He should be dead

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~~Vision Start~~

I stand in a room of 4 people. I don't know 3 of them, but I know the asian woman with dark hair. May. Melinda May, agent of SHIELD. It's been a while I've seen her. I met her after my first month of being in SHIELD, means that I was 17 that time. So it's been almost, what, 5 years? And she hasn't changed a bit.

The other three are two other women and then an old man. They look towards something on my left, so I look to my left and I almost get a chock. It's Phil. How? When? What happened? I thought he was dead. He died. Loki killed him. How is this possible?

I look at the tv screen behind Phil. It's the news about the Sokovia battle. The city falling down. Ultron fighting against us. His suits destroying the city. It's terrible to look at. I feel so bad for being a part of something so terrible. Everybody thinks the Avengers are a threat, but we were just trying to help the civilians. The pictures also makes me think of my family I saw getting killed.

Phil suddenly looks at me and frowns a bit. He ignores it and turns back to the others. ''I felt like I've failed as a director. And the truth is, I did.'' he says to the others (me as well). Director? He's the new director? Who decided that? Not that I'm complaining. I think he's the right one to become the new director of SHIELD after Nick stepping away from the position as the director.

So it's exactly what I said. I said that Phil would've definitely become the new director of SHIELD if he was still alive. And now when he is, he's become the new director. Nick probably gave him that position because he thinks Phil is right one as well, and then of course because he trusts Phil with his life.

''A coup will make you think about things like that. I tried to do it all alone. That was a mistake. Even Fury had a World Council watching over him, providing guidance.'' Phil says.

''What are you suggesting?'' The old man suddenly asks him. Who is this man?

''One SHIELD, where I operate as director, under your advisement.'' Phil says. Everybody now looks at each other. May looks towards me and suddenly frowns at me for a second before turning back to Phil. Who's body have I even overtaken? ''This way, we'll have a cool underground base and a boat.'' Phil says.

''It's hard to argue with a man who prevented Ultron from killing thousands of people.'' The old man says. Ultron? Preventing him from killing thousands of people? That was Phil? How come Nick hasn't told me any of this?! I'm going to kill him. ''But there are plenty more battles to be won, and one closer to home that I fear the Helicarrier won't solve.'' The old man says as he walks towards Phil. I look at Phil as the last thing before I wake up.

~~Vision End~~

I wake up with a jerk. I breathe heavily and I sweat all over. Phil. He's alive. How? Nick said that he died. He told us, all of us. I suddenly feel a movement next to me. "Baby, are you okay?" Tony asks me as he rises from the bed before kissing my cheek. I'm about to tell him about Phil, but then I remember what Phil told me when I first got into SHIELD.

He told me that when an agent dies, you keep the agent's survival secret from the heroes. It's SHIELD's policy. And as a SHIELD agent, it's my job to keep it a secret before I get the permission to tell it to anyone.

Tony looks at me with a concerned expression. "I'm fine, baby. I just had another vision. It was about... about Steve. I just saw him talking to Bucky about their time in the 40's. I don't know who I was, probably another SHIELD agent." I get out of the bed and leave the bedroom, just so I can avoid questions from Tony.

Tony's POV

After Emma tells me about her vision, she stands from the bed and leaves the bedroom. I love her but I can tell she's lying to me. I know it wasn't about Steve because if it was, she would've smiled and she didn't. I can tell it's something that took her hard, so I decide to leave it for now but I will eventually ask her what she really saw.

Emma's POV

I go to my room to get my suit. I need to speak with Nick about this. I'm so pissed at him. How could he keep this away from me? Phil is like a father to me and Nick knows that. I don't care if I lose my job as an agent but I'm going to kick his arse when I see him. I open my secret chamber to my suit and start to put it on.

"Baby, where're you going?" Tony asks me from the door to the chamber. I turn around and look at him. He's got a frown on his face. I turn back to my suit and keep going with what I'm doing.

"I'm going to a meeting with Director Fury." I tell him truly... Well almost truly.

"About what?" He asks me.

The suit opens and I get in it before walking towards him. "I don't know. Nick just told me he wants to see me on the Helicarrier as soon as possible." I tell him.

He looks at me for a few seconds, before nodding. "All right, call me when you get there, so I know that you arrived safely." He says and kisses me on the cheek before walking out of the chamber. 

He knows. He knows that I'm lying, I can tell. But I don't want to deal with him now. Right now, Phil is more important. I want to know more about him. How he's doing and what he's doing. I close the helmet and walk towards one of the windows before opening it to fly out.

I reach the Helicarrier fast and I land steady. I leave Tony a message that I have arrived before going inside to find Nick. I assume he's in the bridge so that's where I look first. And the last as well. I find him and I walk/run towards him to knock him down, but like he knows what's going on, he turns right before I can shoot him with my repulsers. 

"Good you're here. I was about to call you." He says. I frown at him. "I know why you're here."

"How could you keep this away from me? You know how much Phil means to me. He's like a father to me." I say in anger.

"I did it to protect you, Emma." he says in a calm tone.

I huff at him and look at him like he's stupid. "Protect me? From what? Phil? Fro-" he interrupts me.

"He told me." He says simply.

I frown once again at him. "He told you?" I ask.

"That you'll come here." He says to me.

I look shocked at him. How does Phil know about this? How does he know that I would arrive here? "How?"

Nick starts to walk towards the table and sits next to my usual seat. He signs me to sit next to him. I sit in my usual seat and make ready to listen. He sighs. "Right after you had your vision, he called me. He told me that you discovered that he's still alive." He tells me.

Okay I get that, but I need more information. "Yes, but how did he know that I was having a vision? How did he know that I was presence at his workplace? I mean I was in someone else's body." I tell him, in need for answers.

"Emma, everybody know that Phil knows you more than anyone else. As you say, he's been with you since you came into SHIELD. He has his ways of discovering you." Nick tells me.

I lean forward to get closer to him. "I want to see him." I say in a low voice so only he can hear me. He gives me an emotionless expression. He then stands and tells me to follow him. I follow him and wait for what's going to happen.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Sequel to Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now