It was the last day of school and exams were over. Beaxbatons and Durmstrang were leaving today. Victor gave Hermione his address so that they could write to each other. I haven't spoken to Draco since that day in the graveyard.
I was standing next to Harry and Ron. When Fleur walked over to say goodbye. She told us she was going to get a job here to improve her english. This made me happy, unlike Ginny I didn't mind having Fleur around.
Harry, Hermione, Ron and I got onto the train to head home. Ron told Harry that he could come to the Burrow during the holidays. Hermione invited me to have another sleepover at her house. Harry then told me that Aunt Petunia wanted me to stay over.
I refused saying that there was no way in hell I'd be going there again. We all laughed at that as the trolley lady came by our compartment. Harry payed for some sweets as usual. I only eat a few chocolate frogs and gave the cards to Ron.
I got up to use the bathroom and I told the others. Gwen jumped onto my shoulder. Her or Jean are always with me now after want had happened. I didn't mind it though, I thought it was sweet of them.
As I left the bathroom I heard Gwen hiss angrily at someone behind me. I turned to see Draco standing there with Blaise. When I tried to leave they blocked my way. I looked at Draco and he asked if we could talk.
I nodded and followed them to an empty compartment. Blaise guarded the door as Draco and I entered the compartment. "I don't want to hear your excuses Malfoy. Because of your father I have no wand and have to buy a new one. So don't try to justify anything" I told Draco sitting down opposite him.
"I'm not going to make excuses for what my Father did to you. But I don't think it's safe for you to date me anymore. With the Dark Lord back" Draco told me sadly. Tears appeared in my eyes and we hugged each other tightly. "By the way mum sent me this, this morning apologizing" he adds handing me my wand. I test my patronus charm and my wand didn't do anything out of the ordinary.
Draco and I kissed one last time, before I left compartment. When the others saw my puffy eyes. They asked want was wrong. Ron left so that I could talk to Harry and Hermione alone. I put a muffle spell on the door and locked it. So that no one would interrupt us or hear our conversation.
"Draco and I just broke up. He believes it would be to dangerous for me to be his girlfriend. Now that Voldemort has returned" I told them. They pulled me into a hug as I started to cry again.
Harry told me he'd make Draco pay for it in Quidditch next year. Hermione told me she'd tell Ginny for me. This made me happy and we let Ron back in lifting the spell on the door.
(an hour later)
We just pulled into Kings Cross Station and got our things. Gwen was in her cage as we left the train. I said goodbye to the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione. Before heading over to where my Uncle and Tonks were waiting for me. Tonks took Gwen's cage as Uncle Remus took me trunk.
Tonks grabbed my arm and apperated to an alley. Uncle Remus gave me a piece of paper with 'Number Twelve Grimmauld Place' written on it. He then destroyed it as an house appeared in front of us. They hurried me inside.
I saw Uncle Sirius and he gave me a warm hug. He welcomed me into his family's old home. Tonks took my things upstairs and Uncle Remus told me this would be the H.Q for the Order. That I was to stay here all summer while he went on an important mission for Dumbledore.
After we had dinner which was just some left over pasta from the night before. Sirius wanted to show me something he lead me to his mothers old room. When he opened the door I saw Buckbeak resting on the bed. I bowed to him and he bowed back. I gave him a pat and Sirius feed him.
Tonks came to show me to the room I'd be sharing with Hermione and Ginny. Apparently the Weasley family and Hermione would be arriving in about a week. I fell asleep on the old bed after blocking my mind dreaming of my time in the Dark Forest near Hogwarts.
The End

Faline's Brother is a Champion
FantasyFaline is about to start her third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But first her and Harry were going to the Quidditch World Cup with Hermione and the Weasleys. When they get back to school and Dumbledore tells them about the Tri...