The Bellwood Breed-41

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My hands shook slightly as the girl's eyes continued to linger on mine. My mouth was dry and I felt uneasy.

The others all looked between each other, just as confused as I was. "Her child?" Avery repeated.

The girl cut her eyes. "Oh don't play dumb. You all know about the prophecy."

"Yes but there's nothing about a child in the prophecy. And besides, Riley isn't pregnant.'re not pregnant are you?" Avery's eyes widened slightly as I turned red.

"What? No!"

"She's not pregnant, so explain yourself." Ryder's voice was steely.

The girl shook her head, her eyes hard and annoyed. "She's not pregnant yet."


We had all had enough for one day, maybe even the rest of our lives. I mean, I died today, I think that counted as something right? I really just wanted to go home and be with my family. My life was put into perspective suddenly, and the way I saw everything changed. I was suddenly thankful for the smallest of things.

The other Darklighters were the Elders problem now. I didn't know what was going to happen to them, and right now, I didn't care. I still couldn't shake off that girl's cold stare. Something was nagging at the back of my head, something that was all too familiar, yet a complete mystery at the same time. I tried to bring whatever it was that was bothering me about the girl's words to the forefront, but nothing would surface.

Right now, I couldn't really focus on that though. What I still needed to figure out was why my sister was entirely too pregnant. My parents still didn't know she was back, it was better that way. She would be hiding at Avery's house until we figured out how to handle this.

We all sat around in the living room, no one really saying anything. I was waiting for my sister to come from upstairs with Shannon, Avery's mother. They were checking her vitals and making sure that she was healthy. She'd said that they had taken care of her, but we had to be sure.

I was nervous, I hadn't stopped moving and fidgeting since I sat down. Avery rested a hand on my knee. "Riley, she's fine."

"She's obviously not fine." I bit. "She's only a couple of weeks pregnant, not five like she appears to be...obviously, she not fine." My eyes stung with the threat of tears, I was quickly falling back into my harsh reality.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder as Winter rested her hand on my leg. They all looked at me with pity in their eyes.

When I heard footsteps, we all stood to our feet. Lexi came padding in holding on to Avery's mother. I still couldn't believe just how pregnant she was. She looked to be at least five or six months.

"Lexi." I threw my arms around her, not wanting to let her go. For a moment, I thought I would never see her again. She squeezed me back as I hugged her, her tears staining my shirt. "I thought I was never going to see you again."

She nodded as she wiped at her eyes. "I know, I'm glad you guys are all safe." She took a deep shaky breath.

I sniffed as I wiped at my eyes, chuckling sadly. "Barely." I smiled happily. Avery scooted over for us. "Come, we have to talk." I'd heard the guys' parents talking earlier about what was most likely going on with Lexi at the current moment. She still didn't understand and was possibly more afraid then I was.

She nodded as she swallowed hard, resting a hand on top of her bloated stomach. "I don't know what's going on with my body. Is it the baby maybe? Is it okay?" Her voice was small.

"Your baby is fine hun." Shannon squeezed her shoulder as she took the spot her son had just been in. "But, there are some things that you need to regards to your child." I needed to know these things as well.

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