Chapter 1: Friendly faces and sweet goodbyes!

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Part I : The Stranger From The North

"Lights... camera... action"

"Good evening people of Unova! Tonight, we have a special guest - oh you've heard of him, you've seen him battle it out with Alder the ex-champion, we present to you, live on television, Hilbert Black!"

A roar of applause erupted from the audience. Hilbert shifted nervously at his seat. He beat Alder the Unova champion, N the King of Team Plasma, and Ghetsis the evil mastermind behind the Unova Crisis a few months back, by now he should be fearless. Yet here he sat, on a talk show, intimidated by the attention he received from the roaring audience several feet away from him. The sounds of cheers and applause were so loud that the theme song for the TV show he was on- Eyes on Unova, was barely audible now.

At the crowd, he could see all kinds of people: young, old, amateur trainers, veteran trainers and not to mention youngsters aspiring to make a name for themselves the way Hilbert did. Hilbert caught sight of a group of teenage girls ogling him, a young trainer holding a pen and handbook- probably wanting an autograph later, and a small kid wearing a T-shirt with Hilbert's face on it. Ugh, When did things started getting this crazy? Hilbert thought. 

Janet James the hostess of Eyes on Unova ushered the crowd to be quiet then turned her attention to her guest. This is it, Hilbert thought. 

"Hilbert, what do you think of your new nickname, what was it? Hero of the Land of Unova?"

Hilbert let out a nervous chuckle. "I think it's just ridiculous: Unova isn't a single landmass."

Immediately everyone started laughing at his lame joke. Hilbert had to wait for a few moments for everyone to calm down before he could speak again.

"Okay well," Hilbert began, taking the question more seriously this time "It's flattering to know that the people of Unova appreciated my effort."

"Appreciated your effort?" Janet interrupted "Just last week a lady from Nimbasa City made 60 portraits of you and put them for sale. It sold out in less than a few hours." she said with a high-pitched laugh.

"Ahaha,"  Hilbert laughed uncomfortably. Yikes, he thought. "But I want all of you to know that it wasn't me alone. My family, friends and Pokemon were always by my side. I could never have done it by myself."

"Noble words from a noble character," Janet nodded to the crowd. "So," she continued, "how do you think the name came about?"

"When I faced N in his castle that fateful day, many remarked that our confrontation was similar to the confrontation between the Heroes of Truth and Ideals of Unova legend- you know the story, it's our national heritage. N had his Reshiram and I had my Zekrom. He stood for the truth he believed in, that Pokemon and people should live separately. I stood for the ideal that has been keeping the balance in the world for thousands of years: that Pokemon and people are meant to live and work together in harmony."

"So in a way, you and that N fellow resolved the battle the heroes of legend began in the past? My, that must have been a sight to see!"

Clear images of that titanic battle came to his mind. Hilbert couldn't help but grin, "Yeah... you could say it was."

"So I have another question. Who exactly were Team Plasma? So far all we know is that they were an evil organization bent on taking over Unova and that you saved us from them."

"I wouldn't call Team Plasma evil."

Janet gasped and the live audience for the talk show began to whisper among themselves. Hilbert was beginning to think that much of Janet's reactions were exaggerated for effect.

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