The Bellwood Breed-50

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*Aspen's POV*

 One sheep...two sheep...three sheep...seventeen sheep...forty-seven sheep...

"Ugh this is pointless." I grumbled as I climbed out of bed, Pippa turned on her side before falling back into a peaceful slumber. If only I could do the same.

Instead, I couldn't get stupid Avery and his stupid blue eyes out of my head. I kept replaying today on the beach in my head over and over again. It had been the most fun I had in a long time. Now don't get me wrong, being with Ryder is pretty great too, but he couldn't bring that side out of me, no one excpet Avery could.

Avery had always been there for me, I knew I could always count on him. Then again, everyone could, he was simply just that kind of guy. I had always been a little closer to him then I had with the others. Even my own twin brother lacked in a few areas when it came in comparison to Avery. Like for one, Blythe certainly couldn't make my heart skip beats.

Even with my new found feelings for Avery, I still couldn't seem to let Ryder go. I was far too in love with him. He was all I'd ever known. I couldn't drop all of what we had invested into each other. The world sure had a cruel way of playing jokes on you.

I guess I kind of owed Riley an apology. I treated her like crap the moment she got here, but I could tell from the moment she arrived that she was going to change everything for us. Not only was it in Ryder's eyes, it was in the eyes of everyone else as well. She was freaking gorgeous, of course every one would be smitten by her, Avery included. I guess I kind of always saw her as a threat, but could I really blame her for being who she was? Let's not forget the fact that I'd totally connected hearts with her boyfriend...and now I was as crazy about him as she was...if not more.

I tiptoed down the stairs, maybe a glass of water and a quick snack would help. Everyone else seemed to be asleep, it was nearly twelve now.

As I came around the bend, my senses picked up on the sound of other voices. I identified one as Ryder's, I'd know it anywhere.

I figured I could at least play the part of the "perfect girlfriend" and surprise him, cuddle in his arms and talk into the wee ours of morning, just like I had that night with Avery. Although rather tempting, we hadn't done anything. I simply laid in his arms as we laid on his bed, the two of us talking the night away. By the time I left his house, the sun had been coming out, he pecked me on the cheek and saw me off. After that, I couldn't stop thinking about him, he was all too consuming.

I realzied the voices were coming from outside, the curtains to the backyard were partialy pulled back, and through them, I could see two figures. One was Ryder, and the other I couldn't tell because their back was to me. I knew it had to be either Riley or Pippa, their hair colors looked pratically the same in the near dark.

I peered out, watching the two intently. Ryder's lips were moving, and I didn't want to be an intrusion by using my enhanced ears. So instead I just watched his mouth.

For a moment, I couldn't quite make out his words, but when I could, my heart fell to my toes as my chest erupted in pain.

My assumptions were pratically wrong, that definetly wasn't Pippa. Ryder would never kiss her, but he would certainly kiss Riley.

I didn't even hesitate as I turned on my heel, betrayal hot in my veins. I knew it all along. And now, I felt so stupid. Here I was trying to douse my feelings for Avery out of modesty when his girlfriend was kissing my boyfriend behind my back! I was livid! But the joke was on me right? I guess I should've known.

I paced down the hall to the one bedroom that wasn't being used, reaching out to Avery. I knew he would hear me because it was a connection we all shared. He showed up mid-pace while I was ranting along in my head.

"Hey, what's-" His eyes were still filled with sleep as I grabbed him by the shirt, kissing him full on, He was shocked before he began to kiss me back.

Kissing him was just as I had imagined...absolutely amazing. I completely forget where I was, and why I was even upset in the first place. He felt so...right.

He came to himself after a moment or two, pulling away from me with disheveled breaths. "Whoa, ok, hold on just..." he took a deep breath before smiling. "Wow." He breathed beore shaking himself out og it. "Wait, Aspen I, we...what are you doing?"

"The same thing your girlfriend's doing." I spat. He cocked a confused brow. Before he could question me, I bursted into tears, unable to stand it all.

"Whoa, Aspen are you okay? He brought me into his arms.

I shook my head. "Riley, she...she kissed Ryder!" More tears came.

Avery's entire face changed. I heard him take an audible intake of air. He stood and began to pace the room. I wiped at my eyes as he covered his face. "I..." He said nothing.

"So I guess that's it right? This is the momement I've been dreading from the start." I sniffed. "I knew it would come to this." I was becoming angrier by the second.

Avery pushed the hair back from his face and took a deep breath. "Aspen, calm down okay? It'll be okay." His voice cracked and I could see that his eyes were rimmed in red, traces of hurt clear in his face. He took a shaky breath. "Don't say anything about this."

W-what?" I sniffed. I wanted to let the both of them have it. "Avery-"

Aspen I'm serious." His voice broke, and for a moment, I saw just how hurt he was. He wasn't just hurt, he was devastated. "Please, just...I can't right now." He turned on his heel and left without another word.

I fell back on the bed and began to cry again. If I was so in love with Avery now, why did this hurt so much? Shouldn't I be happy? Didn't this mean that Avery and I could finally be together? I should've been happy right now, so why wasn't I?

Oh right, because I was totally in love with them both.

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