable crime and shall be punished with death. They were all traitors and their leader was the biggest traitor of them all.

His name was Hilbert Black.

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