I was about to leave early the next morning. But Hermione caught me and said "you were the doe weren't you". I nodded my head avoiding her gaze and she sighed. "I won't tell anyone about you been an Animagus. Just be careful in the forest ok" Hermione told me.
I smiled and gave her bear hug thanking her repeatedly. After that I left and told her I'd be back in time for dinner. She told me she'd cover for me and not tell anyone where I was.
Once I got to the forest with Gwen and Jean. I made sure the ghost was clear before turning into a doe. I stretched my limbs and I ran into the forest with Gwen & Jean behind me.
(2:00 o'clock in the afternoon)
I was having so much fun in the forest today. I'd played with the baby thestrals in their paddock for ninety minutes. Then played hide and seek with Gwen for an hour in the forest. I then raced Jean over the hills with Gwen on my back. Jean was flying of course she is a phoenix after all. She won the race and Gwen won the game of hide & seek.
Right now we were relaxing a clearing Jean was in a tree. While Gwen and I laid down in a patch of sun light by a nearby creak. Gwen was asleep and I was about to doze off. When I heard the tightening of a bow string.
I only just dodged the arrow before it got me in the chest. I turned to see Firenze and seven other centaurs at the tree line. They all had a bow and a quiver of arrows. I changed back into my human and said. "Honestly Firenze, I know I haven't been here in awhile. But I thought you'd still recognize my animal form".
Firenze blushed, I didn't know centaurs could do that I thought. The other centaurs laughed at his expression. But he told them to stop and then told me. "I am sorry young Faline, but your animal form has grown. As well as your human one" he explained. I nodded and he introduced me to the others.
The other centaurs left to continue their hunt they were when they came across me. Firenze and I walked around the forest with me in human form. Jean flew next to us and Gwen was on my shoulder. He asked me how my education was going.
I told him it was going fine and that I was now studying Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. He nodded and told me about some of the creature that lived in the forest. I took out my note book I use to write notes in. From my time with Firenze and in the forest.
We did this for two hours before he lead me back to the castle. I said goodbye to him and went inside. Jean and Gwen went to Gryffindor to sleep after the long day in the forest. I went to the prefects bathroom and said "piping fresh".
The door opened and revealed the beautiful bathroom my brother told me about. I turned on the taps and added some rose scented soaps. I pulled out a towel, shampoo and conditioner from my bag. I had put an undetectable extension charm on it . So that I could put multiple stuff into it.
I had a relaxing bath for a half hour. No one came in and I was pleased about that. When I was done I dried off and put on some fresh clothes. Then I packed up and drowned the tub.
I left the bathroom after checking the map I borrowed from Harry. When I got to the library Hermione and Ginny was already there studying. I sat next to her and pulled out my Ancient Runes book to do my home work. I told them all about my day in the forest and Hermione scolded me for nearly being shoot.
That night us girls had a sleep over in the common room. Just the three of us with pillows and blankets. We were in our pj's and got into out make shift bed. I blocked my mind as we all fell asleep.
Picture of centaur hunting party above and this all happened on a Sunday. They had a day off tomorrow to study for exams.

Faline's Brother is a Champion
FantasyFaline is about to start her third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But first her and Harry were going to the Quidditch World Cup with Hermione and the Weasleys. When they get back to school and Dumbledore tells them about the Tri...