The Bellwood Breed-57

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"What are you all demented?!" I yelled as we all stood in the basement of Avery's house. His parents had just given the rest of the group a run down on what was going on with Lexi's baby. things weren't looking all. "We can't just kill an innocent new born! He's done nothing wrong!" I picked him up and cradle him against my chest, not letting any of them near him.

"Riley," Avery said cautiously. "They're right, he may be harmless now, but what he's going to grow into..." he shook his head. "Not even someone as powerful as you would be able to stop him."

"Yeah well I stopped and killed the one guy you all had been after for who knows how long." I spat. "You're all crazy if you think I'm letting you go anywhere near him." I stepped backward.

"Riley, it can't be avoided, we can't allow him to-"

"You can't allow him to what? To live? and who gave you that power huh? And what about Lexi? After all she's been through you're now telling me you want to kill her baby? Who are you people?!" I wiped at an angry tear as I stormed out, taking my nephew with me. I felt like I had to protect him from my own family.

I was hurt, how could they even contemplate something so cruel, so inhumane? Weren't they the ones who protected the human race, the good guys?

I didn't think now was the best time to go to Lexi, and I couldn't exactly go home with a newborn that looked an awfully lot like her. So instead, I went to the only person I could think of...Aunt Beth.

"I had a feeling I'd be seeing you again soon." Her face was grave, almost as of she knew exactly what was going on. I stood on my doorstep with my sister's baby who had yet to have a name. He was wrapped in a cover and sleeping in my arms as we stepped inside.

"I didn't know where else to go." I sniffed. I was sure I looked like a total wreck, I'd done more crying than I would like to admit.

She guided me inside, kissing me on the head as she did. "Oh honey don't cry, tell me, what's the matter?"

I hung my head as I began to cry harder. "Everything's just so out of place again. I feel like the moment everything was turning out alright, it all just started falling apart again!" The stress over the last few days was finally getting to me. It built upon its self until suddenly toppling over with a big bang.

I told her about the trip to Mexico and about everything that had happened within the group, right up to the birth of Lexi's baby. "And now their saying that he can't live." I was balling now, my word slurring together in sometime unintelligible words. "I just can't, I can't let them do that!"

She rubbed my back in soothing circles, offering to hold the baby as she did. When I had finally calmed down, she sat down a glass of water in front of me and told me to take a few deep breaths so that I could think clearly.

"What happened in Mexico was unfortunate, but unavoidable. Riley what good is it to hold on to what used to be of it can no longer fulfill you on what is?" I had trouble focusing on what she meant exactly by this, but I would mull over it later.

"What am I supposed to do with him?" I sniffed, gesturing at a the face of a peaceful newborn.

"Well," she said, holding him up to examine him closer. She knew what he was and what he would one day be capable of, yet she acted as if he were nothing but a normal little baby boy. Why couldn't the others see him like that instead of some threat? "We could start off by giving him a name, every little baby needs a name."

"I thought I'd let Lexi do that, I's her baby." I mumbled.

She picked my chin up. "Riley, right now, you're all he's got, he's going to need you, whether you or any of the others understand why. There's something at work here, and none of us knows what yet, but there certainly is. Now," she smiled gently. "What shall we name him?"

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