|| Chapter One || a new beginning

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This first proper fan fiction with a large amount of parts. Thoughts from the characters will be in italic pls comment advice and suggestions for next chapters.

~ PEACE ;)

Sean's POV:

Great, another continent, another country, another state. I sat in the departure lounge tapping my fingers on the coffee table to the beat of my music trickling through my headphones. It'll the same as before, they'll all hate you. I let out a large sigh.

"You'll right Sean?"

"It's Jack ma!"

"Sorry son!"

"I'm fine honest, just tired."

My mom gave a sad smile and went back to reading her newspaper. I shifted my sleeves further down my wrists to cover my hands. What if they see them, they'll think you're an attention seeker. I didn't want to move to America in the first place. Ma thought that it would be a 'great business opportunity' for her little bakery and here we were moving to California.

The 15:50 flight to California is now boarding, please make your way to the gate.

"That's us ma." I nudged my mum as I flicked my hair out of my eyes. It was fading a little. I'd have to retouch it when we got to our new home but for now I had to worry about the 11 hour flight ahead of us.

~time skip~

"Jack? JACK?" I jolted awake, my earphones yanked out of my ears.


"We're here!"

I looked out of the small porthole window as the plane descended into the airport. California was spread out below me like an ants nest. I was not ready for this at all.

Once the plane had landed, I felt a little better about the move. Scrolling through my camera roll, I sighed sadly as I deleted the last pics of me and Josh. I felt my eyes well up with tears as I recalled our last moments together.

Bye Josh

Bye Sean...

You'll text me won't you? When I go?

Sean, I don't think this will work out! I'm not like you. I thought I was but...

But what Josh?...

I don't know....

Talk to me, I thought we were together....

But I'm...I'm not... I... I'm not GAY.

There was a garish yellow taxi waiting outside the airport. I plugged my headphones back in and opened the door with a clunk. I sank low into the back seat whilst my mom made an attempt at small talk with the driver.

"So you're new to California?" The old man asked. He had sagging yellow skin (presumably from a life time of smoking) and rotten teeth.

"Ya, we are moving from Ireland, new beginnings and all tha'" My moms Irish lilt stood out against the rough accent of the smoker.

"Well its not all it is thought to be around 'ere"

"I'm sure its better for business though?"


I decided to zone out for the time being and rested my head against the stained window. My green hair flopped over my eyes and I puffed it out the way. I didn't really know what the people at my new school would think of me but I didn't really care. All I wanted was to find a girlfriend and forget about Josh.

Forget about Josh...

My eyes drifted shut as the car bumped and rocked on the road.

Forget about him.....

Mark's POV:

School had just finished and I had decided to go to the gym to work out.

"Oi Mark?" Melissa called out. "You're coming to the party next week aren't ya?"

"Yea yea" I waved her off dismissively as I unlocked my trusty old car and slid into the drivers seat. Parties weren't really my thing but I guess I'm lucky being invited to as many as I am.

Pulling out of the car park, I was glad today was over. People don't understand how hard it is being harassed by girls all day.


"Crap." I muttered. It was my dad.

Where the fuck are you Mark? You said you'd come straight home.

I'm going to the gym, long day. I'll come home in an hour

You bet you will

I rubbed my temples gently. I could feel a migraine coming on and all I wanted to do was go lift some weights and take my mind off things.

There's a new boy coming tomorrow.

Oh, how could I forget. I had heard he's a transfer from Ireland. I'd always found their accents sexy and I was looking forward to hearing one for myself.

Mark what is wrong with you, he's a guy.

Yeah, all the girls will probably be all over him and his sexy accent. Just like they are with me.

I turned into the gym car park and parked up. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel and muttered to myself.

"Come on. New guy, new beginnings."

Let's go and work out.

Sean's POV:

By the time we made it to our new house next to Woodingdean School, it was past 10pm. I helped my mom unpack all the boxes from the moving van that had turned up late and we spent most of the night arranging our new home. At 12:03 am she kissed me on the cheek and went to her bedroom, me following suit and going to mine.

I yawned tiredly and pulled my top and jeans off. I stood in front of the new floor-length mirror and glanced at my figure.

Okay so I was kinda muscly, that's good.

The more I stared, the more I doubted myself, until I turned away, tears in my eyes. I pulled an old sweatshirt over my head and hugged myself, trying to keep warm.

"The goddamn heating has to be broken hasn't it?" I mumble to myself.

This weren't going to plan but I hoped with all my heart that this would be the start of a new me and a new life.

Away from Josh, away from myself

So this is the beginning to my fanfic. I promise promise promise there will be more septiplier in the next chapters. I forgot to mention THERE MAY BE TRIGGER WARNINGS BUT I WILL PUT THAT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CHAPTER.

Along with smut warnings but for now.

I will see all you dudes in the next chapter. Bu-bye....

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