Halloween Welcome and the Goblet of Fire

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It was Halloween and I wasn't aloud to dress up today. Because the other two schools were arriving today. Professor McGonagall wanted us Gryffindors to look our best in our school uniforms. It was a shame to, because Uncle Remus got me a Bat Girl costume this year.

I wore my new robes I got from Diagon Alley and brushed my long thick fiery hair. It only down to the end of my rib cage. Ginny and I watched as carriage pulled by flying horses arrived. It was Beauxbatons students with their head mistress Madam Maxime.

Then Durmstrang arrived by ship from the Black Lake. We all went inside and began the Halloween feast. There were exotic dishes along with our regular food. Because of the other two schools present.

After the feast Mr Crouch and Dumbledore told us about the Goblet of fire. Dumbledore then told us he had put an age line around it. I looked at the twins and gave them a thumbs up. I was making them an aging potion.

Even though I know it won't work. I just wanted to see want would happen if they tried. Ginny and I made a bet on it. Ginny thought it would work, but I said it wouldn't and that they'd grow beards.

(the day after)

I was next to Hermione who was reading a book. We were watching the students put their names into the Goblet of Fire. When Durmstrang was here, Krum sent Hermione a smile. She blushed lightly and I giggled at her reaction.

Then the twins came in with the potion I made for them. Hermione told them that it wouldn't work. But they her it would, because I made it. Hermione gave me a disapproving look as Ginny sat next to me.

We watched them enter the circle and as they were about to put their names in. A magical force pushed them away and they grew white beard. Ginny and I were laughing our heads off. Ginny gave me five sickles and I said "told you so". We watched the twins fight and laughed again.

Dumbledore came in and told them to go to the hospital wing. Before they left he turned to me and said "nice prank Faline". The twins heard and shot me deadly glare. I just laughed, I could not take them seriously at the moment.

(that night)

We had just finished eating and were about to find out who the champions were. The twins got me back by hiding my charm bracelet while I showered. I pretended to cry and they gave it back saying they were sorry.

The first name came out of the fire and it was Fleur from Beauxbatons. Then it was Victor Krum from Durmstrang. The final champion for Hogwarts was Cedric Diggory. We were about to leave when another name appeared.

Dumbledore grabbed the piece of paper and read the name. He looked towards the Gryffindor table and said "Harry Potter". We all gasped and I looked at my big brother. Who appeared just as shocked as us. Hermione and I pushed him towards Dumbledore.

I knew my brother didn't put his name into the Goblet of Fire. We all went back to the common room. Ginny and I went to our dorm to go to bed. I changed into my pj's and Hermione came in. She told me Harry wanted to talk to me.

I nodded and went downstairs to find him near the dying fire. "I know you didn't enter your name and I'll help you through this" I told him. He gave me a big hug and thanked me for being an amazing sister. We said goodnight and went to our separate dorms to sleep.

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