The real Hulk

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Ultron scoffs at Steve in disgust. Then chuckles. ''Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but...'' wow he sounds just like Tony. You can easily tell that it's Tony who built him.

''If you believe in peace, then let us keep it.'' Thor says to him.

''I think you're confusing with "peace" and "quiet".'' Ultron tells him as he walks towards them.

''Uh, huh? What's the vibranium for?'' Tony asks him, now starting to get impatient.

''I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan.'' Ultron says and suddenly uses power on the boys. Tony then gets flown into the wall, but he quickly rises and flies towards Ultron to fight him.

Steve and Thor then fights against some smaller suits, made out of the vibranium. While they do that, they get pushed by Pietro with his super speed. Wow, he's fast. Suddenly there comes soldiers from the doors. Who the bloody hell are they? Luckily they can't see me, so I fight them, while I'm still invisible.

I suddenly see something unusual. Thor is walking around, like he's a totally different place, and Steve keeps lying on the ground, even though he has his eyes open. What's going on? ''Nat, I need your help. Thor and Steve are behaving weird.'' I tell her, but I don't get an answer. What's wrong with everybody? I don't see Tony anywhere. ''Clint, are you there?'' I ask him.

''I'm here, why are nobody answering?'' he asks me.

''I don't know. Steve, Thor and Nat are not for help right now, and Tony is not here anymore.'' I tell him.

''We need to get them out of here. You take Steve and Thor. I'll take Natasha.'' he says to me.

''Copy that.'' I say and find Steve and Thor. I take Thor and get him to the airplane first, before going back to get Steve.

''Natasha, I could really use a lullaby.'' Tony suddenly says in the earpiece.

''That's not gonna happen. Not for a while. The whole team is down.'' Clint tells him. Now they all know how it is to get visions. Now they know how I feel everyday.

When I come to Steve, I see him being very confused. He then looks at me. I remove my helmet, because I can tell he wants something. He's about to fall again, so I catch him before he hits the ground. ''Steve, look at me.'' I tell him.

He looks at up me. ''I saw her.'' he says to me.

''Who?'' I ask him.

''Peggy. I saw Peggy.'' he tells.

''What did you see?'' I ask him.

He looks at me in the eyes. ''We were dancing.'' he says. ''As I promised her.'' he tells me.

Promised? Maybe it was a date. I stand to help Steve to his feet again. ''Come on, you're going back to the jet.'' I tell him. He stands and we walk back to the jet, together with Nat and Clint.

''Emma, go and help Tony, I got it from here.'' Clint tells me.

I look at the others before turning back to him. ''Are you sure?''

He nods. ''Yes, I'll be fine. Go.'' he says.

I nod and fly towards the town to find Tony and Bruce. When I get there, I see Tony in the Hulkbuster flying around with Bruce as the Hulk. I think he's trying to get Bruce out of the town. I wait to see if he succeeds, but then Bruce fights against Tony and makes him flying into a building, where there's people inside it.

I quickly fly towards them and try to safe as many people as I can. I suddenly see Bruce kicking Tony into an elevator with more people in it. The cord that holds the elevator, disconnects and then the elevator is about to fly down. Tony doesn't make to grab the cord, because of Bruce attacking him, so I quickly fly to them and grab the cord. I use my repulsers to stay up in the air.

''Everybody out!'' I shout to the people inside the elevator. They then walk out of it. I turn around to see Bruce flying towards me, so I kick him away and down on a stairway.

''Baby, throw it at him!'' Tony shouts at me. I do as he says and throws it at Bruce. I then fly towards him and punch him hard in the face. As I think he fainted, he rises and turns to me with an angry look. I can see his eyes are red. Wanda.

Bruce spits out a tooth. Ups. ''I'm sorry.'' I say to him. Immediately, he attacks me. Because I'm not wearing my own Hulkbuster as Tony, I get injured real quick. Bruce suddenly punches me in the face and injures my face.

Fortunately, Tony comes to my rescue and attacks Bruce. I remove my helmet and spit out some blood. Bloody hell, that hurt, Bruce. Of course, I'm not angry with Bruce, because this is not him. This is not his fault. This is Wanda's fault. She's been messing with his mind.

I look up and suddenly see a tall, unfinished building crashing down. It creates so much smoke, that I lose visual. After it all becomes clear again, I stand from the ground. There's now quiet in the town, means that Bruce has finally fallen to sleep.

I remove the hand of my suit and feel my face. I feel a lot of blood. God. I wonder how bad it looks. I suddenly feel weak, so I fall to the ground. It's like I'm so much injured that I can't walk anymore.

I then open my suit and try to stand, but it doesn't help anything. I suddenly hear a suit flying towards me and I then see Tony in front of me, no longer in the Hulkbuster, but his normal Mark 43. He gets out of the suit and kneels in front of me.

''Baby, I'm so sorry for this. It's my fault.'' he says to me as he tries to help.

I shake my head. ''Don't say that. It's not your fault. It's my own. I punch him in the beginning. I shouldn't have done that.'' I say to him.

''You should've never come here. It was dangerous.'' he says. I look down. ''Oh gosh, baby, your face.'' he says and pulls my head up with his finger under my chin.

''I'm fine.'' I say and then spit out some more blood.

He sighs. ''Come on.'' he says to me and helps me stand. He gets in his suit and then takes me in his arms. My own suit closes again and stands. Tony and my suit then flies back to the jet. When we get there, I see Bruce already here.

It's awfully quiet in the jet. Bruce sits on the floor with a blanket around him. Steve sits and probably thinks of Peggy. Thor walks around with his hands, like they're cold, like he's freezing. And Nat sits and thinks as well about her own vision. I don't know what that was about.

Tony sets me down, and walks out of his suit. ''Oh my God, Emma. What happened to you?'' Clint asks me worried when he sees my condition, especially my injured face.

''Nothing, I'm fine, Clint.'' I tell him, because I don't want him to worry about me.

He's about to contradict me, but then Tony stops him. ''Just let it go, Barton.'' he says to Clint. Clint sighs and kisses my hair before going to the pilot seat. We then set off and fly away. Tony kisses my hair as well, before going to the radio to call Hill.

I go to the others to see how they're feeling. I see them stirring at nothing. I decide to leave them alone for now. I go to Bruce and sit next to him. I take my arms around him, and he immediately leans into me, needing more warm than ever. I caress him in the hair to make him calm down, because I know it's working with me every time. ''I'm sorry.'' he says in a low tone.

''Don't.'' I say to him and keep comforting him. You can easily hear how awful he feels about this. He hates this, especially when he hurts his friends. I understand him. I would feel the same way, if not worse.

Bruce is a strong guy. After all what he'd been through, he still try to stand strong. And he succeeds. I could never do that, and I'm sure that nobody else from the team could do that as well. Of course, you can never be too sure, when you've never tried it yourself, but I can tell how horrible Bruce feels every time he is and has been the Hulk.

I fall asleep next to Bruce, who still leans against me. The next morning, we come to a farm. There's a house with a huge farm around it. I wonder who lives here. We get out of the jet and walk towards the house. ''What's this?'' Thor asks.

''A safe house.'' Tony tells him as he's holding hands with me. He looks down at me. ''We need you to get cleaned up.'' he then says to me, referring to my (dry) bloody face.

''Let's hope.'' Clint says to him as he helps Nat inside. Let's see what this is.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Sequel to Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now