The life at the Avengers Tower

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It's been over a year since I was on the mission of The Winter Soldier aka Bucky. On the next mission I came on, Nat told that Bucky disappeared after the fight at the triskelion, in Washington D.C., and Steve and Sam went out to look for him.

And then, when Steve came back to the Avengers Tower, he told us that they haven't found anything yet. I feel bad for Steve. I hope he finds Bucky, because Bucky is his best friend. "Fighting to the end of the line." they always say to each other.

This day today, I'm still dating Tony. Of course, as every other couple gets, we've had our fights in-between, but we'd always managed to fix it afterwards, because that's what we do best, we fix stuff. Especially when we're working together as a team. Just like how Steve says it.

After the mission with the Winter Soldier, I finished my Mark 3 armor. Now, I'm on my 5th, almost 6th. The armor haven't really changed much. Only a few settings about my powers, making the suit being able to do it as well, without I actually need to use my powers. It's mostly for Tony's sake.

Then I've modified the helmet. Not by the looks, but the on/off mode. Instead of taking it off and putting it on every time, means that you have a change to lose it, I've made a system in the suit, so the helmet is inbuilt in the suit. I know, totally awesome.

Tony is of course also building his suits. He hasn't built as many armors as I have. After the Battle on the Norco against The Mandarin a couple of years ago, he told Jarvis to destroy all his suits, including his brand new Mark 42. But then he started to built his 43rd armor. And that was after the mission of the Winter Soldier. But on the other hand, Tony has rebuilt his Iron Legion suit. So maybe that's fair enough.

''Hey, Em.'' I hear Nat say to me. I look towards her to see her walking towards me. She sits next to me on the couch in the living room. ''What's up? You seem a bit down.'' she tells me.

I shake my head. ''It's nothing. I just think back of what happened to Bucky after the battle on the triskelion.'' I tell her.

She sighs. ''Well, if I know Steve right, I know he's going to find out. I'm sure he's gonna find Bucky.'' she tells me.

I smile at her. ''Yeah, you're probably right.'' I say and look down. We suddenly hear some rumbling in the living room. We frown at each other before looking behind us to see Bruce with some science stuff.

Bruce sees us frowning at him for making so loud noises. ''Sorry, girls.'' he says and leaves the living room into the elevator.

''What was that about?'' I ask Nat in disbelieve as I turn to her with an even more disbelieving expression.

She looks at me as well. ''It's you who works with him. You should know.'' she says to me.

''Maybe I should go to the lab and check it out.'' I tell her.

She nods. ''Maybe you should.'' she says.

I think for a bit. ''You know what? I don't really bother actually.'' I say to her and turn back to the normal sitting position. She laughs at me and sits normally as well.

''Ouch! Shit!'' We now hear Tony shouting from behind us. We look behind us again to see him standing at the bar, making a drink.

''Language.'' Steve says to him from the second floor in the living room.

''Language? Did anyone hear that? You heard it, right?'' Tony asks us.

We both nods. ''What happened, baby?'' I ask him.

He tries to look cool, but he fails. ''I hurt my finger.'' he mumbles and leaves the living room with the drink in his hands, before Nat and I can question him. I roll my eyes at him. Typical Tony.

''Thor!'' We hear Clint shouting.

''Oh dear.'' I say. Nat sighs heavily. We both know what's going on. Thor has managed to broke one of Clint's arrows lately, because he accidently sits on it, hits it with his hammer, or a third crazy thing.

''I wonder what happened this time.'' Nat says to me.

''He used it as a fork, because he couldn't find the drawer of the flatware.'' Steve tells us. We look towards the sound and see him walking down the stairs from second floor. He then comes to us and sits on the couch next to ours. ''Then he broke it, because of his strength.'' he says.

''Wow.'' I say.

Suddenly Clint and Thor comes into the living room. ''Thor, I mean it. You fix it, or I will personally make sure you're not gonna see your hammer again.'' Clint says to Thor in anger.

''Clint, I promise I will fix it.'' Thor says to him.

''Thanks.'' Clint says and walks away from Thor. He walks over to the couches and sits next to Steve.

Bruce and Tony now comes into the living room and again. ''Guys, we have a message from Hill. She says there's troubles in Sokovia. It's the location of Hydra's research base. We need to go there.'' Tony tells us all.

Sokovia? That's in-between Turkey and Bulgaria. Mostly Bulgaria. Especially that part of Bulgaria I was born in. Where I come from. I now think of my biological family. What if something has happened to them? I know, I don't know them, but still. As an adopted kid, you think of those things.

Tony's POV

''Guys, we have a message from Hill. She says there's troubles in Sokovia. It's the location of Hydra's research base. We need to go there.'' I tell the others about the mission.

''Sokovia? Weird place to hide a facility, don't you think?'' Steve asks us.

''I don't think it's that weird, because it's in-between Bulgaria and Turkey. Not many people know about Bulgaria. We, of course, do because of Emma.'' Bruce tells us and nods towards Emma who sits and stares at nothing. She's zoned out.

''Emma?'' Steve calls to her. She doesn't react.

''Emma, honey, can you hear me?'' Nat asks her. She suddenly stands from the couch and walk over to the elevator. When she's out of sight, everybody looks at me.

I look over at Steve. ''Cap.'' I say simply before following Emma.

''Alright, guys, suit up.'' I hear Steve say before the elevator door closes. I wonder what's wrong with Emma. We could all tell it was something about Bulgaria, so maybe it's something about the orphan she lived at. Who knows? I can only know, by asking her.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Sequel to Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now