Feelings come to play

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After a while into the meeting, Phil's talking about who should go and talk to Jiaying. Phil says it's him but Mr. Gonzales says differently. ''You shouldn't be the one, going in.'' Mr. Gonzales (the old man from my vision) says to Phil.

We all now look at him. Phil looks like a big question mark. ''Care to elaborate?'' Phil says to him.

''You're too close to this. Skye's like a daughter to you, and her mother is these people's leader.'' Mr. Gonzales says to Phil. Mother? So Jiaying is Skye's mother? Well, there you have it.

I start to feel the anger approach me, because I know Mr. Gonzales is right. Skye is like a daughter to Phil and it irritates me. I feel Phil's eyes on me because he thinks of the discussion we had before the meeting began, but I ignore him because I don't want to have contact with him right now or after this meeting.

I then hear Phil start talking again, but I ignore him and the whole meeting. I don't hear what the others say, the only thing I think about is leaving this place as soon as possible, so can get away from Phil.

Then Mr. Gonzales starts to say something that makes me blow in anger. ''You wanna talk facts? Ultron was created, because people were too close to Tony Stark.'' I can then feel May's eyes on me. ''They were blinded by his charm, trusted him. They didn't even thought to look at what he was working on.'' I get more angry with Mr. Gonzales so I'm about to go over to him to do bad things to him, but May stops me. Phil looks at me. ''The Avengers, they let one man do whatever he wanted and the world were destroyed.''

At this point I had enough, so I push May's arm away from me and am about to attack Mr. Gonzales, but then Morse stops me and holds me back. ''You son of a bitch! How dare you talking like that about my boyfriend, while I'm here?!'' I shout at Mr. Gonzales. He now stands next to Phil. I look at Mr. Gonzales with a death glare. He's dead to me.

''Emma, calm down.'' May says to me, but I ignore her like I ignore the others. The only thing I think about now is me killing Mr. Gonzales. Just seeing him standing in front of me with his ridiculous cane makes my anger explode. I try to fight my way to Mr. Gonzales but May and Morse are too strong for me. ''Emma, stop fighting against!'' May then shouts at me.

I stop struggling and look disappointed at her. ''So you agree with him? You say that it's my boyfriend's fault that Ultron almost destroyed the world? I thought you were on my side.'' I then turn to Phil. ''I've known you for a long time, Phil. I can see in your eyes that you agree with that moron you call our collaborator. I knew you would turn you back on me, because we all know that you love Skye more than me.'' I end. Phil then frowns at me, but before he can say anything, I walk out of the office.

''Emma! Emma wait! EMMA!'' I hear Phil shout to me, but I ignore him and keep walking down the hall.

Phil's POV

I tell the mission to the team while showing the bases of Afterlife. I tell them that I'm going in to talk to Jiaying, but Robert then says that it shouldn't be me. I tell him to explain himself, why it shouldn't be me.

''You're too close to this. Skye's like a daughter to you, and her mother is these people's leader.'' He tells me. When he says that Skye's like a daughter to me, I think about Emma, because I know she hates it when people talk about Skye and I's relationship. I look over at her but she looks down at the floor, trying to avoid my eyes.

I then look back at Robert. ''I'm banking on that personal connection to get everyone through this safely.'' I tell him to my advantage.

But he doesn't give in. ''You shouldn't being. This is one of the greatest threats SHIELD's ever faced.'' He says to me.

''I agree, a whole race of people with powers.'' agent Weaver then says to me. I look at both of them.

''And you've proven time and again, that you're not objective when it comes to Skye.'' Robert says. I look over at Emma again, but she still looks down at the floor. I can tell she's mad at me, so I'll talk to her after the meeting.

''That's your opinion, not fact.'' agent Morse says to Robert.

He turns to her. ''You wanna talk facts? Ultron was created, because people were too close to Tony Stark.'' Both May and I look at Emma. She looks at him with an angry and threatening look. ''They were blinded by his charm, trusted him. They didn't even thought to look at what he was working on.'' Emma then starts to walk to him, but May stops her. ''The Avengers, they let one man do whatever he wanted and the world were destroyed for it.'' Robert says because he knows that Emma's a part of the Avengers.

After those words, Emma's anger breaks loose and she starts to attack Robert, but agent Morse and May hold her back. She keeps struggling their grip on her. I understand her. Stark's her boyfriend, and she hates when people talk badly about the people she loves. Robert stands from the chair and walks over next to me.

''You son of a bitch! How dare you talking like that about my boyfriend, while I'm here?!'' Emma shouts at him while giving him a death glare. I can see in her eyes that she's gonna kill him, as soon as she gets her hands on him. I know that Emma is capable of killing him in seconds, so I have to hold her away from him.

''Emma, calm down.'' May say to her, but she keeps the death glare on Robert and keeps struggling. ''Emma, stop fighting against!'' May try again with shouting.

She then stops and turns to May, but I can't see her expression, because she has her back to me. ''So you agree with him? You say that it's my boyfriend's fault that Ultron almost destroyed the world? I though you were on my side.'' she says disappointed to May. She then turns to me with an disappointed expression. ''I've known you for a long time, Phil. I can see in your eyes that you agree with that moron you call our collaborator. I knew you would turn you back on me, because we all know that you love Skye more than me.'' she says to me.

It breaks my heart to hear her say that to me, because it's not true. I love Emma more than life itself. Yes, I see Skye as family, but Emma's so much more than that. Before I can tell her differently, she walks out of the office.

''Emma! Emma wait! EMMA!'' I shout to her and am about to run after her, but May stops me.

''Let her go, Phil. You can talk to her later, but right now we got a mission to finish.'' she tells me. I look towards the way Emma left and nod slowly. We then continue the meeting.

After the meeting and saying goodbye to Mack, I try to find Emma. I can't find her anywhere, but that's not surprising, she's always been good at hide and seek. I pass by the lab and see Fitz-Simmons. Maybe they've seen her.

I walk into the lab. ''Fitz-Simmons, have you seen Emma? I can't find her anywhere. Has she been here with you?'' I ask them concerned.

They look concerned as well. ''No, I haven't, sir. Is there something wrong with Emma?'' Simmons asks me.

I sigh heavily. ''No, she's just mad at me.'' I tell her.

''I actually saw her in the cells, when I was walking by.'' Fitz then says.

I nod at them. ''Thanks. As soon as I've talked to her, I'll be ready to take off.'' I tell them and and leave the lab.

When I reach the cell, I see Emma sitting against the wall and looking down. When I open the door, she looks up at me but she keeps silent and ignores me. I sigh and walk towards the cell. I walk into the cell and sit next to her. She keeps ignoring me and it makes me feel so bad. I know what I said to her earlier wasn't fair and I now regret that.

I take her hand in mine, which makes her look up at me. I kiss her cheek and make her blush. I always loved it when I used to make her blush. ''What you said back there, at the meeting, really hurt my feelings. It broke my heart, because it's not true. Yes, what Robert said is true, but you mean the world to me. I-'' she interrupts me.

''So does Skye. I can see it in your eyes.'' she says in a low voice.

I sigh. ''Yes, she does. But with you it's different. I've known you longer than I've known her. I can't say that you're more important, but I love you more. I love you more than my own life. I can't imagine my life without you, and I know that you can't tell it's not true, because I've told you many times.'' I tell her. She looks at me with a sad expression. Oh God, Phil, what have you done to her?

Avengers: Age of Ultron Sequel to Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now