Panic and terror Pt. 3

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"HAXOR!" The dragon growled.

"Finish off the Toxicroak with Superpower!" Hilbert screamed.

"HAXORUS!" Haxorus charged at Shintaro with speed that could rival an Accelgor. He slammed his body with full force at Shintaro, flinging his opponent several meters away. Shintaro slammed onto the ground with a loud crash.

Stay down stay down stay down, Hilbert repeated himself with his fingers crossed.

"N-No way..." His voice trembled in disbelief at the sight of Shintaro slowly picking himself up from the dirt.

Shintaro was not giving up yet. However, he was terribly wounded from all the beatings he received from this battle. The Toxicroak winced in pain when he felt a stabbing pain in his heart again. He had been feeling it at regular intervals ever since Cleo placed a Curse on him. His fate had already been sealed: the Curse will continue to drain him of his energy until he passes out. But before that happens, he will not allow himself to be defeated by these weaklings.

Acting on sheer willpower alone, Shintaro walked slowly towards Haxorus.

"Gah! Use Superpower again!" Hilbert shouted.

Haxorus charged at Shintaro. Higa tried to stop him by blasting an Ice Beam towards the dragon Pokemon but Seismitoad cancelled out her attack with a Mud Shot. Shintaro, bleeding and panting, let his opponent approach him. At the last second, Shintaro leapt into the air, dodging Haxorus' attack.

"What?!" Hilbert gasped.

"Fool!" Deimos taunted. "You'll have to try better than that."

"I don't... believe it," Hilbert stammered. "Are we even fighting Pokemon?!"

His eyes began to water. He looked at Hilda and saw that her eyes were collecting tears as well.

"You're finished!" Deimos screamed.

Shintaro slashed at Seismitoad with his claws. Seismitoad had better resistance to venom than most Pokemon. He let out a snort and punched Shintaro.

Higa was now locked in combat with Haxorus. Haxorus was by far, her swiftest opponent- being able to dodge most of her attacks as well as successfully striking her a few times.

"Higa, Water Shuriken the Seismitoad!"

Higa leaped back and tossed several disks of water towards Seismitoad, who was fighting for his life against the Toxicroak. The shurikens found their mark and Seismitoad squealed in pain, turning towards Higa.

Shintaro seized the opportunity to latch onto Seismitoad's back and stab him repeatedly with his claws. He kept stabbing until he was sure Seismitoad had too much venom for his body to handle. Finally, Seismitoad toppled over and fainted.

"Seismitoad return. Zye, teach them a lesson!"

Zye hopped into the battlefield and let out a blood curdling howl.

"Use your seamitars!" Hilda told him.

Zye stood up on his hind legs and unsheathed two blades from the scabbards of his forearms.

"TOXI- CROAK!" Shintaro charged at Zye. He was about to strike Zye, then suddenly, he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his heart again. The pain forced him to stop moving. Zye took this opportunity to strike!

Zye swung his seamitar calmly, and Shintaro's dismembered hand fell to the ground with a dull thud.

Shintaro let out a shrill screech. He clutched the stump on his left arm that was now gushing with blood. Zye puffed out his chest and looked at Hilda proudly. Hilda was jumping for joy- and then she stopped and her face became riddled with fear. At that instant, Zye felt something pierce his back. He looked down and saw a katana protruding from his chest. Higa pulled out her blade and kicked Zye's limp body onto the ground.

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