The Bellwood Brred-51

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*Avery’s POV*

What I was feeling right now, I couldn’t even begin to explain, it was like…my heart was caving in on its self, on the verge of rupturing entirely.

I knew that Riley and I were on the verge of a breakup, but I didn’t think it would have been this soon. I still loved her, and call me crazy but, I still wanted to be with her.

But she cheated on me. What was I supposed to do now? I couldn’t believe this, every time I blinked I saw him with her, and it made my blood boil.

Was this what Andrew had felt like when he found out about Riley and I? I suddenly felt like I was reaping what I had sowed. I deserved this right? It was only fair. But that still didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt, because it hurt like no one’s business. I loved Riley with everything in me; she had, and always would be my first, but this…this I couldn’t do. It was just too much for me to bear.

I walked out the front door and past the gates before taking off at an unnatural speed. I didn’t know where I was going, but I didn’t care, I just needed to run, I needed to blow off steam, and mostly, I needed to clear my head of Riley.


I awoke to the sun invading my eyes, it was too bright to open them, and so I just laid there with them shut. For a moment I could hardly remember where I was. I was slightly aware of a small nagging pain in my back and neck, almost as if I had slept on it wrong.

The feel of someone’s hands probing me made me jump up, fully alert. I had knocked whoever it was backwards.

“Hey man, chill, I was just checking to see if you were okay.” A scruffy looking guy who appeared to have had a long night put his hands up in surrender. I knew he was speaking Spanish, but I could still understand him.

Last night came flooding back to me as I stood there. I had gone for a run, and then practiced pushing myself to the limits with my mind. I guess I kind of pushed myself a little too hard because I had drained too much energy at once.

I realized I was in a park, had I passed out and slept here the entire night? “Sorry.” I apologized as I stepped around him, heading in the direction of the resort. It was at least three miles down the road.

I wasn’t exactly in a mood to get back there so soon, so I took my time, walking at a human pace and even stopping for coffee. I was sitting in a café when an English speaking tourist approached me. She had long dark locks and full pink lips, reminding me a little too much of Riley. Seeing the resemblance made my heart hurt.

“Hiy.” She smiled kindly.

I swallowed hard as I sat back in my chair. “Well hello.” I didn’t even have the energy to smile, let alone entertain a conversation.

“I’m Amanda, I was just touring the area and I wondered if you knew of any great spots to take pictures.” She held up her large, professional style camera.

“Uh…” I paused as I looked at the girl. “Yeah, sure.” I said as I sat my coffee down on the table and gave her the best smile I could muster. “I’m not exactly from here, but I’ve been discovering some of the area with my friends.”

“Oh really, how convenient.” Her laugh was soft and carefree. “Mind showing me around then?” She gave me a sweet smile as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Uh actually,” I paused as her face began to fall a little, chewing my bottom lip while I watched her. Was this a good idea? I mean I was kind of in a fragile state right now.  But what the heck, Riley obviously didn’t care enough, so why should I? “You know what,” I smiled as I stood up and placed a bill on the table. “Sure, why not?”

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