It was Valentine's day and it was a Hogsmeade weekend. Draco asked me to go with him, just the two of us. Apparently Professor Snape was fine with us being together, even though we weren't a couple. When I told Ginny and Hermione they were excited.
They helped me decided what to wear and how to do my hair. I settled on a pair of black jeans, white blouse and a leather jacket Uncle Remus gave me for Christmas. My hair was down, because I didn't want it up and Draco liked to play with it.
I was to met Draco in some coffee shop in Hogsmeade for lucnh. When I got there I was disgusted by all the pink and love hearts. Draco didn't like it either and took me to the Three Broomsticks instead.
He got us a private booth so that we could be alone. I was about to pay for my butterbeer and food, but he paid instead. He told me that guys paid for the girls things on a date. I blushed as I took a sip of my drink. Letting my hair hid me, but Draco lifted my chin and said "I like it when you blush. Please don't hid it" that made me blush even more. We finished our lunch in silence.
Draco then took me to Honey Duke's and we were aloud to go to the cellar. To see their last sweets before they put them on the shelves. I felt like a princess with all this special treatment and Draco being a gentleman.
We then went on a carriage ride through town and played twenty questions. I found out Draco's favourite colour was black, he loved playing Quidditch, and he told me about his family. About his Aunt that was in Azkaban and want she did. He promised me he would never join Voldemort is he ever returned.
This made me very happy and I told of my nightmares. I also told him my favourite colour was red and that I loved working with magical creatures. He told me he would help me get some experience for after I finished school.
I gave him a hug and when we pulled back. We began to lean in and this time there was no interruptions. When our lips connected there were sparks flying. Draco pulled away and gave me a smile not his famous smirk. He pecked my lips and then helped me out of the carriage.
That had stopped during our kiss. We were at Zonko's Joke Shop and we entered it. Mr Zonko took us to his office and showed us his latest joke products. Draco brought me a few, I was going to show the twins later. So that they could get ideas for their own joke products besides their lollies.
(that night)
We went toward the lake and I saw a boat waiting for us. Like the ones we rode on our first year at Hogwarts. He helped me into the boat and then got in next to me. When we got to the middle of the lake.
Fireworks started exploding in the sky and we watched. Draco grabbed my hand and asked me "Faline will you be my girlfriend?" I agreed and we kissed again, but only for a few minutes. When we got to Hogwarts he helped me out and walked me back to Gryffindor Tower.
We said goodnight and I went inside where Ginny and Hermione were waiting for me. They pulled me to Ginny and my dorm and ask me about my date. I told them everything and they were happy for me and Draco. Hermione told me to tell Harry, because he'd freak if someone else told him.
I agreed and Hermione left to go to bed. Ginny and I changed into our pj's before going to bed. All I could think before going to bed was I was going to see a whole new world. With Draco Malfoy as my boyfriend. I fell asleep forgetting to block my mind and had a nightmare of the graveyard again.
Song above is connected to the chapter, but you don't have to listen to or watch it.

Faline's Brother is a Champion
FantasyFaline is about to start her third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But first her and Harry were going to the Quidditch World Cup with Hermione and the Weasleys. When they get back to school and Dumbledore tells them about the Tri...