My love for you

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I get to the Quinjet and take off my suit. Tony comes short after. Because I don't want to speak to anyone at the moment, I choose to be in the back of the jet. I hear them talking with each other. Nat and Bruce about his Hulk problems. Thor, Steve and Tony about the scepter and it's power. I feel eyes on me all the time, but I ignore them.

We eventually reach the tower again. I see Helen and Hill standing there, waiting for us. Yes, Hill still works for Tony in Stark Industries. When we land and the "door" opens, our doctors take Clint with them. I hear Helen speaking Korean to them.

Apparently Clint got hurt in the side of one of the weapons, because he got distracted by a guy with speed powers. I wonder who that is. Maybe a Hydra soldier with powers. I don't know.

I get in my suit and fly up to the roof because I want to be alone. I always fly up to the roof, when I want to be alone. It's the most peaceful place in the tower. I stay there for hours, before I hear anything from anyone.

''Miss Clark, Mr. Stark wants to see you in the lab.'' Jarvis tells me. I really can't deal with anything about science right now.

I sigh heavily. ''Tell him, I'm busy.'' I say to Jarvis.

''Yes, miss.'' he says to me. I'm starting to get hungry. The proves appears in my stomach, making rumbly noises. I fly down to the entrance and walk inside. I get in the elevator and go to mine and Tony's bedroom first before getting to the big living room.

I see everyone doing something on their own. I see Steve watching something on a laptop. Wow, he's getting use to the technology. Nat is not in the living room, so I assume she's with Clint and Helen in the nursing room. I neither see Hill, so I assume she's somewhere else in the tower, working. Thor is sitting in the sofa, relaxing.

And then, as the last ones, I see Tony and Bruce working in the lab. Of course they do. But what are they working on? They seem really concentrated and focused about it. I let them work and get into the kitchen. I make myself a vegetarian sandwich (vegetable sandwich).

I suddenly hear someone clearing their throat. I look towards the sound and see Steve looking at me. I force him a smile and keep making my sandwich. I hear his footsteps approach me. He suddenly takes an arm around my waist and pulls me into his body for a hug. I relax immediately. Wow, I needed that more than I thought.

Steve pulls away and looks at me caring eyes and a heart-warming smile. He then leans in and kisses my cheek. I wide my eyes at him in shock. He kissed my cheek, but that's okay. It's more the reason behind it. Was it a friendly, or loving kiss. I can't tell. I don't know if he sees Sharon or what he does.

He gives me another heart-warming smile before leaving me in the kitchen. Maybe it was just as a comfort, because he can tell I'm a bit down. But as the gentleman he is, he doesn't ask into it. He always lets me tell it myself, when I'm ready to share my thoughts.

Then Tony comes into the kitchen. He smiles at me as he walks towards me. He takes his arms around me and kisses my lips. ''Baby, what's wrong? You've been absent since we came home from Sokovia. What's on your mind?'' he asks me with worry in his eyes.

I look down and sigh. ''It's about what happened to you. When I saw you standing in front of the scepter, you stood completely still, looking out at nothing. It was like seeing you having a vision. When you then snapped out of it, you looked scared at me and the Leviathan. You were sweating all over your face.'' I tell him honestly. I look up at him to look at him in the eyes. ''I want to know what you saw. I can tell it was about the Chitauri, but a lot more serious. What did you see?'' I ask him.

He now looks at me with scared eyes, thinking back at it. He takes a few deep breaths. ''I was in the Chitauri world. I saw you all dead. I saw Bruce as the Hulk with spears through his body. Nat and Thor with blood all over them. Barton with arrows everywhere on his body, Steve with his shield half cut, and then you.'' he says. A tear streams down from his eye. ''You lied on the ground, dead as well. The Chitauri had broken your suit to pieces, and you were lying with a crack in you neck. I looked directly into your eyes. But there were no life in them.'' he ends, now with tears streaming down his face.

I have tears down my face as well, feeling so bad for Tony experiencing that. He doesn't deserve that. I pull him into a tight hug. We hug for a bit, before pulling away. ''You know.'' Tony starts out. ''I've having a party here this Saturday to celebrate our success against Hydra. Of course, it's your own choice, but I want you to be there. I want my girlfriend to be there by my side.'' he says to me.

I smile at him and kiss him deeply. ''Of course, I'm gonna be there. I'm a part of the team.'' I say to him. He smiles and kisses me. The next three days, before Saturday, Tony and Bruce works in the lab.

Tony told me it was something about his big Ultron project. The files he downloaded from Hydra, is also a program, like Jarvis. Ultron is just way bigger. If you see it in basic English, Jarvis is a baby and Ultron is a full grown up. He can do so much more and get even more out of it. Ultron is Jarvis' competitor.

I can't say I'm not excited for the Ultron project, but I'm also concerned. The program that Tony wants to apply into Ultron, is taken from a Hydra system. If Tony and Bruce, mostly Tony, make mistakes, Ultron will not be the protecter that Tony wants it to be.

It's the evening of the party, and I'm in mine and Tony's bedroom to make ready for the party. I don't know what to wear. I find several dresses, but none of them is good enough. ''No... No... No...'' and it keeps on.

''Don't worry, baby.'' I hear Tony saying to me.

I turn around to see him with a box. ''What's that?'' I ask him.

He walks towards our bed and put down the box. He then opens it and shows out a beautiful dress. It's a beautiful black dress that looks way too expensive. ''I've bought this for you.'' he tells me. Of course, nothing is too expensive when you're Tony Stark.

I smile at him and take it. ''You shouldn't have done that.'' I say to him.

He takes his arms around me and kisses my cheek. ''That's not up for discussion, baby. And besides, you needed a new anyways, I could tell.'' he says to me, referring to my stress about what I'm going to wear tonight. ''And I want us to match tonight, so people can see you're mine.'' he then says.

He's so sweet. He really do love me. We've been together for almost 3 years now, and not once, I've regretted being with him. I love him. This means that Nick was wrong. He told me to be careful, because he said that you can't trust Tony, no matter for how long you've known him.

But Tony hasn't failed me once. Of course he's been a disappointment when we lived in the mansion in Malibu. He always worked in the lab, and never spend time with me. But I still believed that our relationship could work out. I believed in our love and I still do. And it's just as strong as it was from the start.

''I love you, Tony. I know I say it a lot, but I really do. I love you and only you. I've never loved someone, like I love you.'' I tell him.

He shakes his head. ''Baby, I know that's not true.'' he says to me, referring to Steve.

''It is. I know I've loved Steve as much as I love you, but that has changed. Tony, I chose you because I love you more. Since I saw you being a target last year, I realised that it's you I want to be with. Because I realised that I missed you more then like hell. I know it was only for about a week I was gone, but I was thinking of you every single day, and I wanted so bad to fly home to you. I missed you every single day. I couldn't sleep, because you were on my mind all the time. I tried so hard to concentrate on the mission, but it was impossible for me. But it's not like that with Steve when I'm with you. I don't miss Steve in the same way as I miss you. Of course, I miss him like hell, but not like that. I don't see a future with him. I see a future with you.'' I end.

Tony says nothing and kisses me passionately. When he pulls away, he hugs me tighter than ever. ''I love you too, baby.'' he says to me. ''Now come on, the guests are waiting for you.'' he tells me.

''They're already here?'' I ask him in disbelieve.

''Yeah.'' he says to me.

''Okay. I will put this lovely dress on, and then I'll be there.'' I tell him.

''Good.'' he says and leaves the bedroom. I then put on the dress and a bit of makeup. Not much, only mascara and powder really. I'm not a makeup girl, and Tony knows that.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Sequel to Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now