The Bellwood Breed-1

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Chapter One


I woke up gasping for air with my heart racing, sweaty palms, hair stuck to my forehead, and completely soaked in my own perspiration. I had been haunted by that dream for the third night in a row, the same dream I'd been having since I was a little girl. It had been years since I'd seen it, and now, it was reoccurring all over again

I could never understand, or figure that dream out, everything was so confusing, so terrifying, especially as a child. Although, if you asked me what I was afraid of, I couldn't tell you, because I didn't know. I was simply just...afraid. But I knew better, I knew deep down that there was a reason to be afraid...very afraid.

"Happy birthday Riley!" I literally fell out of bed and flat on my butt at the sound of another voice, swearing a few colorful strings of sentences. "Oh by the way, mom said wake up or you're going to be late."

I groaned. "Just get out Lexi."

My sister rolled her eyes as she stuck her tongue out. "And to think I've lived with you for the past 17 years of your life."

"16. I'm older dufus." I flung a pillow at the back of her head as she exited my bedroom. Pulling myself up off the floor, I yawned, running a hand over the goose bumps still on my arms, and they weren't from the cool air of my bedroom either. I had to shake that dream from my head, I just had too.

I hated the first day of school, and this first day of school was going to be the worst first day of school, because it was my first day of school at a new school.  

Yay for me.  

Said no one ever. At least I had junior year to look forward too, hopefully.

I had to sift through boxes that I still hadn't had time to unpack. Okay, in reality, I was being stubborn and lazy. I didn't want to unpack, if I did, that meant that I was accepting this new house, this new town, and this new life. I wanted to go back to the city, not that Greenwich was bad, it just wasn't the city.

When I finally managed to make myself somewhat decent, I made my way downstairs, tugging at my stupid too short uniform skirt. "Geez, and you pay for these stupid things why?" I complained to my mother as she sat my favorite breakfast down.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." She ignored with a kiss on my head.  

"Why does everyone keep saying that? You guys know I hate my birthday."

"Well you shouldn't dear, you can't let what happened in the past dictate your future."  

"Yeah, but you weren't there." I cringed as I thought back to my eighth birthday, let's just say too much cake and a bouncy house led to a bad combination of screaming and a questionable substance sprayed all over my friends, some of which who still hadn't forgiven me.

I was quickly snapped out of it as my dad's tall frame came stomping in. "Morning sunshine." He kissed my head. "Here's your not-a-birthday-present present."

I smiled. "See, this is why I like you more."

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