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BEA IS DEAD! jk guys false drill


"BEA IS DEAD!" Jack screams, running down the stairs.

Bea's father looks up from what he's doing with a panicked expression on his face.

"I KILLED HER!" Jack says, putting a hand on his head, damsel in distress style, for dramatic effect.

Bea's father is now standing up with an angry look on his face.

"BOW DOWN TO THE KING OF JUST DANCE!" Jack says and everyone automatically lets out a breath of relief.

"James walks up to Jack and punches him on the shoulder." Kaleb says from the top of the stairs.

"Seriously stop with the running commentary Kaleb, it's getting annoying." I say walking down the stairs. "And Jacky-poo, you can't kill someone in just dance," I laughed walking over to my dad and taking his glass of wine and taking a sip.

"Watch it young lady, you're still not of age." My dad said, but I could see the sparkle in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to James, and sat on the sofa next to him. My dad sent us a glance, eyes a little pointed at James and went upstairs to his office. Tomorrow was the day of his winter ball and he was busy trying to make everything perfect.

As for us, we were perfect. I was happy with the friends I had and now with James back, and everything in the past, I felt like this was how my life had always been, from the beginning.

Kacey and Sean were balls deep in love, and Kaleb was pining over his "one-night stand", and Jack was living the good life, single and ready to mingle. And James and I, *furiously blushes* we were in L-O-V-E.

That's what I thought at least.


The End.

haha just kidding.


The next day was a tiring one. We were all busy helping set up for the ball starting from the morning, and me and Kacey were getting "beautified", or at least that's what Sean called it.

For some reason, I felt like James was more distant then he should've been, and I hated to admit that I was starting to get worried. I tried not to think about it and just focus on making everything perfect for the ball.

Kacey came up to me, her face practically glowing. Sean was doing her good. "So, what's going to happen after all of this," she said waving her arms in the air. I knew what she was talking about.

"Ah," I sighed. "I guess we wait until high school is over I guess."

"But what are you going to do," She asked me, with genuine worry.

"I'm going to figure something out," I answered. Truth was, I didn't really know what I was going to do. Where I was going to go for college, what James was going to do, if we were going to go different ways. I hadn't talked to him about it, in fear of the worst.

The ball time was getting closer and our house looked just about ready. There was a huge Christmas tree in the center of the room, and it was covered in ornaments of all colors. The room was sparking, and snowflakes were hanging from the ceiling making it look like they were floating in the sky. It was truly magical, and I felt as if I was on the set of some Harry Potter movie or something.

I looked up and admired the decorations that we had worked so hard on and a felt happy. I was at home, with the people who I belonged with, and it felt like I was on top of the world.

I felt hot breath on the back of my neck then a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "It's almost as beautiful as you." I heard a deep voice whisper in my ear. I smiled.

I turned around and kissed him softly on the lips. He smiled. "Listen, tonight you and me, on the balcony outside of your room." He said, winking at me and then walking away.

"Ooh mysterious," Another voice said behind me. "What are you kids up to," Jack said, smiling mischievously.

"Nothing much." I tried to answer with a straight face but ended up smiling like a freak. Jake frowned a little.

"Is something wrong?" I asked Jake. He muttered something under his breath. I couldn't quite understand what he said, but I heard something about love and you. I frowned as I watched him walk away. I don't know why I felt guilt rush all over me all of a sudden.


I looked at myself in the mirror.

A girl with a beautiful black dress with silver diamonds lining it looked back at me. She had red lipstick on her plump lips and her eyes were lined with the simplest line of eyeliner that made them sparkle. The red lipstick and the dress made her eyes shine as she looked at herself once more.

She was me. And I felt more beautiful then I had felt in a while now.

Kacey walked in, her beautiful red dress shining in the light. "Oh my goodness!" We both said at the same time. "You look so gorgeous Bea!" She exclaimed. "But look at you!" I answered. We spent a good ten seconds just admiring how amazing we each looked and then Kacey spoke up. "Your father is calling you down, the guests will be arriving soon." She said, with a vibrant smile on her face.

I walked downstairs and instantly all eyes were on me and Kacey. My father, Jack, Sean, and Kaleb were all left dumbstruck and stared up at us, not able to say anything for he longest time. Then, as if snapping out of a trance, Jack cleared his throat, "You guys look gorgeous." Then one after the other, they all nodded their heads, smiling up at us. Kacey and I smiled and walked downstairs feeling like Disney princesses out of a movie.

"Well don't all of you look quite handsome yourselves," I said, walking up to my father and hugging him. It was then that I realized that James wasn't in the room. My heart dropped for a second, then I was back. He was probably still getting ready, he would be here in a while.

"Daddy, where's James?" I asked him. "Oh he said he was going to go see someone, and that he would be back in a while." Dad said, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack grimace, as if he knew something I didn't. I started to get worried. "Someone?" I asked. "Yeah I'm sure he's just gone to see his friend or something." Dad said, smiling like nothing was wrong.

He asked me to meet him tonight, it was probably just something related to that.


It was almost midnight, and James still hadn't come back. The guests had already arrived and every now and then, my dad would take me over to meet someone important to the company. I kept checking my phone just in case James texted me.

It was right at twelve o'clock when I got a text from James.

James: The balcony babe ;)

I was smiling like a freak for sure now.

Bea: On my way :)

I started the walk up to the stairs and practically ran into my room, and out to the balcony.

And when I got there, my heart dropped.

There was James.

And another girl.


I'm going to run away and hide under a rock now before I'm murdered.

Don't kill me <3

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