|| Chapter Two || Who was that guy?

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Warning: Feels are starting

Sean's POV:


"Ah fuck!" I groaned, half asleep. It was 5:45am and i had to get ready for school.

"Crap." I muttered pulling my sheets back and lifting my lazy ass out of bed. Stumbling towards the shower, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

Today was the day, I was going to a new school.

~time shift~

"Alright sweetie?" My mom asked cheerfully after I'd pulled on a black and white top and black jeans and had wandered downstairs to the table.

"Mmhmm." I mumble, stuffing my mouth full of cereal.

"I thought you'd have lost your appetite!" She laughed, clearly entertained by my rush.

"Nah. I never lose that."

She pats me on the shoulder caringly and starts humming a tune as she fries some eggs.

"SUZIE! DANNY! BREAKFAST!" My siblings come rushing down the stairs, full of energy as always. They had already moved over and were staying with a friend of the family until this morning when thy had moved back in with us with a bustle of excitement.

"Mom, this is gonna be awesommmmme!" My little sister Suzie yelled as she cartwheeled her way around the dining room, almost knocking an ornament off the sideboard.

"Careful Suzanna!" My mum warned.

My older brother looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Right! I think the bus is here! Bye guys." I shovel the last bites of cereal into my mouth, push my chair back and grab my jacket and bag of the coat rack.

"You sure you don't want me to drive you?" My mom asks.

"Ma, I'm sixteen, go drive Suzie or something!"

I pulled my trainers on and opened the door. I headed down the path to the bus stop where a typical American school bus was waiting and honked at me.

I jumped on and took a seat at the back.

Who needs people when you have music?

Mark's POV:

My dad was still knocked out from his large amount of alcohol consumption last night so I sneaked around him to get my school stuff. I opened the door and took a deep breath of uncontaminated air. I ran my hands through my red hair as I walked over to my car.

Another day of hell.

~time shift~

Five minutes before the bell was supposed to ring, I had realised that I had forgotten to take my English textbook out of my locker. Dragging myself away from the clinging group of girls that surrounded me, I rushed back to my locker, not looking where I was going.

Suddenly I felt a small frame collide with mine and paper spilled into the air. I looked down and saw a slender green haired boy crouching at my feet, gathering up the rogue papers. He seemed younger than me but maybe it was just his scattiness. I could hear him muttering an apology in a strange accent. I knelt down before him and reached out to help him. Our hands touched for a second and his eyes flashed up to mine. They were a gorgeous blue, like the sky on a cloudless day. His jawline was dotted with stubble and his green hair flopped messily over his face. He looked away frantically, blushing wildly.

"A-ah I'm s-sorry!" He stuttered in a smooth Irish accent.

"It's fine, no problem... You're the new boy!" I said, avoiding his gaze.

"Yeah." He said blushing bright red.

He looked so cute when he blushed. FUCK AM I GOING MAD.

I used my fringe to try and cover my redness as I stood up. Just then the bell started ringing and I helped him collect the last of his papers before heading to my form room.

Saved by the bell.

Sean's POV:


I was rushing to reception with a pile of paperwork when I had to bump into someone, just my luck. My sheets went everywhere and I mumbled an apology to the poor guy. He began helping my pick up the paper and our hands touched. A spark like electricity flew between us and my eyes shot up to meet his. I found myself staring at this beautiful guy with bright red hair that he pushed back from his face instinctively. I blushed wildly, trying not to stare at his toned chest.

I apologised as quickly as I could.

What if he didn't understand my accent? I thought, suddenly embarrassed. His voice was deep and smooth and made my heart flutter. Oh god just grow up jack.

The bell rang and everyone hurried to their lessons. I looked around, trying to spot the red haired boy but he was nowhere to be seen.

I sighed, just forget about it Jack, it was just silly emotions playing with you. I shook my head and made my way to room 275, wondering to myself.

Who was that guy?

I will be posting as many chapters as I can in one day, so please take the time to read them.

And I'll see you dudes in the next chapter BU-BYE

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