|| Chapter Seven || Texts from Mark

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There will not be so much septiplier for the next three chapters but pls don't give up on me. This should help the story deepen!!


Mark's POV:

I could smell the alcohol even through the closed door, the stench of a ruined childhood, a childhood of fear. And it wasn't over yet. One more year and I could move away from the asshole that fathered me.

One more year and I could leave everything behind.

Even Jack?

I leant my head on the door. I needed to pull myself together, I'd only just met him this week. Sure I looked after him last night, but wouldn't anyone do that for him.

I opened the door quietly and crept into the hall, trying not to bump into anything and wake the sleeping monster.



I had tripped on the mat and knocked the keys off the table. I tensed up, listening closely. There was no noise. I let out the unsteady breath I had been holding in. Cautiously, I walked backwards into the living room.


A cold cylindrical shape pressed up against the back of my neck. I knew that feeling only too well.

"Click, click boom!" Came a voice, slurring wildly.

The object dropped away from my neck and I span around fast, kicking the gun from my dads hands.

"Chill, Marky marky marky." He stumbled towards me.

"You asshole! You could have killed me!"

He looked deadly serious. "I know, that won't be too bad would it?"

I felt rage building up in my chest like a fire.

"I'd rather be dead than stay with you."

He grinned, wiping his hand across his mouth, his unshaven face dark with rage.

"Got any girlfriends yet? Or do they not know you're gay?"

"I'm not gay, you son of a bitch."

I raised my fist and threw a hard punch only for him to block it with one hand and twist my arm pulling me onto the floor. I winced in pain and jumped back to my feet, arms raised.

"Get away from me." I screamed.

I pulled myself to my feet and scrambled up the stairs, my bag's contents spilling behind me.

"COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" My father yelled at me, rushing to follow me up the stairs, the gun now clasped in his hands.

I dashed into my bedroom, my heart pounding in fear. I lock my door as quick as I can before I hear the heavy footsteps along the landing.

"Mark, Im sorry." Came a kind voice

I didn't trust him, how could I after what he had done.

"I hate you! I HATE YOU!" I hated how weak I was, as the tears began to fall.

If Jack saw me like this he'd think I was a wimp.


A bullet hole through the middle of my door. "You're lucky this time, Mark. Next time, ill get you. You'll pay for staying out last night, mark my words."

As the footsteps made their way back downstairs, I pulled my phone out of my bag and texted the only person I wanted right now.

Sean's POV:

"Thanks for dinner ma!" I smiled at my mom.

"No problem Jacky!" She replied, shooing Danny upstairs.

"And don't play that metal stuff Danny, Im warning you."

I turned away and pushed my chair back under the table. It was hard to remember yesterdays events, they were all a blur of pain and Mark. That's what my new life consisted of now.

Pain and Mark. It was hard to tell the two apart.

Shaking the older boy out of my head, I sauntered up the stairs to my room. It was the only place I could truly be myself. As I pushed open the door and inhaled the familiar smell, I began to relax. I dragged my hand along my black desk before sitting in my chair. I leant back and stared at the pinboard on my wall. Pictures of me and countless friends covered the whole thing. It was weird, thinking about it, all these people go through your life and hardly leave a mark on you. The only ones that do are the ones you love or the ones you hate and in my case the people that stood out in my life were both.

Josh....and Mark......

I didn't understand why I had strange feelings for the red haired boy, we hardly knew each other but everytime I saw him, I felt scared but also happy.

Just then my phone went off.

It was Felix.

"Hey Jack! Wanna come over to my house?"


"Me, Bob and Wade are having a guys party! Wanna join us?"

"Well sure!"


"W-will Mark be there?" I mumbled.


"Uh no reason."

"Oh yeah about Friday? What's happening between you and Mark?"

"Oh he got confused and I felt sick so he took me home." I lied casually.

I could tell he didn't believe me but i thanked him for inviting me and he told me he'd pick me up at seven.


"Uhhhh Felix!" Why did he have to text me. I checked my phone.

?: Hi?

J: Who's this ?

?: Jack, it's me Mark.

J: Oh hi Mark

M: I wanted to talk to you

J: Oh why?

M: I had a bad day and you were the only one I wanted to talk to.

J: Oh..

M: You know what I mean.

J: Yeah sorry.

M: Can I call you around 6:45

J: Sure. Are you okay?

M: Yeh

J: Mark

M: No im not just I have to go. Bye

What's up with him?

For any of you out there that have been abused at home, I am so so sorry and I don't want to upset you but I just wanted to add more feeling to Mark's character. Those of you that have voted and commented thanks so much. The only reason I write so much in a day is so that I can make this story as long as I can bc I always find longer ones better. Sorry for the long a/n

And I'll see all you dudes... In the next chapter

~ Bu-bye

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