Missing out and new mission

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It's been about month since I saw Phil and told Tony about Phil being alive. He understood when I told him not to tell anyone else. Phil and I have been holding contact to know how it's going with each other. He told me that the day after they went to Afterlife, he's lost his one hand, because of a crystal that makes your skin into something that kills you.

He also told me that Skye's mother died. Apparently it was her father who killed her mother, because she was actually the enemy in that case. Gonzales died as well by Jiaying, also by the crystal that kills you. I feel I've been missing out a lot.

Clint called me a few days ago. He told me that Laura has given birth to their new son, Nathaniel Pietro Barton. How sweeter can that get? No more, I know. I'm so happy for them. Nat must be proud, even though that she wanted them to have a daughter, so the name with be total accurate.

But I know she still loves him. So do I. I love all of them. Also all the Avengers. I miss them so much. Fortunate, they couldn't be there at the party Tony was holding when we were celebrating Independence Day. But hopefully I should see them very soon.

About two weeks later, I get some news about some of them. Steve and Bruce. Steve announced that he'll attend and museum exhibition that is dedicated to him and his effort in World War 2 (WWII) Then Tony announced that Stark Industries will give students from urban city schools new scholarships. That's very thoughtful.

The news about Bruce are bad ones. Apparently he's been involved in an earthquake in South Africa. How terrible. I feel so bad for Bruce. The news then shows something about a man called Darren Cross. Apparently he's the CEO of Pym Technologies. The former CEO Hank Pym has retired, so he gave it to his first hand, Cross. Or "gave" is a strong word to use. Cross kicked Dr. Pym out of his own company.

Hank. It's been a while since I've seen him. I once talked to him when I was searching for knowledge about Tony's past and about Peggy. Hank told me about the time he worked with Howard and Peggy in SHIELD. I wonder how Hank's doing right now.

The news also says that a man called Scott Lang is getting released of jail. Apparently he's been in jail for three years because of a failed heist he committed. He must be a bad person, or than he's a really bad thief. No he's not.

The news says that he's been rubbing Vista Corp (the heist). Maybe he failed to complete, but he broke their security system. Tony's been mentioning that their security system should be unbeatable. But if Scott could beat it, then he must be good at breaking security systems.

I shut the television and go to the labs to see Tony working... Again. I sigh heavily and walk over to him. I take my arms around him and kiss his back. ''Baby, why don't you take a break. You are retiring, remember?'' I ask him softly. He suddenly stops working and stays silent. What's going on? ''Baby, are you okay?'' I ask him.

He takes a deep breath before turning around to face me. ''I'm fine, baby.'' he says to me, but I can tell he's lying to me.

I cross my arms and looks at him with a knowing look. ''Shut up and tell me what's going on?'' I say to him in a harsh tone.

With that, he sighs heavily and scratches his face with his hands in tiredness. ''I'm sorry, baby. I know that I'm retiring, but I can't make myself stopping from working because of the thoughts inside me.'' he tells me.

''Which thoughts?'' I ask him as I take my arms around him again.

He takes his hands to my shoulder and then to my hair as a grip. He then leans in and kisses me deeply with his love and care he's got for me. ''The thoughts of me protecting you from the bad world out there.'' he tells me.

I smile at him. ''I love you, baby. I love that you want to protect me from this world. But you also need to think of yourself. Take a break for a few days, maybe a week. Just to clear your head for a bit.'' I say to him.

He nods. ''I probably should.'' he says and looks down.

I pull his head up again and kiss his lips. he kisses me back with his passion. I pull back and smile at him. ''Come on. It's time for bed.'' I say to him.

He kisses me a last time. ''Okay.'' he says and takes my hand to pull me out of the lab. ''FRIDAY, close down the lab.'' he says to FRIDAY. The machines then turns off and the light goes off. We go to bed and fall asleep in each other's arms.

The next day, I get a call from someone. ''Emma Clark... I'm in. When do you want me to start?... Okay, I'll see you there.'' I say and hang up. I stand from the couch and walk to the elevator. Another mission on the way. Good luck, Emma.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Sequel to Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now