The Bellwood Breed-49

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"Oh man this place is beautiful." I breathed as we all walked along the stone sidewalks after eating dinner. The sun had nearly tucked its self away when we finally left the resturant. We all agreed that we could go for chinese, so we went to a stylish bistro in the heart of the town.

"I know!" Winter exclaimed as we came across an intricate mexican mural with burst of bright colors and crazy characters. "Guys, we have to take a picture in front of this!" She said excitedly. She was practically bouncing all over the place. Her pink sundress had hiked its self up a few inches.

"Excuse me." Aspen stopped a couple walking by on the street. "Could you take our picture please?" They looked to be tourist just as we were.

"Oh sure!" The female exclaimed in a heavy British accent. Her male counterpart continued to stare at Aspen as she turned to join us. We all stood with our arms wrapped around each other and smiling. I could only imagine how out of place I looked. The bright flash blinded me for half a milisecond before the stranger stood back to examine the photo. Her eyebrows shot up as her eyes widened a little. "Wow..." She trailed off as the male peeked over her shoulder. He let out a low whistle with a smile.

"Is everything okay?" Winter asked with a cocked brow. "Do we need to take another?"

"Oh,, not at's just..." She trailed off as she looked at the camera and then back at us. " guys are...beautiful." She seemed lost for words. I could completely understand her reaction to "The Bellwood Breed". My inital reaction, along with many others, had been the same. It was just unnatural for a group of people to be so painstakingly beautiful. They really were otherworldly.

They all laughed. "Well thank you, that's very kind of you to say."Ryder gave them a dashing smile, turning the dazzle all the way up. Even the man paused for a second.

"Um...your welcome." She finally got out. They started to walk away as we began to all peer at the picture we had just taken when she turned back around. "Um, this might be a wee bit strange, well, really weird actually but, do you mind if I take a picture with you all?" She laughed nervously.

I couldn't help but gawk. She wanted a picture with us?! I don't know what it was like for the rest of them but, this was completely surreal for me. I mean yeah, I had the occuasional admirer every now and then but...a picture, with me in it?

They laughed in perfect unison. "Sure, why not!?" Avery smiled kindly. He put his arm around the girl who looked to be in her early twenties as she handed her phone over to the guy with her.

After the bright flash went off, she thanked us with a big smile. "Thanks again."

"You'll probably have to crop me out of that." I was only half joking.

"Are you kidding, you're all perfect." She laughed as she walked away with her friend.

"Okay...that was totally a first for me." I said once we started walking again.

"Eh, it happens every now and then." Blythe shrugged.

"Are you joking?" I gawked.

The others shook their heads. "Not really. Why do you think there are so many half-breed children? Humans are completely smitten with our looks." Blythe wiggled his brows, which resulted with a smack on the head as the others laughed.

"He does have a point though, the eight of us are rare for a reason." Avery laughed.

We continued our walk through the town. The sun had gone down and now the stars were out. We walked for what felt like ages, stopping to talk to the locals and find out where all the fun was. There was talk of a festival going on further downtown. As we walked, it began to come into vision. I could smell and hear the festival before I saw it.

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